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obct said..Al G said..
Laugh if you want, but I've always thought the 240 Wagon would make a good surf buggy, strong and long.
Pity it's a volvo, you would need to be pretty thick skinned to put up with all the laughing and pointing.
I wonder how they would take to a decent donk, like a late model Jap V6, or even a cheap and cheerful holden V6
That car park looks and awful lot like diggers up at Coffs.
You don't need a decent Donk, get an 850 wagon, 2.5 litre 5 cylinder. Goes like a cut snake. I set one up for a friends daugter as a first car. She paid $1,100 for it plus a years rego and she's been driving it now for two and a half years with no issues at all.
The model in the pic is a 240, but they also came out as a 260, that had a 3 litre v6. Brilliant cars, can't kill em with a stick.
OB, if you get one, I'll give you that hat back