Ultimate waterman SUP race
Conditions looked very choppy
So what do the smart ones pick.. The ACE
Connor have you ever actually seen him race the ACE??
Danny Ching ditches his own board for the ACE and DK who wins the event title is on an ACE.
Wasn't there to see it but I imgaine Kai would of struggled in the chop on a narrow flat deck compared to the boys in the ACE's and only finished 1 spot in front of DK. Would have had the title if he was a couple places further up.
Connor won the Doctor on an Ace a few years back. That's about the only other time I've seen him on an Ace. Interesting seeing the bloke in the luminescent green hat paddling an Ace.
I agree PT Danny is a smart man will we see I'm in Germany in the sprint go a sprint this year to retain his fastest man title?
Also paint scheme say he's on the 2015 while Connor 2014?
Do you know PT what DK is on? Is an ace has small starby sticks on it but is it a custom or just a custom paint scheme?
Daniel kereopa Is DK. He won the whole event. Kiwi local. Most think he was the underdog against such big names. I did also but have known he is for some time being a kiwi myself and the guy just has a heart the size of the Asia he wanted to win this so bad on home soil. To clinch a win from Kai in the sup surf and long board I still didn't think he would win come sup race but Kai didnt finish high enough above him.
An Upset maybe but I think those that know DK know this guy is an all round beast in the ocean.
I replied to a post on the Starboard Facebook page and Connor was on a 23" 2014 and Danny was on a 25" 2015. Reason being was that was all they could get their hands on after a busy summer in NZ.
Danny had a 404 there but borrowed the ace at the last minute off one of the local female paddlers, a smart call as the choppy harbour conditions were made for them. DK was on an old 11 or 12 glass ace, with custom paint. kai rode his Nash which wasn't ideal for the conditions and may partly explain the gap between himself and the first 3.
Interesting to see Georges went a flat water board and managed a 3rd place, so maybe not necessarily an excuse for Kai to not do so well by blaming it on the flat deck boards.
Great to see Connor using the Starboard Ace and leaving such a large gap. Very interesting to see Danny C, using the Starboard Ace as well.