Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Early 70's Jackson Surfboard Restoration for Bec.

Created by surfanimal > 9 months ago, 8 Aug 2017
NSW, 1650 posts
8 Aug 2017 10:36AM
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As mentioned in another post, the boys at Carabine Surfboards in Wollongong and I have been restoring an early 70's Jackson single fin for some time now for my wife Bec.

The board was Bec's mum's board in the early 70's prior to her falling pregnant with Bec in late '74 and very sadly passing away 3 months after Bec's birth.

Since then, the board, which had been beaten about by Vicki back in the day, had sat on the timber beams of Bec's dad's garage and obviously after 42 years there, was in pretty bad shape all round.

Bec didn't actually realize it was her mum's board until I inquired about it's history last year and once we confirmed that it was a Jackson and secondly, it was actually Bec's mum's board, I had an idea to restore it as a gift to Bec, being a piece of her mum, to treasure, surf and pass down to our own kids.

As Jackson Surfboards at Taren Point closed down in late 2015, I first made inquiries as to whether Dave Mattinson, a former owner of Jackson Surfboards, would be interested in the restoration given other projects he had completed so amazingly however he's now busy in retirement so I discussed the project with Carabine who were super keen to take it on for me.

The board firstly spent 2 months in a heat room ensuring any water and condensation were removed, the original fibreglass sheets and fin were removed, repairs completed, an original logo sought from Jacko's, rails re-sanded, a new fin moulded using the original as the template before being glassed, tinted and polished.

While we wanted the board to look shiny and new, it was important that the history remained so certain repairs were left looking blemished and a back foot deck repair, which I'm sure has a story, whilst filled, still shows on the foam. We also maintained the original black fin base and leg rope plug (and have the original leg rope)

Shane, Lachy, Derek and Snake at Carabine Surfboards in Wollongong have all completed an amazing restoration for me over a 10 month period and ensured the board was ready for Bec's birthday which is today, 8th August 2017.

I'm really stoked to think that Bec's mum rode this board and now Bec can paddle out on it given they had such a short period of time together in this life and for me, completing this project for our family is what surfing is truly about !


6'5 X 19 3/4 X 2 7/8.




13831 posts
8 Aug 2017 8:51AM
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Mate that is just the best feel good experience - Bec's Mum would be proud of this , spirit lifting brother

QLD, 3570 posts
8 Aug 2017 11:24AM
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great idea .. nice finish as well ...not many could say they are surfing mums board from back in the day...well done SA

NSW, 862 posts
8 Aug 2017 11:32AM
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Well done SA. A great way to re-use old stuff that no one else would have wanted, and to find out it had a history as well.
Happy Birthday Bec!

QLD, 21948 posts
8 Aug 2017 12:12PM
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The board came up unbelievable so much so did you really get the board done for Bec

and WTF is up with the grass in those first shots, however the last shots look fake

Al G
NSW, 7678 posts
8 Aug 2017 12:15PM
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She's a beauty,geez it came up good,I bet Bec is stoked with that.good on ya SA for giving your wife such a treasured family gift,a keepsake that no other gift can replace.

Happy Birthday Bec,we all know you'll enjoy that present

PS.Hey mate I'm not going up to the next roadtrip so if you want to send the hoodie and stuff to me via Aus Post,send it COD that way I pay for it, I'll PM my address for ya,Thanks for that!...

WA, 3028 posts
8 Aug 2017 10:54AM
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NSW, 1650 posts
8 Aug 2017 1:25PM
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Thanks guys, appreciated; she's stoked and a bit lost for words too.

Chrispy; thanks for your post, cracked me up and bought a tear to my eyes.

Mac; winter in Sydney and hardly any rain for months doesn't give the grass much chance mate; hence the Astro turf in my backyard - always perfectly manicured

QLD, 21948 posts
8 Aug 2017 1:38PM
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DARTH said..

I think Darth's comment nailed it.

NSW, 1488 posts
8 Aug 2017 1:48PM
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Great story/pics and keepsake SA..I love '70's boards and that's a classic shape...and nice job by the boys.
When/If Bec takes it out she will find a world of difference to modern boards

NSW, 1488 posts
8 Aug 2017 1:49PM
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Great story, pics and keepsake SA..I love '70's boards and that's a classic shape...and nice job by the boys.
When/If Bec takes it out she will find a world of difference to modern boards..

NSW, 1125 posts
8 Aug 2017 2:49PM
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what a great story / thread and effort SA ... awesome

NSW, 814 posts
8 Aug 2017 3:03PM
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surfanimal said..
As mentioned in another post, the boys at Carabine Surfboards in Wollongong and I have been restoring an early 70's Jackson single fin for some time now for my wife Bec.

The board was Bec's mum's board in the early 70's prior to her falling pregnant with Bec in late '74 and very sadly passing away 3 months after Bec's birth.

Since then, the board, which had been beaten about by Vicki back in the day, had sat on the timber beams of Bec's dad's garage and obviously after 42 years there, was in pretty bad shape all round.

Bec didn't actually realize it was her mum's board until I inquired about it's history last year and once we confirmed that it was a Jackson and secondly, it was actually Bec's mum's board, I had an idea to restore it as a gift to Bec, being a piece of her mum, to treasure, surf and pass down to our own kids.

As Jackson Surfboards at Taren Point closed down in late 2015, I first made inquiries as to whether Dave Mattinson, a former owner of Jackson Surfboards, would be interested in the restoration given other projects he had completed so amazingly however he's now busy in retirement so I discussed the project with Carabine who were super keen to take it on for me.

The board firstly spent 2 months in a heat room ensuring any water and condensation were removed, the original fibreglass sheets and fin were removed, repairs completed, an original logo sought from Jacko's, rails re-sanded, a new fin moulded using the original as the template before being glassed, tinted and polished.

While we wanted the board to look shiny and new, it was important that the history remained so certain repairs were left looking blemished and a back foot deck repair, which I'm sure has a story, whilst filled, still shows on the foam. We also maintained the original black fin base and leg rope plug (and have the original leg rope)

Shane, Lachy, Derek and Snake at Carabine Surfboards in Wollongong have all completed an amazing restoration for me over a 10 month period and ensured the board was ready for Bec's birthday which is today, 8th August 2017.

I'm really stoked to think that Bec's mum rode this board and now Bec can paddle out on it given they had such a short period of time together in this life and for me, completing this project for our family is what surfing is truly about !


6'5 X 19 3/4 X 2 7/8.




OK, I only have three words. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!!!!!!

WA, 883 posts
8 Aug 2017 8:03PM
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Epic SA !

Thanks for sharing the experience, damn fine work such a great result! bloody awesome

8266 posts
8 Aug 2017 8:24PM
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Awesome restoration...and a great shape. Whack quads on it, thin it out, less rocker & it would be pretty close to what I I ride most of the year

NSW, 254 posts
8 Aug 2017 10:27PM
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They did a fantastic job on the board. It looks beautiful. Great history and thought with the project/gift. Something for her to keep and pass down. I am sure you might have a sneaky surf or 3 on it as well.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Aug 2017 5:51AM
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10980 posts
9 Aug 2017 9:12AM
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Top post SA. Board looks great.

WA, 82 posts
9 Aug 2017 11:31AM
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yeww! very thoughtful and great workman ship - browny points there my friend!!!

TAS, 1925 posts
11 Aug 2017 3:15PM
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Looks siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick SA

NSW, 1650 posts
11 Aug 2017 8:29PM
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Thankyou gentlemen. Appreciated.

NSW, 1650 posts
12 Aug 2017 9:16AM
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First surf on the Jacko Mod Log today

NSW, 1301 posts
12 Aug 2017 5:44PM
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Fantastic restoration what a buzz she'll get riding that board a lot of emotions involved throughout the process I'd imagine , well done on a fantastic story and rebirth

251 posts
12 Aug 2017 7:48PM
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What a great story SA, Thanks for that

QLD, 3809 posts
13 Aug 2017 7:21AM
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Well done Chris, what a great effort to all concerned.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
13 Aug 2017 9:27AM
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vanders1 said..
Well done Chris, what a great effort to all concerned.

Good on ya mark for the thumbs up to chris

QLD, 21948 posts
13 Aug 2017 9:35AM
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laceys lane said..

vanders1 said..
Well done Chris, what a great effort to all concerned.

Good in ya mark for the thumbs up to chris

Who's Chris

NSW, 1650 posts
15 Aug 2017 7:13PM
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A big thanks to everyone for all their kind words. Appreciated guys


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Early 70's Jackson Surfboard Restoration for Bec." started by surfanimal