Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Found - Longboard in the Carindale area.

Created by damned67 > 9 months ago, 27 Aug 2021
525 posts
27 Aug 2021 4:31PM
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Not sure where else to post this.
I've come into the possession of a longboard found on Pine Mountain Rd in Carindale on Monday, probably en route to (or from) the Gateway motorway.
If you lost one, or know someone that did, shoot me a message.

525 posts
1 Sep 2021 9:32PM
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OK - what's next?
What do I do with a board that someone has lost?

I've got it posted here (obviously). It's also posted in 'lost and found' on Gumtree. I couldn't find a functional lost and found on Facebook (I would have thought FB marketplace would have a lost and found section.... but not one I could find).

If I google 'lost longboard', I get a million hits for Lost brand surfboards.

I assume the next step is to report it to the police - my bad for not having done so already - I just feel like they maybe have more important things to worry about. In reality, I've answered my own question here, haven't I? But to be honest, I would have concerns about how they might store it - will it get more damaged than it already is from falling off a vehicle.....
But yes, I've answered my own question. I'll take to the local police station as soon as I get a chance.
Ignore me for now.

525 posts
10 Sep 2021 5:37AM
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Finally took it to the local Police station (office hours are not conducive to the working public dropping by).
Interestingly, the officer I dealt with was teetering on just letting me take it - I was not comfortable with that.
Apparently their hold time is 30 days. We'll see in 30 days if I become the official owner of the board.... Then I'll post pics, then half the crew on here will pop up with 'hey, that's my board!'.

QLD, 21945 posts
10 Sep 2021 3:40PM
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Your a DAM good man Dammed

525 posts
10 Sep 2021 7:19PM
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Just trying to do the right thing. Best case scenario, it gets reunited with the owner. Second best scenario, I get to keep it ??
Needs a couple of repairs, but is an interesting design that I'd be keen to surf. Also a nice looking board that'd make a decent wall hanger.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Found - Longboard in the Carindale area." started by damned67