Hi all,
For those of you with a Mctavish Original or Fireball I'd be interested to hear what fin setup you have found works well and what doesn't. Inparticular trying to decide on the side fins either, G-X, G-L or G1000.
It's personal choice too. I like GX size. Also GXQ with the 80/20 foil. For me, GL's are too small.
Choice of centre fin is also important, and position in the box is also important.
This arrangement will also work well on The Fireball and The Original.
Thanks for the reply guys.
I've got a 9'1 original currently set up with a 7" centre fin (centred half way), with the G1000 fins on the sides. I bought the board mainly to use on beach breaks and to throw around a little more. Same centre fin setup with the fireball and I have just set up with GL today to see how it goes.
I guess the only way I'll really know is to experiment with different setups.
The 9'1 Original is a great board for beachies. Mine got plenty of use at Avalon, Whaley, and Palmie... Handles the steeper waves pretty well.
Sadly, I creased mine at Bells, and then the next surf at Winki, I snapped it. But they are replaceable. In her place, I have a beautiful little quiver of other McTavish boards.
Ive got mine set exactly the same as Simondo and feels right, dont feel like it needs a change at all.
Thanks all for the reply. Might try the GX fins.
Simondo, which Mctavish board did you get to replace your Original?
I have a set of Rusty IFT quad rears as side bites with a shapers Rouben Roxburgh.
Took a while to get the centre position and the standard plastic side bites weren't working for me just didnt' feel like the back end was really engadging but the IFT's are worth every penny in my book.
Really pissed off droped my board (still have no feeling in half my fingers) and banged up all the fin tips only scratch the board (there around 22oz's of glass in that part of the rail) going to have to pull out the sanding block and maybe a bit of 5min epoxy
I have the Fireball Evo 9.1 with original fin set-up. I think it's a 7" centre with GX sides.
I surf it mainly in fast breaking 1-2ft beachies.