FCS 1 or 2 Might even be 5, hope you know. help. thinking about quobba on my board instead of buying a new one
Ok - do Quobba fins fit into " futures" fin box - all the talk has been fcs1 and 2 with adapters - sent them an email and should hear back on Monday, in meantime, any info? Thanks Steve
Future boxes are all zero cant so the cant is in the fin . FCS fins are all mainly straight and the cant is in the box . You can cut a futures fin down to 2 tabs to fit FCS but the cant will be different .
I am just relaying the info found by others :-)
I learnt about the Wasabi by the post of bobajob (and Bighugg) on another thread (C drive fins) in this forum.
Point to note , with center fin ,
do you have all Futures boxes... all the same.
or US / Longboard center box .... with this you'll need dual tab center fin and Fcs longboard adapter.
Quobba is ok with getting you this combo, just ask. Great to folks to deal with.