Forums > Surfing Longboarding

3D printed fins

Created by RoyStuart > 9 months ago, 16 Nov 2014
382 posts
20 Nov 2014 7:24PM
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Roy I think (for this lot) the only mistake you may have made with you marketing your fins was not identifying them as 'being hand crafted from individually collected pieces of clear whale **** from the pristine waters of NZ & coloured with hand squeezed locally found native plant dyes & that the leading edge "blunts" were hand worked into the fins using 10 day old pieces of seaweed".

Jees, give a rest guys it a "new" product & yes we all know they don't work, Ha. Chripes whats a set worth, not even a good drink or lunch, get over it. Good onya Roy. I'll PM about a set.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Nov 2014 8:32AM
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CMC said..

A few years ago Ted I was doing some work with the Australian Surf Craft Industry Association. With family in Education and having recently completed some Training and Assessing quals I was helping them at that time on the development of formal trade qualifications for surfboard manufacturers.

The benefits were many, creating a credible qual for little Johnny to see some kind of career path by linking it to Composites Tech qualifications and pathways to advanced applications outside of the Surfing Industry.

The largest win I believed was that as part of any trade qualification in this day and age would be to teach apprentices about other techniques instead of just the old PU and Poly standards.

Just imagine if you will an industry full of people with skills to mould, vacuum bag, explore other materials and generally not be afraid to experiment. Throw in youth, excitement and competition and where would we end up??

To cut a long story short the "experts" at that time could see no sense in teaching anyone anything other than the standard materials... Opportunity lost.

That sounds like a massively wasted opportunity too me - what a shame. Sort of sums up my general feel on the industry as a whole. It is such a shame that this industry has chosen the path of perfecting something that is 50 yrs old rather than heading down an innovation path where anything is possible. There are still some wonderful innovators out there (Bert Burger, JD etc) but in terms of people pushing the envelope as a proportion of the greater industry it appears relatively thin. Lets hope for some change one day soon.

532 posts
21 Nov 2014 9:51AM
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Only properly sanitised innovation is approved by the cartel.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Nov 2014 1:21PM
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Nicely worded Roy !

VIC, 3829 posts
21 Nov 2014 2:22PM
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unclethirsty said..
Roy I think (for this lot) the only mistake you may have made with you marketing your fins was not identifying them as 'being hand crafted from individually collected pieces of clear whale **** from the pristine waters of NZ & coloured with hand squeezed locally found native plant dyes & that the leading edge "blunts" were hand worked into the fins using 10 day old pieces of seaweed".

Jees, give a rest guys it a "new" product & yes we all know they don't work, Ha. Chripes whats a set worth, not even a good drink or lunch, get over it. Good onya Roy. I'll PM about a set.

Nice generalisation...maybe if Roy wasn't so sure he knew more about surfing and surfboards than anyone whoever lived his post's would be greeted a bit more warmly...

532 posts
21 Nov 2014 1:38PM
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I don't think that and never have.

WA, 6913 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:21PM
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Tux said..

unclethirsty said..
Roy I think (for this lot) the only mistake you may have made with you marketing your fins was not identifying them as 'being hand crafted from individually collected pieces of clear whale **** from the pristine waters of NZ & coloured with hand squeezed locally found native plant dyes & that the leading edge "blunts" were hand worked into the fins using 10 day old pieces of seaweed".

Jees, give a rest guys it a "new" product & yes we all know they don't work, Ha. Chripes whats a set worth, not even a good drink or lunch, get over it. Good onya Roy. I'll PM about a set.

Nice generalisation...maybe if Roy wasn't so sure he knew more about surfing and surfboards than anyone whoever lived his post's would be greeted a bit more warmly...

Now your making Roy sound just like Legion

332 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:32PM
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jbshack said..

Tux said..

unclethirsty said..
Roy I think (for this lot) the only mistake you may have made with you marketing your fins was not identifying them as 'being hand crafted from individually collected pieces of clear whale **** from the pristine waters of NZ & coloured with hand squeezed locally found native plant dyes & that the leading edge "blunts" were hand worked into the fins using 10 day old pieces of seaweed".

Jees, give a rest guys it a "new" product & yes we all know they don't work, Ha. Chripes whats a set worth, not even a good drink or lunch, get over it. Good onya Roy. I'll PM about a set.

Nice generalisation...maybe if Roy wasn't so sure he knew more about surfing and surfboards than anyone whoever lived his post's would be greeted a bit more warmly...

Now your making Roy sound just like Legion

I think its funny that Roy turns out handcrafted works of art worth a cool million and everyone has a crack. Its a shame really.

I would like to try one of those trailer fins for the thruster, looks like an interesting concept.

Playing with any other fin types Roy?

532 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:41PM
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Coming up this week we have a thruster set on a standard template with the bumpy leading edge feature, in several sizes and cant options. Then some fish fins, a pivot fin, and a D fin all without the BLEF but with three different foil options in various sizes. After that the tunnel fins. The order can change when a particular fin is ordered. plus custom order go to the top of the queue.

ACT, 160 posts
21 Nov 2014 7:45PM
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I think its funny that people still believe the boards are worth a millon (or more accurately, one has been sold for a million).

WA, 9675 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:51PM
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damo666 said...
I think its funny that people still believe the boards are worth a millon (or more accurately, one has been sold for a million).

Well that is what was quoted.

Now,I'm still.waiting on my fin pm from you.
Yet what I now is the mccoy BLEF?that you suggested single.shorty with the big arse...... And now I have just picked up the most fun board I have ridden in god knows. Midlength hp thruster setup. Love the fins it had in it,they were actually smaller than what I would usually ride,but were feeling nice. So I would like to.try a set up.for that sled as well. Awaiting your offer

332 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:53PM
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RoyStuart said..
Coming up this week we have a thruster set on a standard template with the bumpy leading edge feature, in several sizes and cant options. Then some fish fins, a pivot fin, and a D fin all without the BLEF but with three different foil options in various sizes. After that the tunnel fins. The order can change when a particular fin is ordered. plus custom order go to the top of the queue.

This I would like to try

332 posts
21 Nov 2014 4:54PM
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damo666 said..
I think its funny that people still believe the boards are worth a millon (or more accurately, one has been sold for a million).

Its only worth what people are willing to pay..

WA, 6913 posts
21 Nov 2014 9:21PM
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genuine said..

jbshack said..

Tux said..

unclethirsty said..
Roy I think (for this lot) the only mistake you may have made with you marketing your fins was not identifying them as 'being hand crafted from individually collected pieces of clear whale **** from the pristine waters of NZ & coloured with hand squeezed locally found native plant dyes & that the leading edge "blunts" were hand worked into the fins using 10 day old pieces of seaweed".

Jees, give a rest guys it a "new" product & yes we all know they don't work, Ha. Chripes whats a set worth, not even a good drink or lunch, get over it. Good onya Roy. I'll PM about a set.

Nice generalisation...maybe if Roy wasn't so sure he knew more about surfing and surfboards than anyone whoever lived his post's would be greeted a bit more warmly...

Now your making Roy sound just like Legion

I think its funny that Roy turns out handcrafted works of art worth a cool million and everyone has a crack. Its a shame really.

I would like to try one of those trailer fins for the thruster, looks like an interesting concept.

Playing with any other fin types Roy?

I have no issue with Roy. It's Legion who i was poking fun at

9106 posts
2 Dec 2014 8:10AM
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can't wait to try this baby
just picked it up yeeeew.

NSW, 249 posts
2 Dec 2014 8:26PM
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So...I would think Roy is saying he doesn't know what day it is?????

NSW, 1488 posts
2 Dec 2014 8:31PM
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This guy puts Mac and Co to shame big time..

Talk about a MEGA PIMP !

QLD, 21900 posts
2 Dec 2014 7:35PM
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surfbroker said..
This guy puts Mac and Co to shame big time..

Talk about a MEGA PIMP !

Oh come on surfbroker I've scaled my pimping right down to keep the peace

You know I could smash Roy

In the pimping game But I think Roy is good value well as a creative man.

13831 posts
2 Dec 2014 5:53PM
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Macaha said..

surfbroker said..
This guy puts Mac and Co to shame big time..

Talk about a MEGA PIMP !

Oh come on surfbroker I've scaled my pimping right down to keep the peace

You know I could smash Roy

In the pimping game But I think Roy is good value well as a creative man.

Go on drop one of your out of the undie drawer classics

QLD, 21900 posts
2 Dec 2014 7:55PM
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Nah I've got nothing pup

1195 posts
2 Dec 2014 6:17PM
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RoyStuart said..

Macaha said..

RoyStuart said..
25% off today for Cyber Monday..

A report on the Gull Wing:.

A report on the Spitfire Nubster:.

Win a Nubster on Facebook:.

your relentless Roy I like your small thing,its tuesday today not monday

Thanks and well spotted.

I've extended the discount for another week, just enter 25% off at the checkout.

Hey Roy, I like your input on fins, boards and surfing. Keep it coming. But maybe can the ads? (Although I know you are also being funny - and that's almost always a good thing. )

The Seabreeze Forums Rules include:

* No "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy"

* No business advertising

Cheers, Dave (school prefect )

NSW, 1301 posts
2 Dec 2014 9:33PM
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damo666 said..
I think its funny that people still believe the boards are worth a millon (or more accurately, one has been sold for a million).

Whats this BS no board is worth a million bucks ,what sucker would pay that,Id like to see a pic of said board,its not funny its hilariously sad :)

4627 posts
3 Dec 2014 12:30AM
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Gee I'd love to see Roy and Wiz in the same

NSW, 1488 posts
3 Dec 2014 8:09AM
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wavelength said.
The Seabreeze Forums Rules include:

* No "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy"

* No business advertising

Cheers, Dave (school prefect ) be promoted to School Captain..

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Macaha said..

surfbroker said..
This guy puts Mac and Co to shame big time..

Talk about a MEGA PIMP

In the pimping game But I think Roy is good value well as a creative man.

I agree about creativity and include Smart self promotion.

1195 posts
3 Dec 2014 7:05AM
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Yep. I'm all for those creative souls, including Roy, who are involved in the industry sharing their knowledge and talking about their creations. I'm only suggesting that the direct sales pitch stuff can maybe get a bit OTT at times. And to be fair, sometimes it's a fine line. That video of Tom Carroll in the 666 room is slick marketing... it's also a great vid.

TAS, 1925 posts
3 Dec 2014 12:46PM
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genuine said..

AndyrooMac said..

surfbroker said...

RoyStuart said..

surfbroker said..
I've got a head for technology and education/qualifications in chemistry...but..with surfing we've seen where Surftech went ( am I wrong to say Tuflite is no where near as saleable/desirable as it was say 10 years ago)..So ok it's innovation etc etc..but the majority of surfers are more inclined to stay with the old school, cost effective product..I might be on the wrong track..correct me if I am

I don't see what this has to do with Surftech.

Hey Roy..don't get me Surftech comparison is about new technology VS old...that was my point..I like your idea

Meh! Hand crafted products have a soul, there's true beauty in the imperfection... I'm old school and I'll compromise ultimate performance for something "real" any day of the week...

Why do hand shapes have more soul than anything?? That would mean that anything done by a machine is crap and that isnt right. 95% of all boards come of a machine.
At the end of the day most people dont have a soul so what hope has a plastic fin????

I agree here that shapers still use tools but its still the craftsman thats making the calls, making small mistakes and imperfections that make each item its own in some unique way. And I for one would rather support these small independent operators rather than these large corporations that are just mass producing crap and exploiting cheap labor to support their own greed.

I guess thats just how I prefer things whereas I know that everyone these days wants to push a button and "Bam" its there and its perfect, its the freakin Jetsons really but not me, when I drink coffee its from a barista, not this nespresso wastage crap; when I drink a beer its from the local craft guy, not some international cartel; when I buy a hamburger its from the local shop, not one of these greedy multinationals exploiting our planet and when I buy boards and fins, its from an independent shaper, yes some of the popouts are awesome boards but i'm going to support the local guy and not some greed driven multinational corp that cares only about the money, not the craft...

TAS, 1925 posts
3 Dec 2014 12:52PM
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By the way Roy, i'm not throwing you into that mix, i know your an innovator, but if you can use your extensive knowledge to shape the perfect noseriding fin for the Hot Log i'd be happy to test ride for you

10979 posts
3 Dec 2014 10:16AM
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Hey Roy??

How many large multi nationals back you?

Zero? So you are a small backyard opprrator exploring there own ideas.

Imo that is better than any marketing bull**** trying to sell on soul, what a farkin wank the latest resurgence has made out of riding a LB or single fin

NSW, 946 posts
3 Dec 2014 3:56PM
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Roy totally confused here with your fins.

firstly i have been on your website and i see a few fin reviews here and videos but they all seem to be of SUP'ers or you surfing a board and going primarily in a straight line. I am interested in these fins if they snap or crack due to the layers upon layers made my the 3D printer. Furthermore according to your 3D viewer these fins seem to be quite fat and chunky is this due to the fact that if they are foiled down they snap?

the board and some of your other boards seem to have ridiculous amounts of rocker through the board

why is that? In my opinion you have made a very 1 dimentional board here. Not allowing for walking forward or noseriding due to the nose rocker, and not much turning either im guessing due to the tunnel fin not allowing the board to turn at all?

alot of the videos of you surfing, the board seems to struggle for speed and push water. in this video
you seem to be constantly sucked up the wave due to the board not having enough speed and your rectify this by crouching down. maybe the tunnel fin doesnt work?
this video you have a flatter board
and you seem to maintain alot better speed and trim thru flat sections

QLD, 21900 posts
3 Dec 2014 3:10PM
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if I can add,you seem to only use the mid section of your board( tells me) way too much rocker and kind of face 50/50 to the front


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"3D printed fins" started by RoyStuart