Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Noob question - bottom turn

Created by kadil > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2012
QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 12:43PM
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I can get up on my board now so gotta start catching greenies. I am still slow to get up so want to know if I should always complete standing up before turning? I guess it would be a bit unstable trying to get up while going along a wave? Thoughts, advice, etc.

NSW, 3487 posts
4 Mar 2012 2:09PM
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Eventually you will probable start to paddle across the face of a wave in the direction that you will be going in. Sometime you may even paddle in the opposite direction because you want to pick it up nearer the critical section and snap out a turn.

But for now, my advice would be just to paddle as hard as you can to pick them up, your turn will just come naturally and you will probably find that you are turning as your getting to your feet by leaning slightly into the direction of your turn.

The biggest problem for you at the moment may be pearling or nose diving because you're paddling too straight and getting up too late. That will change, the more it happens the quicker you learn.

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 1:26PM
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obct said...

Eventually you will probable start to paddle across the face of a wave in the direction that you will be going in. Sometime you may even paddle in the opposite direction because you want to pick it up nearer the critical section and snap out a turn.

But for now, my advice would be just to paddle as hard as you can to pick them up, your turn will just come naturally and you will probably find that you are turning as your getting to your feet by leaning slightly into the direction of your turn.

The biggest problem for you at the moment may be pearling or nose diving because you're paddling too straight and getting up too late. That will change, the more it happens the quicker you learn.

Because I am mainly in shallow water, and wave steepness varies a lot, I am doing quite a bit to keep the nose just out of the water. Mostly got that sorted.

I am regular footed, and most waves in the area break to the right. Next time I might see if I can mix the pop up and turn into one combination.

WA, 24860 posts
4 Mar 2012 12:18PM
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Hey kadli,I'm thinking high to mid tide is your best friend while learning,slows the wave down which gives the surfer time,learning in low tide on a beach break is going to slow the learning stage down by 30%.

QLD, 2816 posts
4 Mar 2012 2:22PM
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You must get into the habit now of paddling into the wave with the board angled slightly in the direction that the wave is breaking. The amount of angle is simply a matter of experimentation and will vary on different waves. Oh - yes, you are gunna take off with too much angle at times and go sideways over the falls at times but it will just click for you in time. If the wave is very quick you need lots of paddle speed, lots of angle on the board and stay low until the board has momentum along the wave face. Also in a fast dumpy shallow wave the more angle on takeoff the less likely you are to crease or damage your board from nosediving - its actually quite simple to hold onto your board if you go sideways over smallish waves.

90 posts
4 Mar 2012 12:59PM
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or if you are like me with crook knees,back and shoulders just getting up sometimes is a challenge.I ride mainly beachbreaks so yeah slight angle of direction when paddling and if you get up quick youre laughing or if youre like me sometimes I make it most times I dont unless I ride pissy weak point waves lol

QLD, 1538 posts
4 Mar 2012 3:02PM
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billboard said...

You must get into the habit now of paddling into the wave with the board angled slightly in the direction that the wave is breaking. The amount of angle is simply a matter of experimentation and will vary on different waves. Oh - yes, you are gunna take off with too much angle at times and go sideways over the falls at times but it will just click for you in time. If the wave is very quick you need lots of paddle speed, lots of angle on the board and stay low until the board has momentum along the wave face. Also in a fast dumpy shallow wave the more angle on takeoff the less likely you are to crease or damage your board from nosediving - its actually quite simple to hold onto your board if you go sideways over smallish waves.

I would agree with BB here IMHO. You just need to do it 1,000 times, I think practice and experimentation is the only way to learn. Keep it up.

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 3:24PM
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Thanks for the feedback guys. 4 weeks ago I had no idea what waves to get on. 2 weeks ago I got on most waves I thought I could. This week I stood up on most of them. Time in the water is key, and listening to the right advice.

Next steps: Mid to high tide sessions, paddle onto waves instead of from standing start, catch the waves at a slight angle.

My paddling strength is also better than a month ago, so maybe it will be OK. Wish I had my fitness from 20 years ago (Keep this up and I will have my fitness back)

1145 posts
4 Mar 2012 3:10PM
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I mite need to go to the gold coast,i believe those guys showed a guy from wa how its done

QLD, 1820 posts
4 Mar 2012 7:02PM
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where are you surfing mostly ?

VIC, 8020 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:07PM
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All good advice... Paddle Paddle Paddle.... Paddle as hard as you can... Paddle at 125% effort when trying to get a wave.

Some basics;
1) Paddle Fitness
2) Wave judgement (watch and learn, and watch some more)
3) Enjoy!

The Bottom Turn;
1) Yes, try and get to you feet as quick as possible, but while maintaining a steady balance. Cat like prowess!
2) Keep the knees bent, and extend the knees at the bottom of the wave.
3) You will learn good foot placement over time...

The pic below is me, my rear foot and rear toes are right out on the rail, holding a nice rail line. Knees bent ready to extend the knees, to pump for speed... Even though I'm crouching for a cover up, when I came out the other end, I'm ready for a leg extension.

NSW, 7269 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:42PM
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Just stick with it Kadil you're doing well. Get a few surf vids out and have a look at how it's done. It will all come together. Try some core strengthening exercises and some stretching as well. You can do core strengthening watching Tv. It all helps.

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 7:52PM
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jasdeking said...

where are you surfing mostly ?

Makaha or me?

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:01PM
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Simondo said...

All good advice... Paddle Paddle Paddle.... Paddle as hard as you can... Paddle at 125% effort when trying to get a wave.

Some basics;
1) Paddle Fitness
2) Wave judgement (watch and learn, and watch some more)
3) Enjoy!

The Bottom Turn;
1) Yes, try and get to you feet as quick as possible, but while maintaining a steady balance. Cat like prowess!
2) Keep the knees bent, and extend the knees at the bottom of the wave.
3) You will learn good foot placement over time...

The pic below is me, my rear foot and rear toes are right out on the rail, holding a nice rail line. Knees bent ready to extend the knees, to pump for speed... Even though I'm crouching for a cover up, when I came out the other end, I'm ready for a leg extension.

Definitely got to step up the paddle fitness :) Can't get to the beach midweek, but can get a swim in.

Never thought about foot position for the turn, guess that could make a big difference on a fairly wide board.

For any old noobs with desk jobs like me who start out with bad flexibility, consider going to a sports physio for some targeted exercises. If you have medical insurance it is dirt cheap and works a treat.

1145 posts
4 Mar 2012 6:12PM
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kadil said...

jasdeking said...

where are you surfing mostly ?

Makaha or me?

u mate not me

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:18PM
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Been to Noosa out near the rock wall most, Coolum twice, Currimundi, Kings and Moffats.

Think I will try the point break near Noosa surf club next to try for a longer wave.

WA, 24860 posts
4 Mar 2012 6:22PM
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So your a sunny coast man kadil

As most have said,it will click one day and you wont do anything different than your doing now and once it does well that will make you smile then the next stage is ----------------------------------------------- and ------------------------------then more boards

QLD, 7932 posts
4 Mar 2012 8:45PM
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kadil dont listen to them. i like asea theory on this subject. get up as fast as you can(asea has dropped in on somebody by now) once on your feet take a step back and stomp on the tail hard(as hard as someone nuts you would squash if you caught them with your girl). now do this till there is not any wave left,just all the people you have snaked are left behind you.

VIC, 8020 posts
4 Mar 2012 9:50PM
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That's good advice Chrispy!

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 9:19PM
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62mac said...

So your a sunny coast man kadil

As most have said,it will click one day and you wont do anything different than your doing now and once it does well that will make you smile then the next stage is ----------------------------------------------- and ------------------------------then more boards

Mate, when I get a photo like Simondo's with me trimming along with that big wave behind me, I'm gonna be thinking how much better it would have been on a better board

QLD, 131 posts
4 Mar 2012 9:24PM
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chrispychru said...

kadil dont listen to them. i like asea theory on this subject. get up as fast as you can(asea has dropped in on somebody by now) once on your feet take a step back and stomp on the tail hard(as hard as someone nuts you would squash if you caught them with your girl). now do this till there is not any wave left,just all the people you have snaked are left behind you.

Interesting. My last attempt on a big wave, I dropped in on somebody before I realised he was on, then didn't have the control to get out of the way. He was actually very polite.

90 posts
5 Mar 2012 5:06AM
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must have been me

NSW, 893 posts
5 Mar 2012 11:04AM
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In relation to your fitness and flexibility, go to this website:

Total Surfing

They will ask you to buy a course and that is up to you. But what I did was get onto their emailing list. What happens then is you get sent a series of programs relating to surfing fitness, naturally there is a link hoping you will buy the course. But the emailed programs give you enough to get started with and cover a number of different areas.

QLD, 1820 posts
5 Mar 2012 10:14AM
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kadil said...

Been to Noosa out near the rock wall most, Coolum twice, Currimundi, Kings and Moffats.

Think I will try the point break near Noosa surf club next to try for a longer wave.

noosa access 11 has a nice bank
the points are insane if a wave gets up many people going for them...
happy valley has a nice small long wave in the northerlies or light southerlies ... great for just having fun.

NSW, 3487 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:40PM
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kadil said...

62mac said...

So your a sunny coast man kadil

As most have said,it will click one day and you wont do anything different than your doing now and once it does well that will make you smile then the next stage is ----------------------------------------------- and ------------------------------then more boards

Mate, when I get a photo like Simondo's with me trimming along with that big wave behind me, I'm gonna be thinking how much better it would have been on a better board

We've discussed that pic before kadil.

We figure that Simondo photoshopped it while he was sitting around with his mates drinking that vile longboard piss.

We reckon he stood on the bar and posed for it and if you look closely you can see that the foam behind him is actually beer slops.

Plus you can just make out the the ash tray under his left foot.

10979 posts
5 Mar 2012 11:20AM
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Lots of good advice above, something you can try is great a reasonably long and wide skateboard and cruise around preferably a gentle slope to start and just kinda angle across the hill as if your on a wave and then turn the board back up the hill as if your bottom turning across a wave...
then back down and so on.
Better still if you have a snake run near your house, check out the local skateparks but sadly not many have them anymore.

Sorry it is a poor explanation of my point..
It just get used to the changing of your weight and turning a board.good thing is you can do it when the surf is ****.

QLD, 7932 posts
5 Mar 2012 1:29PM
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^^^^^^ just dont get into straight leg turns on a longboard sk8r,ride it like you would in the surf, tuck low drive the turn till your wheels chatter,even plant your hand on the ground as if its the face off a wave, you can practise your crosstep and even walk to the nose

QLD, 131 posts
5 Mar 2012 7:42PM
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jasdeking said...

noosa access 11 has a nice bank
the points are insane if a wave gets up many people going for them...
happy valley has a nice small long wave in the northerlies or light southerlies ... great for just having fun.

I've mainly been hanging around "13". The sand extends quire far out there, so it gets a long white water ride in.

Have to start playing in the deeper water, I'll have a go at 11 sometime soon.



Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Noob question - bottom turn" started by kadil