Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Loaded up

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 16 Jul 2014
NSW, 3487 posts
20 Jul 2014 11:21PM
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I'm finally back home, highlights for me were;

Thursday arvo- Beachies at Crescent with Vanders and Vanilla slice at Crescent Bakery

Friday morning - Beachies at North Plommer with Vanders and Vanilla slice at Crescent bakery

Friday arvo - Beachies at woopi main with vanders and Lfish

Friday night- Fish& Chips at White salt

Saturday morning - big Arra with Vanders

Saturday Night - Having dinner with the children of the same people, in the same dining room that our parents gathered in 51 years earlier to share a meal and enjoy the excellent red that MR had selected for me to take.

Sunday morning -Big Arra with MR

and did I forget to mention?

13831 posts
20 Jul 2014 9:36PM
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The oracle

NSW, 3487 posts
21 Jul 2014 9:31AM
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Just one other aspect of this trip that was quite positive is that it's highly likely that my next HP mal will be a CW.

I spent a lot of time on Vanders green and white board, and once again, I was well impressed.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
21 Jul 2014 6:46PM
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Thanks for the updates obct - that is a great review. Sounds like you had a great time. Wish I could have been there with you all. Next time - although I think I said that last time as well

QLD, 3809 posts
21 Jul 2014 7:25PM
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Had a great trip too, big thanks to Obct for the entertainment & company.

Disappointed I had to leave early due to work commitments but it was a great few days.

Ted you just need to get that 10'er finished and adopt the attitude that you'll just surf whatever is on offer, the bigger boards help with that.

Once again surfing with no crowds was great, Saturday mornings conditions at Arra would have seen 100's out on the goldie points instead of the 30-40 we shared it with & still scored as many as we wanted.

Already looking forward to the next trip.

QLD, 21892 posts
21 Jul 2014 7:31PM
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Due to the lack on images was this trip a dream

13831 posts
21 Jul 2014 5:36PM
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vanders1 said..
Had a great trip too, big thanks to Obct for the entertainment & company.

Disappointed I had to leave early due to work commitments but it was a great few days.

Ted you just need to get that 10'er finished and adopt the attitude that you'll just surf whatever is on offer, the bigger boards help with that.

Once again surfing with no crowds was great, Saturday mornings conditions at Arra would have seen 100's out on the goldie points instead of the 30-40 we shared it with & still scored as many as we wanted.

Already looking forward to the next trip.

you had me drooling champion - and sussing out the late flights to God's backyard must do this one I thinks good one !!!!!

NSW, 3487 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:04PM
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obct said..

Saturday Night - Having dinner with the children of the same people, in the same dining room that our parents gathered in 51 years earlier to share a meal and enjoy the excellent red that MR had selected for me to take.

For some reason this pic would not upload for me last night, so I put a date caption on it and it then it uploaded okay.

it was taken in about 1962 or 63, in a tiny dinning room in a house in woopi, every adult apart from one in that pic is long gone, as far as I know, my mum is the only one still alive today. She's in the foreground with my little brother on her lap, he's 8 years younger than me.

On Saturday night, 3 of us who's parents are in that pic, gathered in that same tiny dinning room along with a couple of partners, drank some wine, reminisced and then set up my ipad to record ourselves calling the only adult survivor from that pic, my mum. When I go visit her next and show there the vid, she's going to be well pleased.

There's probably so many other stories that photo could tell about the post war years in Australia and the impact it had on people, I wish I knew more of those stories.

what I do know is:

- at least 3 of the 5 men there saw service
- one was a POW in Changi for 3 years and eventually succumbed to his injuries in 1968, he was a remarkable fisherman, he would catch just one fish but oh what a fish that would be, I think that night we were feasting on a 30lb jewy he had caught that day.
- One was a Tivoli showgirl during the war and spent much of her time doing shows for the troops
- 3 of them spent the war years in a spring factory in Petersham making parts for tanks and whatever else needed springs
- One of them lived the life of a recluse in a tiny weatherboard shack on a farm beside Woopi creek, I used to love going to visit, it had just 2 rooms, the table cloth was just flattened out corn flake packets and all his possessions were for just one person and the sheds were full of old farming equipment, when the flies were bad, he would go out side and spray the cattle with areoguard.

NSW, 3487 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:13PM
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Macaha said..
Due to the lack on images was this trip a dream

We were very aware that so much of our credibility was dependent on pics, so on Saturday arvo, Vanders and I went in at Woopi main and we both went to the effort of taking our cameras in with us, and we both got the sh!ts with trying to use them, so we just stuffed them in our wetties and surfed.

When we finished the sesh we both concluded that neither of us were cut out to take action pics or vids


NSW, 1301 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:13PM
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obct said..
I'm finally back home, highlights for me were;

Thursday arvo- Beachies at Crescent with Vanders and Vanilla slice at Crescent Bakery

Friday morning - Beachies at North Plommer with Vanders and Vanilla slice at Crescent bakery

Friday arvo - Beachies at woopi main with vanders and Lfish

Friday night- Fish& Chips at White salt

Saturday morning - big Arra with Vanders

Saturday Night - Having dinner with the children of the same people, in the same dining room that our parents gathered in 51 years earlier to share a meal and enjoy the excellent red that MR had selected for me to take.

Sunday morning -Big Arra with MR

and did I forget to mention?

Yeah thought it would be on ten up the road from woopi,enough swell and it swings in ,how were the crowds,your lucky my sister wasn't there her wave count is off the charts out there.any pics?

NSW, 1488 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:26PM
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OBCT..thanks for the history of the is for living and it seems that's what they all did..

Re that figure pic of yours/ it in reality more like this ?

QLD, 3809 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:39PM
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Macaha said..
Due to the lack on images was this trip a dream

Got a few pics to upload when I get back home, mainly scenery type ones.

The Saturday morning at Arra I was too keen to just hit the water and forgot to take pics of the break sadly, and when we'd finished it was so wind affected and had dropped in size so I never bothered.

QLD, 21892 posts
21 Jul 2014 8:45PM
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Obct that was a fantastic post mate.

13831 posts
21 Jul 2014 6:58PM
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obct said..

obct said..

Saturday Night - Having dinner with the children of the same people, in the same dining room that our parents gathered in 51 years earlier to share a meal and enjoy the excellent red that MR had selected for me to take.

For some reason this pic would not upload for me last night, so I put a date caption on it and it then it uploaded okay.

it was taken in about 1962 or 63, in a tiny dinning room in a house in woopi, every adult apart from one in that pic is long gone, as far as I know, my mum is the only one still alive today. She's in the foreground with my little brother on her lap, he's 8 years younger than me.

On Saturday night, 3 of us who's parents are in that pic, gathered in that same tiny dinning room along with a couple of partners, drank some wine, reminisced and then set up my ipad to record ourselves calling the only adult survivor from that pic, my mum. When I go visit her next and show there the vid, she's going to be well pleased.

There's probably so many other stories that photo could tell about the post war years in Australia and the impact it had on people, I wish I knew more of those stories.

what I do know is:

- at least 3 of the 5 men there saw service
- one was a POW in Changi for 3 years and eventually succumbed to his injuries in 1968, he was a remarkable fisherman, he would catch just one fish but oh what a fish that would be, I think that night we were feasting on a 30lb jewy he had caught that day.
- One was a Tivoli showgirl during the war and spent much of her time doing shows for the troops
- 3 of them spent the war years in a spring factory in Petersham making parts for tanks and whatever else needed springs
- One of them lived the life of a recluse in a tiny weatherboard shack on a farm beside Woopi creek, I used to love going to visit, it had just 2 rooms, the table cloth was just flattened out corn flake packets and all his possessions were for just one person and the sheds were full of old farming equipment, when the flies were bad, he would go out side and spray the cattle with areoguard.

Shedding a silent tear with this little gemstone champion - you have made my day brother given the last few months or so and I thank you for that sincerely

NSW, 946 posts
22 Jul 2014 10:38AM
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wait hold on, i was at arrawarra on fri till sunday, i think i may have seen you guys?

NSW, 3487 posts
22 Jul 2014 10:42AM
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Yes, we thought that may have been you on the olive green Bear.

NSW, 946 posts
22 Jul 2014 10:56AM
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obct said..
Yes, we thought that may have been you on the olive green Bear.

haha u should have said hello !! was it sunday morning? i saw u guys ?

NSW, 3487 posts
22 Jul 2014 1:06PM
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When I first recognised the board on Saturday, I asked Vanders if he had ever met you, he said yes, so I pointed you out and Vans said it wasn't you, so I didn't bother to say Hi.

QLD, 21892 posts
22 Jul 2014 1:51PM
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Classy looking bloke riding a classic big board pffff who else could it be

NSW, 3487 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:19PM
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Macaha said..
Classy looking bloke riding a classic big board pffff who else could it be


QLD, 3809 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:20PM
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BigSpazz said..
wait hold on, i was at arrawarra on fri till sunday, i think i may have seen you guys?

Yeah I saw you on Saturday Spazz & thought it was you then thought it wasn' look like you've lost weight since last we spoke and being clean shaven threw me too.

I was the one on the green & white stripe board that wrecked one of your takeoffs, sorry about that.

You had mrs Spazz there too right? She was sitting further in??

Anyway I'll know for next time & sorry we didn't get a chance to catch up for a drink.

NSW, 1488 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:30PM
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I was told that there were minimal (there's that word agin) blow-ins at Arra...but all you guys were there...must have blended in well with your "behaviour" boys..

QLD, 3809 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:56PM
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surfbroker said..
I was told that there were minimal (there's that word agin) blow-ins at Arra...but all you guys were there...must have blended in well with your "behaviour" boys..

It was a pretty good crowd actually, everyone was friendly and didn't see any agro at all. There were enough takeoff points to keep everyone busy and the paddle back out thinned out the field too. Actually didn't see too many mids, mostly either longs & a few shorts.

QLD, 21892 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:56PM
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vanders1 said..

I was the one on the green & white stripe board that wrecked one of your takeoffs, sorry about that.

oh dear way too much time spent with Lacey

QLD, 21892 posts
22 Jul 2014 2:59PM
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obct said..

Macaha said..
Classy looking chick riding a classic mini mal pffff who else could it be


Yep could have been you obct

8266 posts
22 Jul 2014 1:21PM
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Nice old pic (the one I'm not surprised to have last over 18hrs lol)...& story

NSW, 9 posts
22 Jul 2014 3:35PM
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vanders1 said..

surfbroker said..
I was told that there were minimal (there's that word agin) blow-ins at Arra...but all you guys were there...must have blended in well with your "behaviour" boys..

It was a pretty good crowd actually, everyone was friendly and didn't see any agro at all. There were enough takeoff points to keep everyone busy and the paddle back out thinned out the field too. Actually didn't see too many mids, mostly either longs & a few shorts.

I was also surprised at the lack of crowds on Saturday though I think the strong offshore wind kept a lot of lookers in the car park. I was the old fart on the 10' yellow/blue Walden and enjoyed myself as did most of the crew in the lineup. The wind made it difficult to get down the face of some waves on a mal particularly later in the morning. Most of the short boards were around the point at southern end Mullawarra.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
22 Jul 2014 7:30PM
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Macaha said..
Obct that was a fantastic post mate.

+1. The lady and I well enjoyed tha Ob. Thanks.

as for ditching Big Spazz - that's poor form

10979 posts
22 Jul 2014 5:33PM
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Great read OB and Vanders.

& Sounds like you scored big time, which just adds to what sounds like a good trip away.

QLD, 3809 posts
22 Jul 2014 9:33PM
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Stevehsl said..

vanders1 said..

surfbroker said..
I was told that there were minimal (there's that word agin) blow-ins at Arra...but all you guys were there...must have blended in well with your "behaviour" boys..

It was a pretty good crowd actually, everyone was friendly and didn't see any agro at all. There were enough takeoff points to keep everyone busy and the paddle back out thinned out the field too. Actually didn't see too many mids, mostly either longs & a few shorts.

I was also surprised at the lack of crowds on Saturday though I think the strong offshore wind kept a lot of lookers in the car park. I was the old fart on the 10' yellow/blue Walden and enjoyed myself as did most of the crew in the lineup. The wind made it difficult to get down the face of some waves on a mal particularly later in the morning. Most of the short boards were around the point at southern end Mullawarra.

Steve, I remember seeing that board a number of times and was about to ask you if you were happy with it as I've got a mate that's been thinking of buying one.

Maybe we need to get a greenroom tat so we can all id each other.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Loaded up" started by vanders1