Come on guys, let's "talk story"... Tell us some stories!
My grand old favourite is The Occasional Pin... 9'6.
Handles everything you can throw at it, and it's amazing...
Goes way better than you would expect in small stuff...
Excels in juicy waves around Head High and beyond...
Handles the big stuff with grace...
Fatter waves, no problem...
Hollower stuff, you can get in early and set a rail takeoff, and it never ceases to amaze, and surprise! :)
At present, this yellow Kneeon 5'8" x 23.5" x 2.5" brilliant all rounde, although I wish it had a stronger glass job or better still was compsand. Have ordered another in epoxy to see how that holds up.
All time favourite was probably a Cripstix that I bought off the shaper, one of his personal boards (same deal with the Kneeon above) I've always preferred what my shapers would regard as undervolumed boards for my not so inconsiderable volume.
Great story Mick. I was hungover as a pork chop one day pad flying out in TBs town and was coughing and spluttering. This bloke paddled up behind me and sacked me on the back "spit it all out" he said....then I watched him take off on the next wave and it was none other than Mr Martin Potter.
But I digress - I really miss my sweet potato. That thing brought me so much joy for so long. Tried to replace it a few times but have failed to find an adequate replacement. Should just buy another one - but no one sells them. I also miss my Nano - had so much joy on that board. Still have it - it's been fixed but is way to heavy now and lost all its flex. Tried to buy one scone hand but still looking. Happy with the Evo though and the board Tux made me. So it's not all tears. this is the broken and then fixed pic.
Simondo, great topic, but so subjective, if that's the correct term. To me it's the "the board" you have or had & how you were/are surfing at the time, or on "THAT" day/month or year etc.
I remember riding a Tom Hoye 5'6" twin fin in the & 70's, I'm 19 or 20 at the time, & this thing, I just loved it, coming off single fins. Two sessions still stand out to me Warriewood 3'-5' & M & M in Wollongong, I has that thing on all over that place, popping fins to slide slip, hard cut backs, cover ups, aahh!
The other big one was prior to that, absolutely distinctly remember that, was at the pub with mates watchin "the ballot" on Tv, your birthdate came out & you were going to Vietnam & yep my birthday came out, man what a night but that's another story for another time. Was at Lennox prob about 3-5', me the mate & 3-4 other guys out on a McTavish tri-fin diamond tail & being deep in the barrel & seeing the mate just paddle over the wave, ah man still fresh 40 + yrs later. Then same trip, same board, Broken Head 3-4' breaking from around the back all the way thru, sun out, off shore & yep 5 of us out & to cap it off chicks sunbaking nude on the beach, absolute heaven. That board just loved that wave. Same at various other places down the South coast of NSW but prob not so much in Sydney.
Other boards, sure the MR twinnies late 70's early 80's from the Pass (Byron)to Ulladulla (Sth coast NSW) golf course. Bennett double enders 5'5" all over Sydney & up & down the coast. Yeah had some dogs, popouts back then you couldn't turn 'em, soon learnt, custom boards only at the time. I mean, come on ,go down barry's (bennets) McCoy & the others you had "the" guys shaping. The boards all went well, because you had 1 board & were young you just rode them & loved it. With lot of other boards in between
Currently I've got 5 great boards & I still love surfing, however the absolute frothin' stoke of going ya hardest with ya mates on new equiptment while you race up & down the coast chasing waves & overseas does I believe impact on "my favourite board".
Lest we forget. UncleT.
I loved my bhane super flex skateboard it would be worth a pack now. My JP windsurfer was a sweet ride also my 9'6" Naish Nokua Sup with the quad setup was a nice board to throw around .
Way back in time I was a shortboarder by far the best board I owed was made at Tugun branded SURF More 5.11 I owned this board for a long long time until one winters morning as I was running back to the car at d-bah I dropped the board on its rail on the hard sand and cracked to rail about 18 inches it was getting old so I made the mistake of trading and not repairing,never got a board as good ever again.
Dam sorry this is the longboard room
Best board I ever had was my house mates ironing board.
i never told him,me and my girlfriend could adjust it to any hight we liked.
sorry Don
Went on a SW surf trip in about 1991 & snapped a board on the first surf at Big Rock. We were staying at the Margaret River Lodge & the Margs Thriller or whatever they were calling it that year was on. A few pro's were staying at the lodge & I needed a board, so I stole one of theirs just kidding I hate thieves, expecially board thieves...but anyway.
I needed a board, none of us had quivers back then. So if I didn't get a board I was going to be watching my mates from the beach. I withdrew my rent money & bought a board off Flavio Padaratz's brother Niko for $160. He was asking $200, but he accepted the $160 without too much begging. Nice guy actually & the board was very nice too. 6'6 & sexy, albeit a little light.
Next day was SW with a big swell, so we found some waves round the Dunsborough side. Fun chest height left with just the three of us. Board turned great & with no swing weight it felt awesome compared to heavier glassed boards I was used too. I was stoked.
Later that arvo we had smiths beach to ourselves also. Two mates took the first reef & I paddled further down to the next super tubing one. Was having a ball even though conditions were a bit dodgy. I felt really confident on my new board, just seemed to click straight away. Then this set came through. I managed to race out & duck under the first one. Paddled hard & went to swing round & catch the second one. But the wave near on sucked dry & I could see the reef clearly below. I kicked the board to the side & threw myself back desperatly doing overarm to avoid going over the falls. The wave sucked me back, but I didn't freefall onto that dry reef thank fark. But my new board did & when I came up from the flogging it was snapped in three places. I was spewwwwing.
When I got home a mate sold me a board & let me pay him later for it. I snapped it within the week. Ended up having to borrow boards for a month before I could afford a cheapy that lasted about 6 months. I went through so many boards in those days that there aren't really many that I remember unless there was some other significance attached to them.
I don't miss any boards yet...
The thing I miss sometimes is the younger 20 year old version of myself... Energy to burn, time on my hands... :)
In the future, I think I will miss the 9'6 Occasional Pin... Even if I still have it in 25 years time, I will miss it in terms that it should be banged up a touch more by then, and yellowish, and I'll miss it's former visual perfection...
Sounds shallow, but a board can be like s piece of art!
They often don't age too gracefully, but sometimes they age nicely...
My 6'3 x 19 1/2 x 2 3/4 Gravelle what a smoking board...all white full deck grip Mr X style...four belly channels baby blue glass in fins..being a kid I surfed in everything including stuff that my mum would have killed me for going out in which is kind of ironic considering I nearly got killed riding it a few times...I remember jumping of the boat with dad and the deck crew one day out at a certain island chain and it was heaving top to bottom right hand freight trains...Dad was on his booger and the deck crew were all on 7'2 and 7'6 indo guns everyone had got waves and I was just floating around trying not to get anywhere near anything that would actually require me to go...anyway I see one coming and start to paddle in circles just trying to make it look like I wanted to go without really going...them from down the line line I hear the old man, "Just ****ing Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" so being the dutiful son I turned and put my head down and paddled like my life depended on it...dropping dropping down this big aqua blue wall and I can see it drawing of the reef for 50 yards ahead I extend out of my death crouch and get a nice line set as I stand up I realise how round this thing is I'm now standing bolt upright with ease...I can see the crew down the line so stick my hands above my head and still can't touch anything...still just flying through this thing...zing past the crew headed for the end section realise I need a bit more gas so go to pump...whats that legs are now going past head...head is going bam a quick trip to the bottom...flogged for 300m down the reef...ended up having to wait down the end of the Island for the old man to come collect me in the boat
Ended up snapping the nose off and the middle fin...thing still went like a rocket...I might try and get it out of my mates shed
My most favorite board was my first custom.
The good old emerald was a one board army...i even got a winged keel as a birthday present for the weapon.
I had tw for about three years. So from 12 till 15....the board was farked by the end....had a couple of others by then from friends and dumpers...
Im trying to remember the size. 5'8 x whatever. It had a sick spray and i loved the lizard emblem yeeeeew.
I remember an epic surf session at Mawi on Lombok back in August '98. I was a Booger back then.
Just me and a Japanese guy on the take off.
We were getting every single set wave...
2 yanks surfing the middle section, looking for smaller waves. 4 Poms, just learners, mucking around on the end section...
So many epic waves... I have never scored so many barrels in my life...
Copped a flogging on one wave, and came in for a rest. Chatted to an American tourist, just sight seeing, and they couldn't believe how fast we were going on the waves. Plus he couldn't believe a Boogie Board could go like that... They clearly hadn't seen proper waves before... He was thinking that Boogie Boards are just a floatation thing for the beach or pool! LoL...
Great story Tux. Simondo - not sure what to read into that one just yet you never struck me as a bogger- not with that marvellous collection of short boards then longboards. Ahhh please say it ain't so
great story though otherwise
I bought this 6'8 x 18 14 x 2 1/2 Steel Stringer Rick Jacko Alloy Joy after about 9 months out of the water due to a knee injury. I was so depressed & sick of hearing how good the surf was that day that I had gone bush working in an abattoir slaughtering sheep,drinking a lot of alcohol & trying to learn the guitar which was about the only thing that almost kept me going completely insane since surfing had been my life up until then. I wasn't sure I would ever get back in the water, every time I did I'd do a floater & ahhh my knee would give out sideways. I'd be limping up the beach in agony every time I thought I was good to go.
Time out well away from the ocean had been the answer & since I'd given away all of my personal possessions except a car, clothes & guitar I just needed a board. And I thought I'm not returning to Perth to live, I'm now ready to get back in the water, I'm going somewhere with waves. I caught up with family, picked up the Alloy Joy & moved to Tunbridge st Margaret River. Awesome location, waves, Settlers Tavern had awesome bands on Thursday nights, bands you heard on JJJ in the 90's would play there coz it was the cool thing to do & was a really up close & personal experience. Real golden age.
First place I surfed on the board was pee break & I surfed absolute sh1t. I was with some Japanese friends & they were stoked one of their Japanese pro surfers was there. He failed to impress me, but I way more failed to impress myself. I was hellla rusty...but after some time I started to get my sh1t together. Being really careful not to go for the big freefall floaters coz up until this day my knee will threaten to give out to the side if too much pressure is put on it. I've kinda learn to react instantaneously when the feeling hits. I will crouch/bail to absorb the pressure.
But anyway, over time I wasn't such a kook. I surfed the right off Marg's mainbreak a lot & you get these kinda ridges on the shoulder as the wave dredged off the reef. The right up until 2.5 overhead will kinda threaten to shutdown or break faster than it does & the face dissolves into these ridges in the wave & I'd love timing my cut back utilizing those ridges.
The place I lived was kinda communal, people called it the blue house & a lot of people have lived there over the years. I hope Mike W is still well & having a good life with his relatively new wife from his home country that he married lol jeez 12 years ago (time flies). It was such a cool place to be back then I rarely watched tv for 3 years that I was there. We had our own crew to go surfing & party with. Lots of wine, guitar &...stuff...
Time went quick but one winter I'd had enough. Got kinda depressing in winter. Not so much going on band wise, your rugged up & wishing the swell would drop down to a less life threatening size or something haha. Mate & I decided to go visit his home town of Apollo Bay.
Popped up to Perth to say goodbye to friends/family & then spent a week in Albany saying goodbye to peeps there & surfing. Scored some bloody good waves too, there & a few places before we hit the I hope there is Null Bore by this stage of my blahing, I'm sure I've lost Scotty already. Maybe I should insert Kong into each paragraph or something haha. But nah no opportunity to namedrop any pro's into this part of the story coz nothing really significant happened other that seeing them rip. Occy & Dave McCaulay were regaular fixtures round the cape to cape back then, Dave still is of course. I could describe them tearing into waves. Like the day Dave asked if I was alright after losing my board 1/2 a K out to sea & I said yeah & then came about as close to death as I ever have. Or I could describe Occy's cutback into barrels over the surgeon's table. But I'm not going to, not today anyway.
The trip across Oz was amazing & I will do it again someday. At least from Adelaide to Melbourne. There are countless waves along that stretch, real jaw dropping stuff. It took us 4 months to get to Apollo Bay & I stayed there for about 18 months I guess. Had my 2nd best barrel of my life at Johanna & countless other great lonely waves, I surfed on my own most of the time round there over the winter. Everyone else was watching football or playing it lol
The Alloy Joy survived poundings on either side of Cape Otway. I almost bought 40 acres above wild dog creek for fark all, but got home sick when my gran died & moved back to Perth & lived in the hills while I went to Uni, met my wife, moved to the mid west, had good highly secret WA waves there for 8 years & bought my first new board in like 12 years. Still surfed the Alloy Joy as a goto board & last surfed it at Balangan in 2008. What I would give to have more pics & some video of the waves I had on that board. I really try & take a lot more pics & video these days & of course its so much easier $ wise without having to purchase film & pay to have it processed. But anyway if you made it this far I'm surprised lol cheers
I'd barely had a board for more than a year before breaking it. But this Alloy Joy survivedthe most powerful waves in the SW for years & along the great Ocean Road.
Backdoors (Cactus 1996)
Backdoors (less offshore)
Somewhere East of Cactus
Well, this is really great. I had a surf board but not like this. I really liked this. Keep posting pics.