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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

gopro help needed

Created by mattyongoldy > 9 months ago, 24 Dec 2014
QLD, 166 posts
24 Dec 2014 10:42AM
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I just tried out my new gopro4 silver after upgrading from the hero 2 didn't exactly get the results I was expecting. The footage while ultra clear had a weird stuttering effect. Settings were 1080 x 60 fps superview, protune on go pro colors. Was mounted on paddle shaft. Maybe vibrations through shaft? Seemed to be worst when traveling fast . Didn't convert files to mp4 just copied to pc and iPad had same results on both. Any ideas or settings would be appreciated. Will upload video when have time thanks.

QLD, 153 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:00AM
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Have you tried plugging the gopro into your tv and playing the video directly from the gopro? Your pc might not have the grunt to play the video correctly. I've had the same problem with my Hero3 when the frame rates are high.

QLD, 7083 posts
24 Dec 2014 3:51PM
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I had major battles with my new GP4 Silver & Black. First up you need the best cards you can buy , look on the Gopro site and make sure you use what they recommend.(JB HiFi stocks them) That could be all you dramas. 2nd you need to update straight out of the box and make sure you reformat your card ,very important after the upgrade. 3rd make sure it actually upgraded your camera it should go through a sequence flashing upgrade about 3 times it takes a couple of minutes. Another catch is when you drop the Update folder to download only use the folder that says only Update and not Update-1 or 2 or 3 if you have tried multiple times to download these folders pop up. If thats the case clear your download folder then repeat process from the start.

Cameras settings: make sure spot metre is off and don't worry about pro tune you don't need it the camera is that good. The other thing is GoPro Studio delete it and don't use it thats why you have down load issues it hi jacks the download and clears the card before other programmes can complete the download and it causes corrupt files. I gave Gopro a canning on this in my emails back and forth. It really is a **** programme. Only use this programme if you have no other edit programme.

In summary 1/ Use the right card 2/ Update and reformat after update 3/ No pro tune it doesn't add colour it flattens it and you re-colour in post 4/ delete Gopro Studio. Try this and see how you go you can email me if you want and one more thing 60fps is NTSC switch to PAL and set to 50fps. In low light use 25fps it will be brighter.

Good Luck hope I didn't freak you out

This might help from Go-Pro

Hi Rob,

Thank you for contacting the GoPro Support Team and we're sorry to hear that your experiencing some issues updating your HERO4 Black.

Let's try re-updating your camera's software. Give it a try, and let us know how it goes. Here are the instructions:1. Reformat your microSD card in the camera with the Delete ALL/Format function in the settings menu. If you're unsure of how to do that, read these instructions on how to reformat your microSD card in your camera.2. Power off your camera and eject the microSD card. Set your microSD card aside. In the steps outlined below, you'll need to drag a folder from your computer to your microSD card. Find your 'microSD card to USB adapter' or your 'microSD to SD card adapter' and set it aside for later. Here are some pictures of the adapters if you're unsure of what they look like.3. Click on the link at the end of this step, which will download the UPDATE folder to your computer. Note - if the UPDATE folder is zipped once you download it to your computer, meaning that you see "" instead of "UPDATE", double-click on it so that unzips to give you the UPDATE folder. If you are a Windows user you may need to create a new folder called "UPDATE" on your desktop and move the contents of into this new folder.HERO4 UPDATE4. Connect your microSD card to your computer using the adapter you set aside in step 2, then drag the UPDATE folder to the root level of your microSD card. Here's an article that explains how to find the root level of your microSD card.5. Eject your microSD card from your computer. 6. Make sure your camera is powered OFF, then insert your microSD card back into your camera.7. Power your camera ON. In a few seconds, the camera's screen will flash "UPDATING" with a picture of a down-arrow and a camera to indicate that it's updating. It'll power OFF/ON 1-2 times, and show a message saying "UPDATE SUCCESS". The UPDATE SUCCESS message means that the camera successfully re-updated.8. Lastly, I recommend that you reformat your microSD card again in the camera so that you start with a fresh card the next time you use your camera.Note: If pasting the files to the created folder "UPDATE" didn't worked, try to paste them into the the root of the SD card. Please try both ways.

This should clear things up for you. Please let me know how it goes.

Many Thanks,

Fábio M.
GoPro Support

QLD, 48 posts
24 Dec 2014 10:11PM
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great read Von,i don't own one but the sharing of your knowledge is really good ,good onya mate

QLD, 166 posts
25 Dec 2014 9:41PM
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Thanks for all the info Piros, appreciate the time put into your reply. Think the sd cards fine sd extreme hc1. I think the firmwear is current out of the box v01.20.00 Probably newer batch. I'll give the rest of your suggestions a try.

QLD, 166 posts
25 Dec 2014 9:57PM
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Select to expand quote
mattyongoldy said..
Thanks for all the info Piros, appreciate the time put into your reply. Think the sd cards fine sd extreme hc1. I think the firmwear is current out of the box v01.20.00 Probably newer batch. I'll give the rest of your suggestions a try.

maybe paddle vibration from chop or water on lens.

QLD, 7083 posts
26 Dec 2014 12:45AM
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That vision is fine you are just missing the sun. As I said before shoot a slower frame rate in low light and the vision will pop.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Dec 2014 10:52AM
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I was thinking of getting a simple to use camera. after looking at robs summary/post, I think ill pass on the gopro

QLD, 4177 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:01PM
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Got a new Go -pro for xmas too , look forward to trying to get it right.


<a href="
">Movie</a> from <a href="">andrew edhouse</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.

2681 posts
27 Dec 2014 1:14PM
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I'm glad everyone got GoPros for Christmas.

IMO.... not enough videos being posted... I like everyones, not just the rippers

Keep em' coming!

QLD, 1344 posts
27 Dec 2014 3:39PM
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Select to expand quote
laceys lane said...
I was thinking of getting a simple to use camera. after looking at robs summary/post, I think ill pass on the gopro

I'm in the same boat. From what I hear the ION air pro's are much easier "shoot and upload" than gopro with great footage being taken. but lack in other areas.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"gopro help needed" started by mattyongoldy