i know it's been up before, but if anyone has some photo's, would love to have a look at them again
ive seen them in mags etc, what are the point of them? is it the push pull tyhingy or does it do away with that and allow the pull pull....thingy (wine attached - hic*)
There was vids of bendy shaft paddles in a post of DJ's called 'Werner Paddle Videos' that got moved to Gear Reviews.
The benefit of the 'double bend' is that it allows your wrist to sit at more of a 90 degrees to the shaft rather than at the slightly off centre grip on a straight shaft especially at the catch. I have tried a couple in the canoe and they feel very comfortable. Not sure how they feel with the longer shaft for SUP.
Be nice to try it. Might have to work out how to make one so I can try it the cheap way.
The Tahitian outrigger teams use them exclusively and they are the fastest paddlers in the world and perhaps the only truly professional (as in do it for a job) paddlers as a 10 man team.