Hey crew ,
currently I'm using rhino racks like most, to tie my longboards on I use the rhino rack straps they are blue about 30-40 mm wide and work effectively.......However I do strap them down quite tight and have noticed on my favourite board a bit of marking/scuffing rail damage where the straps go.
I know the easy answer is don't put them on as tight but a lot of our driving in west oz is an hour or 40 minutes even to waves which are close 4x4 tracks and dirt roads.
What straps is everyone here using ?
i want some that are a bit wider maybe even padded?
Is there a standout brand anyone can recommend or comment on
I've got these blue straps from Bunnings a mate gave me when he got sick of me tieing boards down with craypot rope.
Why not use the straps you have, but put your boards in a boardbag or a towel where the strap goes.
Got some this year, super wide and super long.
support local & a good price
I've had the same two sets of Kanu Locks for probably 6 years now.
Because I can't store boards at home, they are on the roof of the car 24 / 7.
The actual locks are pretty crappy, but I think I have actually locked them about 5 times.
Well the locks are OK, the keys are tiny and crappy, and care is needed to make the locks work without breaking the keys.
Security of being able to lock the straps nice at times, but in general, they are just a good quality, strong, easy to use tie down.
The extra weight in the strap makes them easy to throw over the car.
I second the Kanu lock straps.
Pricey compared to the rest. I only lock them if parking for a period of time (ie at work).
I've got so many different straps for different uses (mainly because I'll go to bunnings for some lumber and forget to take straps), but the Kanu straps are my go to for my boards.
Cheers crew for all the suggestions, I think I'll go with the O&E ones or surfaid local
they both look a fair bit wider than my current ones and seem to resolve the issues I'm having.
didnt know the range that was out there, cheers
These ones are good, really good, better than a lot of the surf brands.
Not as good as these though. Best surf accessory I have ever bought.