Speaking of ads, how do they do that one on the telly at the moment where they have a sh!tload of old codgers surfing the one wave?
Me and a mate were discussing it this arvo, we thought it was just a half dozen or so people on one wave and the rest was done with a kind of photoshop?
I told him that I have access to the greatest pool of surfing knowledge on the plant,
I lied, that's why I asking the seabreeze longboard group
About 3 years ago I stopped watching TV.
I like watching car racing, but that has almost exclusively gone to Foxwhatever, which I don't have.
So I don't see any ads.
So can't help you OBCT.
And my pool of surfing knowledge has been exclusively gleaned from the Longboard forum.
You may judge the depth of the pool yourself.
Toes On The Nose is really cool though.....