D`ont get me wrong i love logger and single fins and still ride my old mal regularly and have done for forty seven years,
people were saying a few years back that high performance longboarding had too many short board manoeuvres,
Finals day at the Noosa Festival had the Logger pro,Joel Tudor Duct Tape and all other divisions and the only manoeuvre
was a drop knee turn and nose ride,i can appreciate what they do and i still struggle to get tip time and also watching free surfing these
days they are doing the same, i think it has become somewhat boring bring back a bit of high performance surfing there are some decent waves been wasted on logging?
Yes, there's some good points you make there!
I guess that's why we have Hybrid Longboards... For example, The Redline, which sort of made way for The Pinnacle.
Old school looks, but slightly modernised rails, especially out through the tail.
Chispy, what I was meaning, "yes, good point in original post". But many people are looking for a little bit more performance than a log, but don't necessarily want a HP Longboard either...
This photo of my Single Fin kind sums it up... Looks pretty old school at first glance, but you can actually drive it off the bottom... (Hybrid style boards)
Here's the same board... Half way through a long wave, and I'm just getting set up for the next section. The Hybrid style boards will certainly accelerate better than a log, and are just more user friendly.
Thanks Vanders & Mac.
The board is my trusty 9'6 Occasional Pin (hand shaped by Bob). It's quite similar to a Redline, but it's 10-15% towards a Tracker... Yes, The Tracker and Redline are quite different. But it draws template features from a Tracker. Semi Old School rails from a Redline, but final hard rails out the tail. The fin is a beauty from Wizz, and screams George Greenough! (As we know, George and Bob were best mates back in the late 60's.
Did you want to see the fin!?
... Oh, OK....
Look, I have to agree, traditional logging has just got no soul and is really boring both watching and participating...
Nice vid. I have never surfed there but I would love to smash those waves on my twin fin too. I doubt I would get a wave off the logs though. Next time I am in Quuensland I will have to buy one and store it at my Mums. Can't beat em, join em.
Ultimately that's the difference between true logging and hp Longboarding, and most sb surfing for that matter . The former is about feeling the wave and going along for its ride, kinda synchronising with the wave whilst the latter is about imposing your will on the wave, smashing it, tearing it up. Each to their own but I prefer the former
I go as the mood takes me. Mixing it up keeps surfing fresh. And thankfully we don't get the crowds the points over there do, so one day I can ride my 7' single fin all rounder, next one of my twin fins, then the 8' 2+1, and finish the week with the 9'4" longboard. And that's what I have surfed over the last week and half. But sometimes doing a hard carve through the lip with a twinny is just about as good as it gets.
Then dropping a couple of waves today on the 8 footer was pretty good today. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Variety is the spice of life.
AndyrooMac everyone on here loves that type of surfing.....but i think your selling yourself short if dismiss the rest. if I relied on surfing like that where I live,I would only surf 20 times a year
I thought the guy in the clip looked like he was trying a bit hard to be uber stylish. Great surfer, that's for sure, but his style seemed affected rather than natural (which probably would have looked much better.) Still, if I could surf like that I'd do the jazz hands and the slow vogue-ing all freaking day.
(But not that wanky little move where you put your back foot in front and hold it for a few seconds... that is just silly.)
I was making a comparison between hp lb and logging, not saying one is better than the other... point totally missed... I mean, you can't force a wave into allowing you to noseride, you have to go with it and wait for the right section to present itself then go... and if that's your bliss then what's the harm in that? What style you prefer to watch/surf is up to the individual and each to their own
i think the point is, these surfers in the logger pro and vans duct tape were " surfing to the judging criteria "
now i am no expert in logging or hp or much at all ... but if the loggers were doing hp moves they would ( or should ) ....not score as well.
the open divisions had way way more hp moves and yeh nose riding was scored highly too, but the opens were certainly not all fully logging etc...
if you had to claim an issue it would be judge to the criteria of the division,