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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Byron Bay - Love it, or hate it?

Created by Sandsy1 > 9 months ago, 23 Jan 2017
NSW, 814 posts
23 Jan 2017 3:22PM
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Ok, bit of a rant.
Just watched the clip posted by Ted of some great surfing, finless, single fin and on a fish. Undeniably three great surfers. Ozzie Wright is unbelievable.

But, blatant drop ins, surfing finless with no leggie all seem to be very normal up there. At 3pm each day, must be when the traidies knock off, it is chaos! Six or seven paddle for every wave.
We were there last, in May and stayed at Clarkes. I got some fun waves, even though the sand was gone, but with patience got some good long waves at The Pass as it was the only wave on the beach. Luckily was able to get some fun ones elsewhere, as well. Just nice to not have to drive.
With me, it's a love hate thing.
The waves are brilliant on their day. The weather is great, good food places, caravan park on the beach, some of the best walking bush trails anywhere, can't wish for a lot more when on holidays.
But due to Byron Council having very limited income, parking fees are now everywhere; from Broken to Brunswick and everywhere in between. It is not a major city with parking shortages!
Customer service is a thing of the past. The locals are obviously over the vast numbers of tourists and in a large number (not all) shops, the people working there were plain rude. Had one shop owner whinging about the tourists, even though he had only moved there three years before. I can understand how they must feel, but it is not an excuse for rudeness.
It's also becoming the wanna-be's hippy haven. I saw so many cliches' while we were there, sailors pants, tie dies, beads, dreads, all of which I've worn over the years, just way too many try hards. Lot's of very talented people there also.
But as I said, I love the place. I'm still stuck in a time warp from my first surf there in 1973. Will I go again, most likely, but not for a while. It is a place of contrasts and contradictions, of vast amounts of money and abject poverty. I wish it hadn't changed.

The Friendly locals (must say that most surfers in the water were pretty cool)

An uncrowded small day

Sneaky back beach. No one around!
The end of the day. Brilliant!!

NSW, 7269 posts
23 Jan 2017 4:21PM
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Nice part of the world no doubt but the crowds would get me down. Good clip

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Jan 2017 5:41PM
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We used to holiday there every year from 2000 through till about 2014 when I had finally called it quits. Had some epic fun there over the years. I was pretty fortunate to do a bit of work in and around Byron for a few of those years - which included multiple visits on the work card - joy . We used to always rent one of two houses that were next to each other. Great place to hang out, nice food, warm and relaxing. I have never had a bad time there. Been there with various chicks and as a single fella and always enjoyed it. Over the years I spent less time surfing in Byron and more time elsewhere - which usually involved a drive. But had some super good waves over the years and with surprisingly not too many people at various times. You need to pick when you go. Obviously school holidays, schoolies, Christmas and Easter are the best times to visit . I used to love the annual drive up - sometimes we would get skunked on the way up and the way back - other times we would score big time at some of the legendary spots along the way. Met some great fellas from the Greenroom at BB over the years as well - Big Spaz generously lent me a McT longboard for a week once as the surf was small. LL and Mac used to pop down and join me for a surf on occasion. I have had very fond memories of Broken Head once trip when the sand was on fire and we surfed it every day a couple of times for a week straight. It was simply epic. I always enjoy heading into the Mad Dog shop and spending hours gazing at the ceiling. Some lovely old boards up in those rafters.

I have not been there for a few years but have fond memories and am looking forward to my next adventure there. Hopefully a long weekend on the back of a work trip to the Goldie or Brissy. Will I take a board - probably not.

8266 posts
23 Jan 2017 5:26PM
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We were there July 2009 for 4 days & enjoyed ourselves. Saw Juzzie Smith going off at the markets, busking free cranking...Pass was small/crowded. I surfed Lennox head, overhead/uncrowded & super fun for a couple of days. A place in the bay just to the South & Wattegoes on my own. Nice weather & warm in a springy. Will go back one day, but I'd stay in Lennox or Ballina coz its closer to the waves & Byron was high priced for accomodation.

VIC, 2872 posts
23 Jan 2017 9:30PM
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Went September I think 2015.
Accommodation was expensive, but we had a great house.
Avoided the town apart from one night out, cooked our own meals.
I "surfed" the end of Clarkes on my own - absolute beginner on a sup but a private wave.
Had my own wave and enough fun. Had some shark nervousness at times.
The Pass, and further up Clarkes crowded, didn't attempt.
Upside of parking charges was I got to park right where I wanted to every day, in the car park at Clarkes.
Had a ball and will go back.

QLD, 2286 posts
24 Jan 2017 8:03AM
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Love it or hate it - well I farken LOVE IT.

Sure it can get crowded, sure there are lots of wankers, sure you can get pissed off.

But there is a certain feel to the place that you don't get elsewhere. I have been camping at Clarkes regularly since 1972. it was awesome then and IMHO is still awesome now.
1. The campground has everything you could want. Yes it is a bit expensive, but you get plenty for your money.
2. The Pass is out the front. you walk a hundred metres and your into it. You don't have to sit right on the peak, there are a heap of take off points and if you are patient and are prepared to be a bit "down the line", there are heaps of waves to be had.
3. You can have three or four sessions a day if you have the energy. If you do the constant surf check, you can grab a session when there's not too many punters around.
4. You can walk or ride or skate into town for a feed and there are heaps of good eateries.
5. You don't need to use you car once you are set up.
6. You can walk over to Wategos for a wave.
7. You can walk to Tallows for a wave.
8. You can walk to the Lighthouse regularly for exercise.
9. There are more bare, brown female backpacker arses there than anywhere else in the world.
10. People are friendly and don't mind a chat.
11. The big MAC comes from there.
12. There is great coffee.
13. There is good fish and chips.
14. There are lots of other "old, grey haired, past their prime, been there done that, get better with age" types like me to shout the breeze and have a beer with".
15. I live in Noosa and I get more waves at the Pass than I get on the Noosa Points.

I could go on and on but I won't.

I love the place and despite lots of negatives I wont stop going there.



NSW, 814 posts
24 Jan 2017 9:48AM
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E T said..
Love it or hate it - well I farken LOVE IT.

Sure it can get crowded, sure there are lots of wankers, sure you can get pissed off.

But there is a certain feel to the place that you don't get elsewhere. I have been camping at Clarkes regularly since 1972. it was awesome then and IMHO is still awesome now.
1. The campground has everything you could want. Yes it is a bit expensive, but you get plenty for your money.
2. The Pass is out the front. you walk a hundred metres and your into it. You don't have to sit right on the peak, there are a heap of take off points and if you are patient and are prepared to be a bit "down the line", there are heaps of waves to be had.
3. You can have three or four sessions a day if you have the energy. If you do the constant surf check, you can grab a session when there's not too many punters around.
4. You can walk or ride or skate into town for a feed and there are heaps of good eateries.
5. You don't need to use you car once you are set up.
6. You can walk over to Wategos for a wave.
7. You can walk to Tallows for a wave.
8. You can walk to the Lighthouse regularly for exercise.
9. There are more bare, brown female backpacker arses there than anywhere else in the world.
10. People are friendly and don't mind a chat.
11. The big MAC comes from there.
12. There is great coffee.
13. There is good fish and chips.
14. There are lots of other "old, grey haired, past their prime, been there done that, get better with age" types like me to shout the breeze and have a beer with".
15. I live in Noosa and I get more waves at the Pass than I get on the Noosa Points.

I could go on and on but I won't.

I love the place and despite lots of negatives I wont stop going there.



Well said All those things and more!

QLD, 3809 posts
24 Jan 2017 8:23PM
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Love the waves, still a bad taste lingering in my mouth after having the Amarok stolen but all ended ok for the vehicle that was recovered intact 4-5 days later, not so for wallets, phones and other personal items for 3 of us. Tourism is taking the shine off it a little for me but it won't stop me ducking down there now and then. I guess when you're used to surfing the southern end of the Gold you kind of get used to the crowds. I think it just comes back to the attitude you go there with, accept it for what it is and you'll have a great time.

13831 posts
24 Jan 2017 7:29PM
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Sat in the traffic jam for 40 odd minutes on the main drag last time , might be on the borderline of being suffocated & the rainforest looks a bit sick in patches but it is what it is

WA, 9675 posts
25 Jan 2017 3:59AM
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Byron is a amazing place

NSW, 3487 posts
25 Jan 2017 7:58AM
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Love it, but I try not to go there.

Can't handle the traffic, the crowds and the plastic people.

QLD, 21950 posts
25 Jan 2017 10:08AM
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Theres a factory in the industrial estate I visit from time to time,but 99% of my visits to Byron do not include going into town.
I love and dislike the place at times,hate is too harsh a word for Byron.

QLD, 2286 posts
25 Jan 2017 10:19AM
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Macaha said..
Theres a factory in the industrial estate I visit from time to time,but 99% of my visits to Byron do not include going into town.
I love and dislike the place at times,hate is too harsh a word for Byron.

What factory is that Macaha, what do they make, who used to own it???????????


QLD, 21950 posts
25 Jan 2017 10:39AM
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Warren Cornish ET and its so good your back

QLD, 3570 posts
25 Jan 2017 11:42AM
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vanders1 said..
Love the waves, still a bad taste lingering in my mouth after having the Amarok stolen but all ended ok for the vehicle that was recovered intact 4-5 days later, not so for wallets, phones and other personal items for 3 of us. Tourism is taking the shine off it a little for me but it won't stop me ducking down there now and then. I guess when you're used to surfing the southern end of the Gold you kind of get used to the crowds. I think it just comes back to the attitude you go there with, accept it for what it is and you'll have a great time.

that's bad luck V... have heard of others gettn things pinched when in the water guy at Burleigh had the lock cut off in the car park to access his key ..i'm always lookn for better ways to stash my car key ..
I find mid week is the best time to head to Byron never the weekends & I don't mind the place but find Yamba is better for more consistent waves and a bit of fishn ..hope to retire in the region one day .

WA, 44 posts
25 Jan 2017 11:55AM
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First went to Byron in 87 with the Mrs and two sons . Drove in to town in the Kombi and parked up . Getting out and on the pavement was something I have never forgotten and is still relevant to my life today .
It was a mural and a message " Life is one big cosmic banana " that .
we live in Margs WA and I still surf outer bombies with my neighbours and the GWs have kept the crowds down .

NSW, 249 posts
27 Jan 2017 10:23AM
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Been going downhill since they closed the meatworks

NSW, 862 posts
27 Jan 2017 10:26AM
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obct said..
Love it, but I try not to go there.

Can't handle the traffic, the crowds and the plastic people.

I'm with you OB, it's a good perve too, but there are too many wannabe hippies. You know, the people who go there for a week or two, don the tie dyed bali pants and get their hair beads in, then spend the rest of their holiday trying to look like hippies. Then they go back to their usual urban (urbane) lives in three piece suits and flash Range Rovers..... Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hippie either, but I hate it when people try to look like they fit in. When it's clear they really don't. Same as the motorcycling crowd, sure enjoy your bike, but unless you're a 1%er Hells Angel, stop trying to look like one.....

I've tried to give Byron a go a few times, but don't like the superficial nature.

That being said, we have tickets to the Blues and Roots festival at Easter, staying in an apartment on Clarkes. I guess I'll know a bit more when that's all over.

I wonder, should I take the Kombi or the Touareg?

WA, 9675 posts
27 Jan 2017 8:49AM
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Noone can have a bad time at bluesfest

QLD, 21950 posts
27 Jan 2017 11:08AM
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I've had so much fun down there,stayed at Clarkes Park got up early surfed and returned late in the afternoon to lessen the numbers,great longboard wave and a long one at that,but that was a long time ago,I think surfing has exploded over the past few years.

8266 posts
27 Jan 2017 1:19PM
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I had a shortboard when I was there...everyone seemed to be beside that rock. I remember there was a little kid ripping up waves down the line that would of been a lot of fun on a longboard. Young bloke had it to himself

NSW, 1125 posts
30 Jan 2017 4:49PM
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Just got back from 10 days of camping a little south of Byron. only 10mins ..LOVE it....As for Byron itself ..only 2 trips in there in 10days may tell the story. Mostly due to the inflated cost of everything. Just general groceries and alcohol definitely had the "holiday location price tag". (This was confirmed when I bought some beer, got chatting to the person serving me, I was asked "was if from around here", I answered yes and got an immediate 10% discount ).

Had ball surfing everything from LB to SB. No really big waves 1- 3ft. Shelter set up on the beach from 8.00am till 8.00pm, friends, laughs and sunset drinks...flippin awesome.

Interesting in relation to the crowds (in the surf). They seemed smaller than this year. I surfed one peak by myself for over an hour. That said I did make a trip to "the pass" and ended up leaving the board on the car......that joint is madness.

As for the vibe .... really was hipster-ville this year. I seems if you did not have an open shirt, beard or something tye-dyed on you were seriously out of place.

Would I go back for the 10th year in a row ..yes..will it be just a little south yes ...will I go into Byron .. only if I have too

VIC, 2872 posts
31 Jan 2017 3:13PM
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8266 posts
31 Jan 2017 1:57PM
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VIC, 2872 posts
31 Jan 2017 6:59PM
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Direct from Byron - eldest daughter there at the moment

NSW, 814 posts
31 Jan 2017 7:00PM
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That's gold!! Byron explained perfectly!

NSW, 1125 posts
31 Jan 2017 9:56PM
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What Sandsy said ...pure gold

QLD, 2286 posts
1 Feb 2017 12:03PM
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Nozza said..

Love it Nozza, awesome post.


10980 posts
8 Feb 2017 8:56AM
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10980 posts
9 Feb 2017 6:30AM
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Shows how quickly things can change..


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Byron Bay - Love it, or hate it?" started by Sandsy1