Nooooo - dude - say it isn't so!!!
I reckon it looks like you're about to swing it back round on your forehand and just f*kn strafe the ledge with your outside rail and ride out clean as a whistle - except with a few hundred extra grey hairs on yr noggin.
Phew ...never doing that again .9,11 fins survived again ..catching small waves on a reef break at high tides has its risks ..but i thought i was a gonna ...if i didn't have my paddle to dig in i maybe would of been high and dry ...again ...I would of been licking them rocks ...
IT was made to factory specs ,so its in there computer ,as Tino says ..I some times use it just to paddle around on too ,and catch a few ankle slappers ...you have to get up the tail for snappy turns ,but it does turn quite well for a big board ..but its all about the board speed with this one ...you can catch waves from way back ,not the quickest to turn around due to the length ,but once it eyes up a wave theres no stopping it ..it just charges ...and bigger waves the better ...I've had some filthy sessions on it ...it takes the scare out of big wave riding ...and ok just paddling around in flat water too ..I Don't think i could ride the next one down ...i think it was like 120 litres and 28 wide .hope thats enough info ..for ya zeusman.
I have a 12 foot venom (28 wide 170L) . I use it in small stuff even though it's a gun shape . I always thought a stretched out insane at say 11 foot may work similar to the venom and be easier to manage out of the water . Am i crazy ?
not at all ...i wish mine was a little bigger sometimes ,but there is a 12 foot point break in mind
All i know is mine is amazing in big surf and big drops ..going any bigger you may have problems .dunno .? but i like your thinking ,
I do feel a 10 foot board is long enough in the surf for me .
Nothing beats the length for that glide, amazing looking board, no wonder you were stressing when the rock popped up that close!
Thanks sou'wester ..here's another shot ,let start up a gun revolution . I was out the back surfing big waves on it one day ,then came in on the chest high waves ...after the bottom hand turn it just picks up heaps of speed ..climb back on the tail ..and I was snapping it off the top not problem ..and throwing off some nice rooster tails ..you just have to think big turns ..as a 9.11 is a big swing arm ...
My front foot is on the rear dark part ,but yes great glide on this size board ...you can have lots of fun on it in small waves too ...if your prepared to do a bit of walking up and down .
Aw Christ, guns - don't get me started. Love 'em.
Here's me 14' Stinger.
Also recently been thinking about adding a custom 9'11 Throttle into the quiver.
Slight increase in volume over the Insane - helps us blokes sittin' above 100kegs.
Bring on the gun revolution.
NOW we're talking dingo
green machine ...eye candy .
custom throttle .. YEAH dingo go . ..I'm 93 kgs and i find the 140 ok for me but 30 wide would of been better ,because when its BIG ,there's alway heaps of water moving around in different directions ..i sit on mine out the back a bit ..cause she's a bit wobbly with the really rounded rails ,but you appreciate them when your screaming down the face of a big wave ..NO FEAR .
I've got use to the width now .
What I love about the gun shape ....even in the mickey mouse waves I catch ....is that it is great into wind , with the wind , through chop.....Just doesn't plough . Great paddlers . They are also tippy enough to make them a challenge enough in any conditions and can help with minor direction changes down the line just through sheer foot movement and shifting weight
Holy moly Dingo, thats huuuge!
The additional length means you can paddle straighter longer and not need to switch sides as often, this is a bonus in small and big waves I reckon.
I have not had a gun shape but a 10ft x29 J-Hawk - really miss that board, snapped it in some pretty dumpy sizey waves, the sweet spot for turning was spot on for me and I found it easier to get on rail and throw around then a shorter wider board.
I'm slowly building a quiver again and something in either a gun shape or a narrowish longboard shape will be a must in the arsenal. Too much fun not to have one
First one is my 11'11"
Quotes the weight incorrectly before. Its actually 9.1kg. I nicknamed it DADDY MASSIVE
Second one is my 9'6". Weighs 7.5kg and is my go to in most wave sizes and conditions.
A 'Gun Show' thread is a great idea Zeus, I don't have one to share so I am not the best to start it but would be a keen reader - its all about the glide!