Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

empty perfection

Created by Samiman > 9 months ago, 21 Jul 2015
14 posts
21 Jul 2015 9:58AM
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paddling out into an empty line up like this always gets me excited over and over again ...

king of the point
WA, 1836 posts
21 Jul 2015 11:06AM
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You have to thank GOD for rewarding your efforts , now soak it it up and enjoy the isolation and moment, empty line up are like winning lotto these days.

I had a moment similar and was racking my wave count up and in heaven ,but started thinking it would be good if someone was around in case of an incident, sure enough my wish was granted a boat arrived, i was happy to see it, until 8 crew instantly paddled out

Tar for your stoke and keeping the dream alive.

NSW, 120 posts
21 Jul 2015 1:23PM
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Posting that is cruel..... but keep it up

14 posts
21 Jul 2015 1:19PM
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so, so true ... sometimes fortune favors those who can afford to be patient, cheers !


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"empty perfection" started by Samiman