im pulling the trigger on yet another Pieter board, this time hid 50's Pig. It come std with a 2" balsa stringer and the big hand made D fin. I really want this one to pop so tell me what you think of these ideas.
The Texas flag fin he can do in a southern cross if i want. Ive always wanted a red and black board but i dont want to compromise the look of that balsa stringer
I love the first board too. But Pete says he can do a Eureka flag or Southern cross on the fin, then maybe go with that deep blue for inserts instead of white? Or keep the white and just get a deep blue pin line either side of the 2" stringer?
So i ended up going similar to this one, with a southern cross on the fin instead of the Texas flag. 2" balsa and cedar stringer with cream resin panels instead of white. He does all his pigs with a hole in the back of the fin for the leash. 2 x 6oz on deck, 1 x 6oz Volan. 10' x 23 3/4 x 3 1/4 all on midgets orange foam. Also true to the 50's style the finish coat is left un sanded, just a light rub on the bead round the edge.
The one in the photo went to Carolina in the US.
Sweet... The full Balsa ones he does are awesome. Keep the photos coming and let us know when he is shaping it so we can watch the live link.