Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Jumbo Jet/Mega Magic?

Created by damned67 > 9 months ago, 24 May 2022
540 posts
24 May 2022 7:13PM
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Back when I ordered up my 10' Creative Army Cruz, Josh Constable also mentioned his Jumbo Jet as an option - idea being that if I wasn't after the Cruz (variation on an ITP, essentially) to hang out on the nose, then the Jumbo Jet could be a good choice.
I love my 11 glider, and the Jumbo jet would carry the volume of an glider in a 9'6" package (OK a bit less, but still a lot).

Anyone got any insight on the Jumbo Jet (or a Mega Magic - similar idea)?

I like the idea of the volume in a zippier package, but it kinda sounds too good to be true.
A high volume 9'6" (~106L) or even 9'0" (~97L) could be a great board to take to Waikiki, if I ever get to go back there?

Honestly, I kinda like the idea of something different to the rest of my quiver.... but change is scary.

831 posts
25 May 2022 6:48PM
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Good timing of your thread.
Caught up with a mate recently and he has the Magic 9'6" and loves it. Was looking at them thinking I've have to get 10' for the volume I want but only single fin and wanted 2 + 1. Then stumbled on the mega magic and yeah the 9" looks great and versatile design to easy catch waves but plenty tail rocker to ride bigger wavs.
Really need to physically see one and eye up
I'm interested to hear owners opinions

540 posts
28 May 2022 6:23PM
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Let's try a different approach.....
How do you think this would surf? More to the point, what would be it's downsides?

The 9'6" is 24.25" x 4" @ 106.4L (from GSI - but I'd buy a custom from Josh).

The Jumbo Jet and the Mega Magic are pretty much pitched as 'a big board that surfs like a smaller board' - but it's not quite that simple, is it?

831 posts
30 May 2022 9:55AM
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Agree never that simple but also coming back from sup so used to higher volume.
That looks a great board but I'm in NZ.
Hate paying retail and should be able to get a deal on a mega magic

540 posts
30 May 2022 3:17PM
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This is going to sound so odd, given the initial question- but if you go with the Mega Magic, consider the tuflite version. My son has a GSI PU mega magic and the deck is so badly crushed that the stringer sits a solid 1/2"+ proud of the deck. Worst I've ever seen.
("Why don't you give your sons board a try?" - I did. Can't stand how it feels underfoot with the horrid compressor deck)

NSW, 412 posts
30 May 2022 5:42PM
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On marketplace now


831 posts
30 May 2022 5:01PM
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damned67 said..
This is going to sound so odd, given the initial question- but if you go with the Mega Magic, consider the tuflite version. My son has a GSI PU mega magic and the deck is so badly crushed that the stringer sits a solid 1/2"+ proud of the deck. Worst I've ever seen.
("Why don't you give your sons board a try?" - I did. Can't stand how it feels underfoot with the horrid compressor deck)

Wow that's a big compression.
Obviously a distraction but thoughts on how it surfed?
How much does he weigh and what size did he get?

540 posts
31 May 2022 8:43AM
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When my son got the board, he'd have been in the 100 kg ballpark, quite easily. He went with the 9'0".
For me, coming off 10'+ boards, it felt odd to even paddle that 'short'. I never caught a decent enough wave to really get a feel for it.

NSW, 748 posts
31 May 2022 10:57AM
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damned67 said..
This is going to sound so odd, given the initial question- but if you go with the Mega Magic, consider the tuflite version. My son has a GSI PU mega magic and the deck is so badly crushed that the stringer sits a solid 1/2"+ proud of the deck. Worst I've ever seen.
("Why don't you give your sons board a try?" - I did. Can't stand how it feels underfoot with the horrid compressor deck)

Just curious damned,the board with the compressed deck does he knee paddle it.

540 posts
31 May 2022 12:55PM
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Nope - doesn't knee paddle it.
That said, it was bought second hand, although fairly new, with some decent compression/depression already there.
Could have been horribly mishandled before he got the board, although it's not yellowed or anything suggesting it's been hanging out in the sun too long.
Could've been just bad luck and a faulty blank?
Could just be a one-off dodgy board from the GSI factory?

Hopefully there's some other GSI Walden owners out there that can comment on their own experience.

NSW, 254 posts
2 Jun 2022 11:40AM
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Not the best surfer here. (Should change that to my user name). I had the 9' clear board for a short time and it was soft. I moved it on before it got bad. Even though it was thick I didn't feel it had nice glide. Surfed well and was responsive. I also had the 10' Surftech one same as picture above. Surfed great good glide and much more durable but paint can chip. For me I could catch ankle to 2x ankle to overhead and enjoy the board.

540 posts
23 Jun 2022 5:28PM
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Thanks for all the feedback.
Spoke with Josh @ Creative Army yesterday to order up a Jumbo Jet.
That's not what I ordered in the end.
Again Josh spared no effort in really drilling down what I was really chasing... If I was looking at a new board, why? what was the feeling etc I was chasing that my current boards weren't giving me.

It'll be a bit of a mish mash, but a 'jumbo-ish' Jive mini-glider at 10'3". Other dimensions will depend a bit on the blank once he gets his hands on it.

Interestingly, this fat-man mini glider turns out to be quite a bit cheaper than the 9'6" Jumbo Jet, due to the different costs of the required blanks.
And I gotta say, I was really quite surprised at the cost of what I ordered. I figured it would have been $500+ more.
4-6 weeks, apparently.
Can't wait!

831 posts
25 Jun 2022 6:38AM
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Just checked out Creative Army and look awesome with plenty of cred as shaper and competitive surfer
Major bonus talking with the shaper for what you want in a board and his suggestions, you'll find it could be the beginning of your first but not last CA board as over time make small refinements or fill gaps in your quiver.
Please post up photos of finished board

540 posts
25 Jun 2022 9:14AM
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It will be my second board with CA. First one is amazing (The Cruz - sits in design/shape between a Tak ITP and a Noosa Longboards Tea Tree.... which was essentially their version of an ITP), but like you said, it's that chat about what it is that I really want, even if I didn't know it at the time.
My two fave boards are my 10' Cruz and my 11' Munoz (OK, my 12' Munoz, but that's cheating). This new one should sit between the two.
FYI - the CA quality is awesome too. The cost v quality blows my mind.

And yes, there'll be photos.

540 posts
29 Jun 2022 12:57PM
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Blank went into the shaping bay yesterday.
from what was penciled onto the blank, looks to be 10'3" x 24 1/8 x 3 9/16 (if I read it right). Pretty much bang on 100L.
It's gonna be awesome.

831 posts
8 Jul 2022 10:22AM
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Damned - great news your new board is shaped
Question resin tint or painted blank?

540 posts
9 Jul 2022 5:50AM
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I'm doing a Macaha - the new board will use the same colours as my Cruz, but in a different pattern.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Jumbo Jet/Mega Magic?" started by damned67