Forums > Surfing Longboarding

My 2003 hand shaped delta designs single fin pimp

Created by Ctngoodvibes > 9 months ago, 5 Mar 2013
WA, 1404 posts
5 Mar 2013 3:55PM
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I have just dusted this board off, so thought I'd show it off.
My brother had it made for me in 2003 by legendary Margaret river shaper Martin Littlewood. The bro said that at first Marty was very hesitant to shape a single seeing as he hadn't really done it since the early eighties, but he was pretty stoked with the finished product. Marty said the fin design he put on this board (ie the rake etc) was pretty much the peak of what they got to with singles before the thruster was introduced.
I surfed this beauty pretty much exclusively all through 2003 and 2004. Its even been to the abrolos islands and surfed a ridiculously long right hander. Its a keeper and will never be selling it. Its time for it to get back in the water though!!

8266 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:41PM
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Looks like a nice board mate

Tony Harding an old neighbor of mine from when I lived at the back of the blue house down in Margs was awesome on a single, probably still is...saw him at the Eagles Heritage 3 years ago after about 14 years & he still looked the same. Then again your not going to age much in appearance when you have a huge beard Just saying coz I think he used to shape his boards at Delta.

10980 posts
5 Mar 2013 5:46PM
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Ctngoodvibes said...

Hi baby, what's your numbers....

On the iPad pad and can't read the dims on the bottom. But looks good.

WA, 1404 posts
5 Mar 2013 6:53PM
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7' x 19' 1/2" x 2 5/8"
Really good for waves with punch

QLD, 7932 posts
6 Mar 2013 5:38PM
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Ctngoodvibes said...
7' x 19' 1/2" x 2 5/8"
Really good for waves with punch

and barrels


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"My 2003 hand shaped delta designs single fin pimp" started by Ctngoodvibes