There are some epic comments in there SP. Thanks for posting. I loved the Chas vs Maurice debate that turns into a love match. Classic.
One of the best threads ever in SB.
Seriously Lacey those dickheads need to have a good long look at themselves, over two years of posting pictures and all the sudden they jump on Scotties for a funny take the piss post. Wankers they probably wank a lot
Ted getting smashed oh fast forward to the last page
Thought it would be interesting to throw it out there.....some funny responses. Seems a lack of consistentcy given what happened to Scotty and some of those comments on the preceding page.
It was a poor comment admittedly but compared to some of the other stuff that's posted in there it was pretty light He was hard done by
Sorry, I don't see sexy when a women in on a SUP, not compared to the way they look on a longboard, compare those pics to the stuff that coba and the others are posing on the nose riding thread, the NR stuff is way more sexy.
i reckon it's the way they must stand when they're on a SUP, the feet are just even and side to side, no elegantly crooked knees or pelvic thrusting, or pert little bottoms.
they re way more sexy on a LB IMHO
I said Suzie was very bangable.
Yes Ted in this day and age not the nicest comment.
I get that part. Times have changed.
But I also see the hypocracy in that ongoing thread.
Spreading the seed....
I wouldn't use my own name either...
And PH. I read that the other week couldn't reply My eyes hurt and i had a headache...
What a fool...