You know you're getting old when the MILFS on the porno sites are younger then you faaark
haha gold
Wait til you see the Gilfs Scotty - not far away now
I have Ted and it's not pretty.
Sagging body parts are not my thing.
haha Cobra, kinda reminds me of Kurt Cobain pre Bleach (album)...kinda perfect for the character he's playing. Definately funny looking, kinda a stoned out baby faced looking dude these days. The modern take on his old classic move in between credits is classic
haha Cobra, kinda reminds me of Kurt Cobain pre Bleach (album)...kinda perfect for the character he's playing. Definately funny looking, kinda a stoned out baby faced looking dude these days. The modern take on his old classic move in between credits is classic
Chrispy has hair like that, I call it 1770
17 from the back 70 from the front of the blokes in the above video reminded me heaps of a friend I travelled from Margs to Vic with (due to his hair & cheeky smile)...did a search of facebook thinking I might find him there. To his credit he was not, but it would have been cool too...I suck at keeping in touch with people...but anyway, I digress
That was a great clip top find mate really enjoyed that after spending some time there last year.
Not winning father of the year..
Hell yeah I've seen so much of that when my kids played sport years ago.
Not winning father of the year..
Hell yeah I've seen so much of that when my kids played sport years ago.
Feel really sad for kids with douchbag dads, but that guy is the step-up of douchbags seriously wtf
that video gets me so angry. that kind of behaviour always questions my ability to control myself... its a long story.
I once watched a 8-9 year-old little athletics organiser running behind his own son firing a starters pistol screaming
for him to run faster with the organisers three mates who sounded drunk watching and laughing,the child had a stitch and was in pain.
i never went back to little athletics nor did my son.
Yeah some d1cks out there Cobra, I've never appeciated over competive people. old vid of Bali & Hawaii, damn lot of sharing is caring action lol but some good old Bali footage walking into Ulu's too
Stoked to see it no longer looks likely that Oz will be dragged into war with Russia & China
Too much depressing sepo election talk boys and girls, here's a little something to take your mind off it.
The 1980 disco dancing world championship.
I just have 2 questions
1. Did anyone here know Macaha back in 1980
2. Does anyone know if he's Turkish
lol I don't have that problem coz I don't watch tv, just did a check on the net & was happy to see how it was going...but K sorry...