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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Malaysian Wave Pool

Created by MickPC > 9 months ago, 30 Aug 2015
8266 posts
30 Aug 2015 2:39PM
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Organising a spontaneous trip to Malaysia. Missus has wanted to go for a while & wants a break from Bali

Just found out apparently they have one of the best surfing wave pools in the world & I've always wanted to have a go for the novelty.
But I'm having trouble trying to work out how much it costs to actually surf it & not splash around with a truck tire kinda thing.

Anyone know something about it & the actual surfing cost

QLD, 21949 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:44PM
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Mick sorry you would have to be very desperate to want to surf that rubbish.I get the novelty but thats like flogging a dead horse.

I'm off to Hong Kong and then China this week any tips must see or does anybody

NSW, 7269 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:48PM
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Couldn't watch it to the end. The soundtrack got to me. Still any wave is better than nothing

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:49PM
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I just sent a message to a friend whose brother lives there. See what he comes back with. From the look of that vid it looks like most wave pools - powerless n fat. You would want loads of volume under foot.

8266 posts
30 Aug 2015 2:49PM
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Yeah I know the waves pretty moosh mate & another bloody left by the looks of it...but I've wanted to have a go ever since I saw this movie back in the 80's

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:54PM
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Macaha said..
Mick sorry you would have to be very desperate to want to surf that rubbish.I get the novelty but thats like flogging a dead horse.

I'm off to Hong Kong and then China this week any tips must see or does anybody

Apparently there is a big wall somewhere over that way I love HKG - just walking round and eating food. Make sure you head up the top of the hill above where all the expats live - to see the view. Go early in the morning and get dropped off in cab. Then walk back down catching all the escalators down the hill under all the apartment buildings and shopping centres. Make sure you do not leave your run too late - as the escalators all go down hill in the morning as everyone is commuting into the city for work and then they all go the other way when everyone is coming back from the office. Very unique public transport system. Also its good to catch the ferry's across the water ways to have a cruise around.

8266 posts
30 Aug 2015 2:56PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
I just sent a message to a friend whose brother lives there. See what he comes back with. From the look of that vid it looks like most wave pools - powerless n fat. You would want loads of volume under foot.

Sounds promising the looks of those rentals, they've got plenty of volume...& rocker lol, guess I won't be nose diving too much

8266 posts
30 Aug 2015 3:00PM
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On China...if you can get to Hainan Island off the China coast, there are some nice waves....or Taiwan. Couple of places on my to do list, Taiwan especially

8266 posts
30 Aug 2015 3:27PM
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More dodgy music...better surfing


WA, 6913 posts
30 Aug 2015 7:09PM
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Macaha said..
Mick sorry you would have to be very desperate to want to surf that rubbish.I get the novelty but thats like flogging a dead horse.

Mac if you sore the rubbish we have had Metro Perth lately you wouldn't be so quick to judge

Mick a bit of funny trivia that movie "Northshore" Was based loosely around my neighbours (Holiday house) in Hawaii. Well actually his brother and was filmed by their neighbour a producer who still lives their. The house for the shaper in the movie was his house

WA, 20 posts
30 Aug 2015 7:43PM
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We went to KL several years ago and I did some research into that wave pool, it was rarely turned on and when it was, it was for the kiddies. It may have changed but I don't think they crank it up very often.

We drove across Malaysia and stayed in Cherating Beach and got a few waves. Takes about 4+ hours drive but is a pretty cool spot, waves are fun but can be inconsistent, even in season. There is a Club Med in Cherating which makes it an easier sell to the wife!

WA, 2355 posts
30 Aug 2015 7:49PM
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When I was in Darwin last year there was a bloke who had obviously spent far too long at wave pool on the foreshore. He was about 23 and 60kgs dripping wet - less if he cut those manky locks hanging off his head. Anyway, while I could barely move on a tube or body surfing, he was standing on a booger and linking the wedges and doing half decent cutties. Left, cutty, pump left, cutty, right, roundhouse. He made it look surf able.

QLD, 21949 posts
31 Aug 2015 6:55AM
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RonnieRon said..
We went to KL several years ago and I did some research into that wave pool, it was rarely turned on and when it was, it was for the kiddies. It may have changed but I don't think they crank it up very often.

We drove across Malaysia and stayed in Cherating Beach and got a few waves. Takes about 4+ hours drive but is a pretty cool spot, waves are fun but can be inconsistent, even in season. There is a Club Med in Cherating which makes it an easier sell to the wife!

That was a great little clip thanks for sharing.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
31 Aug 2015 8:23AM
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Mick - email sent. Here is the brief version for those interested

I haven't been to the park for ages, and I've never surfed because they only turn it on at weekends and bank holidays for an hour, it's first come first served for about 15 places, you need to get there early to sign up and then hang around the water park (of course weekends & holidays are the busiest times) till they turn the waves on at the end of the day - they split boards and lids, 1hr each. I've seen sessions there - it's only open for the surfers during the sessions, waves come every minute or so - max chest high, short but relatively powerful considering - there's a horn and a 3ft wave comes out with a face for a few turns. When I looked into it (years ago) you had to buy entry to the park, pay extra for surfing and use their sponges - which were knackered.

8266 posts
31 Aug 2015 8:54AM
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Sounds cool JB, I'd like to have a house there...

Thanks again Ted...I saw that Cherating wave on one of the surf atlas websites, but thought it would be too far out of the way of places we're headed. But if its only 4hrs away & there is something in between there & KL. I might just head over. I know Japan gets typhoons around that time, one chased us up from Shikoku the other year & generated some good swell. But seems like the majority of waves are wind generated like Phuket in the rainy season. We'll be there on the cusp of the trade winds swinging, so dunno...if there's some stuff to do in between it might be worth hop/skipping over & guess I can wait until the wave pool is built in Qld.

Cheers guys


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Malaysian Wave Pool" started by MickPC