my dog Angel has been and gone.....but she was happy to wear goggles while riding around at higher speeds.....she thought they were really cool motorcycle goggles....but they were just children's swim goggles really
Gold mate,recently lost one of our dogs.
Yeah I agree,never good to lose a valuable family dog/pet.Angel would be cruizin on her bike in heaven with her goggles on
Thread on the year well done AI G and all
no worries Mac,I guess it came from a love of Surfing and old cars,we've all been there in one way or another and had great memories
and stories of them
Sorry but I noted others dropping the odd bike in.
Cool, Bike Pics to,come one come all
Sorry but I noted others dropping the odd bike in.
Best surf mobile thats been posted yet
About all the old Trumpies were good for - board stands. It's a very good looking board stand though.
but thats a new trumpy.
Sorry. Missed it. Much to my shame. I am currently bikeless and one of the new Bonnevilles is right up my list. Not the T100, though. I rode one of them and that big front wheel sucked on turn ins.
Alas, my budget will only stretch to a Suzuki 650 Verado this time next year.
The old man rode a matchless 500 down to coast from brissy when he was a clubbie of southport.
I think it was a matchless
laceys lane said..
The old man rode a matchless 500 down to coast from brissy when he was a clubbie of southport.
I think it was a matchless
500 single road one in my youth ,had a decompression lever if you didn't get it right you went in to orbit when starting .
laceys lane said..
The old man rode a matchless 500 down to coast from brissy when he was a clubbie of southport.
I think it was a matchless
500 single road one in my youth ,had a decompression lever if you didn't get it right you went in to orbit when starting .
Second bike was a SR500. Absolute classic. Great torque spread. Only ballsed the kick a couple of times in the few years I owned it. I reckon that kick back could break your leg if you were unlucky.
is that a VW bonnet.
Sure is Cobra I thought Pup would have picked that
The real one of this would probably be the rarest of old holdens?...
Called the Sandman Seawitch,only one made,the original has never been found,painted by a German spray painter who has since passed away.It's been copied many times!...
So you surfed?
Nah mate I just hang out in a surfing forum for fun and read about cricket
So you surfed?
It was unreal a lot of traffic and that was just getting there.
I could have paddled out but I wasn't as desperate as some.
Bastard. I was looking forward to some coffee and food
I may be hooking up with a legend tomorrow I ask him if its ok for one more
Combis really were good surf wagons. That rear engine meant there was a fair bit of weight on the rear wheels and they were surprisingly good in soft stuff. 25 years ago we used to flog a mates Combi into Derrs. Anyone who remembers the dunes knows that was no mean feat. It was set up as a camper so once there we could make a day of it and were the cool kids having coffee and sangas in comfort and shade in between the waves.
That one looks well loved, Macaha. And, why I like to see all the old cars looking pristine again, I also like to see them looking like the get used for their intended purpose. I don't think anyone would drive a Combi in 2015 like my mates used to get driven. It was absolutely immaculate and got sold in 1996 for $6500.
Oh let me know. It would be good to be in a car after a week at home
Ill be off the pain killers after tomorrow and be able to drive
Oh let me know. It would be good to be in a car after a week at home
You really are desparte ,you be nice now or I'll just forget you and drive on bye tomorrow.