Forums > Surfing Longboarding

New G board suddenly blistered up

Created by Toesnknees > 9 months ago, 25 Feb 2024
1 posts
25 Feb 2024 9:21AM
Thumbs Up

Hey guys, just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
I'm not allowed to show a pic but the blister is about 300mm x 150mm and 40mm high.
I bought the brand new G board from Zaks in Thonbury, picked it up just after Christmas. Had a few sessions over a couple of weeks and really liked it.
After less than 2 weeks of owning it the board suddenly blistered up on the beach on a 23C day. As you probably remember there were no hot days in the few weeks after Chrissy. I took it back to Zaks mid Jan and they suspected heat damage but I'm thinking that can't be right as it never touched anything hot and it was mid 20's through that time.
Apparently G board wanted to assess it so I left it with them. It's now nearly March and I've heard nothing from Zaks or G board.
I emailed G board again today so hopefully I hear something.
Sorry to post a negative story, I do actually like the board a lot.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"New G board suddenly blistered up" started by Toesnknees