I've got more Surftechs than the local Surftech store. I get that. I do have a couple of customs, I promise.
Also, for anyone that's even briefly perused these hallowed seabreeze pages, my interest in the Munoz boards is clear.
It all comes from about 10 years ago, on a trip to Waikiki. I rocked into Koa Boardsports, and they put me on an 11' Munoz, in red.
It was game changer for me. Just so much fun to ride. The week of surfing that at Canoes and Queens, and the week in general, was just amazing.
Ever since then, I've been chasing an 11' Munoz, in the original tuflite, and in red.
I scored an unwaxed 12' Munoz in the old tuflite.
I bought a new 11' Munoz in the current TPLC construction.
I bought a 10'6" Munoz in the old tuflite from an amazing Seabreezer, that I've learnt so much from and chat with regularly.
And mid-year, managed to find the even harder to find 9'3" Munoz in old tuflite.
When buying the 9'3", I commented that I have been chasing an 11' in the old tuflite for years. He said he had one. I said "it's not red, is it?" - turns out it was.
He was also a huge fan of the Munoz's, and thankfully for me, he is now addicted to foiling. Until me buying boards from him, he had the 9'3", a 10'6" (which he's not planning on parting with) and the 11'.
I got the text a few weeks ago. He was ready to part with the 11'.
It's a well-loved board, with great mojo. He would take it on surf trips with his mates, and they'd take turns surfing it. Apparently, everyone loved the board.
This board, an 11' Munoz in the old tuflite and in red, has been my Holy Grail, my White Whale (and I'm sure the market will be flooded with them now). So now the quiver contains 5 Munoz boards.
So, not that a pic is really needed, but here's 'Big Red'.
like two of these three
Plus, I've had the 12' for years. That's even wider and thicker. Just about need a registered trailer for that one.
Nothing to do with the topic but Mac's 10' is up for sale again Marty's Mongrel it's called, must be a dud it's had so many owners.
Maybe that could be my next collection that I start? Mac's ex boards, with a focus on the boards he had built, but never surfed before selling? Should be an easier task than finding old Munoz's.
Maybe that could be my next collection that I start? Mac's ex boards, with a focus on the boards he had built, but never surfed before selling? Should be an easier task than finding old Munoz's.
Haha totally agree.
I get the piss take guys, but I for one liked his build threads, some beautiful boards over the years !Marty what was the fascination with red,black,white colours,just curious,hope things are good for you.
Mac has definitely had some cracking boards but I did tell him years ago I was sick of his red,black and white. One of many boards Mac sold me was a green black and white board. Hopefully he can put that pic up.He's a jet setting now surfing all over the world. Good luck to him.
Like the title of this thread Damned but lets be real its not the last board
Lucky for you ...."He was also a huge fan of the Munoz's, and thankfully for me, he is now addicted to foiling. Until me buying boards from him, he had the 9'3", a 10'6" (which he's not planning on parting with) and the 11'.
I got the text a few weeks ago. He was ready to part with the 11'."
I'm on the foiling journey and it is additive that you can have so much fun and speed in less-than-ideal conditions! That will be why he let go of the 11' to fund the foil addition.
Saying that if the waves are lining up and good it's great fun to be riding the wave on the water
"100% stunning boards, and I too loved the red, black and white theme.
I also miss the build threads."
Always love a build thread and agree they are great looking boards
I get the piss take guys, but I for one liked his build threads, some beautiful boards over the years !Marty what was the fascination with red,black,white colours,just curious,hope things are good for you.
Ha those guys will keep for another day yeah I've got no idea with the red white black combo other than red is my favourite colour and Bill mixed a beautiful deep red. My wife would also call me out and say not another red white and black board, I guess it could have been worse as in, not another board. I've got 5 boards now two are yellowish mango with clear decks black pin line the other three red with clear decks and black pin lines, I like to think I've finally matured and now my boards are classic nothing out there anymore. As much as I loved my surfing I think I enjoyed the build process as well I once frothed at ordering a new board I recall one year 8 in total and yes I've blown a bucket load of money in the process. I don't surf much nowadays injuries kept me out of the water for a while then the lack of confidence kicked in. The crowds never bothered me I always got my share but now I often rock up watch to see what's going on and I don't like it I just head home. I keep saying to myself you'll get back into it but it's been a while and I once said I couldn't believe a lot of my mates retired from surfing saying how the heck can they do that, well I could Be one of them. The biggest turn off for me now is the current crop and their attitude stinks compared to the crew 5 years back. If you read this post you did well
On a side note good to see some life back in here again. Over the years I've met so many great guys from seabreeze.
The Tak Prince is beautiful - I look at them and just think 'that's so far out of my price range'.... then I buy another 3 old Surftechs.
Mac - Is there a break that's not too far that's less crowded? It'll likely be a 'lesser' break, but less crowd and opportunity to get the confidence back.
The Tak Prince is beautiful - I look at them and just think 'that's so far out of my price range'.... then I buy another 3 old Surftechs.
Mac - Is there a break that's not too far that's less crowded? It'll likely be a 'lesser' break, but less crowd and opportunity to get the confidence back.
Not really mate 3rd Ave Burleigh is ok on its day, I think I need to go way back and be the first guy out have an hour before the gang wakes up. I know it's the best time just need to get motivated again in saying that I'm up at 3 every morning
Ok yeah that Tak is absolutely beautiful by far the most expensive board I've ever ordered. It's just sitting in the rack