A week or so ago, I took a mental health day from work and hit an area North of Brisbane - one well known for a variety of breaks.
Also seems to hold an unnatural population of hipsters.
Anyway, I end up at a reasonably quiet break. Small crowd. Maybe a dozen, or a touch more, in the water. And there was a crew of 7 or 8 hipsters.
Yep, not a leg rope between then.
About half or more were on beat up old boards, with rails and repairs made from duct tape.
Of course, some bushy beards.
One in a wetsuit vest that's unzipped, and one in one of those beaver tail jobbies.
etc etc
All of those I've seen a thousand times between all the various hipsters on longboards.
Here's what got me: three of them were wearing mutilated and falling apart wetsuits.
"ze goggles, zey do nothing".
First one I noticed, I literally thought the poor bugger spent thousands on his beat up 1966 board, and that he was still on 2-minute noodle rations and thus no wet suit. Then I noticed the others. They couldn't all be too poor to buy a $50 wetsuit from Target. Or $10 from a thrift store.
Of course, there was the one that I would bet my left nut on (and it's still functional) that the owner had carefully taken a razor blade to it and selectively sliced it up.
Some of the hipster crap I can kinda get, almost see the point etc - but not this fad of torn up wet suits.
It really just angered me. Shows how uncool I'm becoming.
Sounds like that was Roadtrip no9 was there any old cars,beer,wine and pies around,oh sh1t I missed it
holes in the "wettie" allows the fleas to escape without suffering emotional harm .... unzipped beavertail allows airing of damp squalid skin that is usually festering under Pierre Cardin satin .... falling apart wetsuits is an indication of Bulletti moulting - the farkers shed skin at an alarming rate ....
Ah, bloody surfers and their sub culture fashion choices, they'll never change.
Bloody good for nothin' hobo's.
Shoot the bastards from the headland.
Is this a indication of how you feel today after the event yesterday
Yep, my pants are pulled up high enough to give me nipple rash.
The thing is that I kinda get some of the other hipster BS, or at least can see their argument.
No Leash - forces you to be more in control of the board, lest you go swimming.
Old board? who am I to argue, I've got a 1967 Plymouth in the garage - sometimes old and simple is a dream.
Beard? Lower incidence of skin cancer. Plus, when they finally shave it off, they look 10 years younger?
Unzipped wettie vest? Maybe if was cold when they paddled out? I know there's been times I wish I could ditch my wettie once I'm in the line up.
Beaver tail flappin' about? I can see why they don't have it done up (but can't see why they're wearing it in the first place).
But a trashed wetsuit, with holes and/or pieces missing? Nope - can't see it.
Old wetsuit, maybe from a thrift store? Sure - neoprene ain't environmentally friendly.
But a wetsuit that doesn't have any function due to it's condition? You'd be way cooler just paddling out in your Grandpa's old Birdwell Britches, and you wouldn't look like a complete tosser! well, you probably still would, but for other reasons.
Yep, my pants are pulled up high enough to give me nipple rash.
The thing is that I kinda get some of the other hipster BS, or at least can see their argument.
No Leash - forces you to be more in control of the board, lest you go swimming.
Old board? who am I to argue, I've got a 1967 Plymouth in the garage - sometimes old and simple is a dream.
Beard? Lower incidence of skin cancer. Plus, when they finally shave it off, they look 10 years younger?
Unzipped wettie vest? Maybe if was cold when they paddled out? I know there's been times I wish I could ditch my wettie once I'm in the line up.
Beaver tail flappin' about? I can see why they don't have it done up (but can't see why they're wearing it in the first place).
But a trashed wetsuit, with holes and/or pieces missing? Nope - can't see it.
Old wetsuit, maybe from a thrift store? Sure - neoprene ain't environmentally friendly.
But a wetsuit that doesn't have any function due to it's condition? You'd be way cooler just paddling out in your Grandpa's old Birdwell Britches, and you wouldn't look like a complete tosser! well, you probably still would, but for other reasons.
1967 Plymouth,Cooool,what is it a Fury,Belvedere,Satellite or GTX?...
A week or so ago, I took a mental health day from work and hit an area North of Brisbane - one well known for a variety of breaks.
Also seems to hold an unnatural population of hipsters.
Anyway, I end up at a reasonably quiet break. Small crowd. Maybe a dozen, or a touch more, in the water. And there was a crew of 7 or 8 hipsters.
Yep, not a leg rope between then.
About half or more were on beat up old boards, with rails and repairs made from duct tape.
Of course, some bushy beards.
One in a wetsuit vest that's unzipped, and one in one of those beaver tail jobbies.
etc etc
All of those I've seen a thousand times between all the various hipsters on longboards.
Here's what got me: three of them were wearing mutilated and falling apart wetsuits.
"ze goggles, zey do nothing".
First one I noticed, I literally thought the poor bugger spent thousands on his beat up 1966 board, and that he was still on 2-minute noodle rations and thus no wet suit. Then I noticed the others. They couldn't all be too poor to buy a $50 wetsuit from Target. Or $10 from a thrift store.
Of course, there was the one that I would bet my left nut on (and it's still functional) that the owner had carefully taken a razor blade to it and selectively sliced it up.
Some of the hipster crap I can kinda get, almost see the point etc - but not this fad of torn up wet suits.
It really just angered me. Shows how uncool I'm becoming.
Aaaahhhhh , you must have visited NOOSA, this is standard attire for the young, cool and hip.
After you have surfed in this very uncomfortable attire, on your severely damaged old board that is dropping glass into the water,you got back in your beat up old crappy car and went for coffee at the beard and brushback caf?.
This is standard procedure for these newly chic gentlemen.
The main problem is that they are trying to emulate actual people who have been there and done that and moved on to something better.
If they really wanted to be mega HIPSTERS they would actually be inventing a new and untried HIPSTER trend not following one that has died.
Beaver tails, as PUP would say pppppppppffffffttttt. Farking nonsense, says ET.
Were has the hipster love gone?
Now mac is going to have to get to the barber today and undo a year of hipsterifing his hair
You bastards
Who said hipsters are all young, look at me wankers that will always behave like that till they are dead.
So let's kill them like the hippies, still a couple of hippies getting around I need to finish off.
Was it that obvious that it was Noosa?
The only place with more hipsters per head of capita than Melbourne.... by a long shot.
I'm actually surprised they weren't sipping espressos out in the line up.
farkin hang on obs geez .... I love Bacon
Fk off I love them all.