Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Not 4 those 2 med length hater's weiry & macaha

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 15 May 2014
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 8:30PM
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and before some of you blokes get your hula skirts in a knot the side bites aren't mine

QLD, 21950 posts
15 May 2014 8:33PM
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wax job

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 8:39PM
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you didn't read the title by any chance

QLD, 21950 posts
15 May 2014 9:20PM
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laceys lane said...
you didn't read the title by any chance

nope sorry

QLD, 3809 posts
15 May 2014 9:22PM
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Great looking ride Lacey, don't let em get ya down mate, variety is the spice of life, lets mix it up brother.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 May 2014 9:29PM
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Macaha said...


Fixed it for ya - its in bloody good shape. You ought to be proud of that LL.

Board looks ok for a purple one - get any strange looks in the water ?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 9:32PM
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nar vanders, they don't get me down.

its more like i pity them.

trouble is they have issues and don't even know it.

its like some death cult hold 'bob' has over them

the scientolgists of long boarding

10980 posts
15 May 2014 7:33PM
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Looks farkin awesome LL.

Have fun..

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 9:35PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...
Macaha said...


Fixed it for ya - its in bloody good shape. You ought to be proud of that LL.

Board looks ok for a purple one - get any strange looks in the water ?

you know its a strange one ted. for some reason guys backed off when i was catching waves- maybe i freaked them out.

but it does surf a treat i can tell you


ps i could see this shape at 6' too

QLD, 5396 posts
15 May 2014 9:35PM
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mini mal

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 9:41PM
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weiry said...
mini mal


QLD, 5396 posts
15 May 2014 9:56PM
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Seriously a few things need to be said about these photos.

the thing i like about this photo, is the stunning

sheena's gold hedge and the yucca to the right
of the mini mal.

and mac

can you please STOP

in at Laceys place and give him some wet & forget
he has a black fungi monster attacking his letterbox

13831 posts
15 May 2014 8:27PM
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Not too foul , not too foul at all mister fin guruswami - liking the rail accents & that concave , did u buy her

QLD, 1332 posts
15 May 2014 10:42PM
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I like the planshape.
Like the absence of a ridiculously wide nose that fouls most offerings in this genre.
What's the dims and does that single concave run right through the bottom or does it go into a flat bottom?
Are you going to keep borrowing it?

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 May 2014 11:24PM
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Cuttlefish said...
I like the planshape.
Like the absence of a ridiculously wide nose that fouls most offerings in this genre.
What's the dims and does that single concave run right through the bottom or does it go into a flat bottom?
Are you going to keep borrowing it?

boys i think its 21.5 wide. single runs into double concave, v off the tail- standard stuff. 7' long. a kind off chunkier rail under the chest area than the rest of the board. the foil looks real nice as from the side shots. the rocker and blended outline is the key i think.
decades of shaping experience in there- murry burton

i'm buying it. a real impressive board. paddles really well, get waves easy, you can pump it or nose trim it and on top of that it carves to hell.

i can't find any dam reason not to buy it. nothing retro the way it surfs- high end 'so called fun board' imo

if you put a channel island logo on it and gave it some funky 'pod' like name will souped graphics, i reckon it would sell heaps.

VIC, 1309 posts
15 May 2014 11:43PM
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Nice board Lacey, must admit I have been hovering for sometime in the longboard room with out being able to comment as my surfboards are undersized, they are " mini mals" ....mind you I have a mal as well but IMO size is not important.. It how you use it...

QLD, 21950 posts
16 May 2014 5:53AM
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OK I've softened overnight,I do like everything about this board and can see why Lacey is head over heals with it!

Ockanui,it dosent matter what you ride mate all welcome in here,boy we even put up with Lacey for months on end
with his 666 posts until he finally saw the light all fun and games so enjoy what you ride.

WA, 9675 posts
16 May 2014 5:09AM
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Your just a stirrer does look like a mini mal from the pics.....I will borrow it for a couple of waves though lacey

QLD, 2286 posts
16 May 2014 7:59AM
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Nice Lace.

If I could paddle something that size I would get one.

Crap colour though. Looks like Jas's wife's board.

I like the lawn too.


QLD, 21950 posts
16 May 2014 8:38AM
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The one thing both these new purple boards have in common,is they were both shot on outstanding lawns.

NSW, 1488 posts
16 May 2014 8:54AM
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ockanui said...
Nice board Lacey, must admit I have been hovering for sometime in the longboard room with out being able to comment as my surfboards are undersized, they are " mini mals" ....mind you I have a mal as well but IMO size is not important.. It how you use it...

Likewise Ocka...ride 'em all if that's your bag...or Bags

QLD, 5544 posts
16 May 2014 9:05AM
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Good on ya LL i have seen that colour on a mal looks hot

VIC, 3829 posts
16 May 2014 9:13AM
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Nice looking stick...I thought min mals had a more rounded nose??

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 May 2014 12:39PM
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You know when you look at a lit of fun, crap wave shorties these days there is definitely mal in them. Common deniminator is planning area.

VIC, 3829 posts
16 May 2014 12:45PM
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laceys lane said...
You know when you look at a lit of fun, crap wave shorties these days there is definitely mal in them. Common deniminator is planning area.

Yeah the plane shape of that does remind me a lot of my CI biscuit and the 5'10 double ender I just made....lost of planning area with the right bottom and rail shape makes for a super sweet also have a super sweet lawn

8266 posts
16 May 2014 10:50AM
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Looks alright to me

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 May 2014 4:42PM
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some are saying it's a mini mal in the same tones of speaking about the 'black plague' or something.

isn't a mini mal 8'?.

is it a oversized short board fun shape?

does it matter- i can tell you it surfs a treat and surfs nothing like a mal other than you can kinda nose trim it

didn't know the crew in here were so prejudice

ps i can see this board as a 6' er

just how short can a mini mal go

13831 posts
16 May 2014 2:47PM
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laceys lane said...
some are saying it's a mini mal in the same tones of speaking about the 'black plague' or something.

isn't a mini mal 8'?.

is it a oversized short board fun shape?

does it matter- i can tell you it surfs a treat and surfs nothing like a mal other than you can kinda nose trim it

didn't know the crew in here were so prejudice

ps i can see this board as a 6' er

just how short can a mini mal go

Here's the black plague Lacey ..... bloody sacreledge going down at McT ville .... power sanders pffffffffffffffffffftttttt

QLD, 21950 posts
16 May 2014 5:26PM
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Hmmm well thats the polishing bay Pup,not sure if I can get you a VIP tour next time your over

QLD, 21950 posts
16 May 2014 5:38PM
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laceys lane said...
some are saying it's a mini mal in the same tones of speaking about the 'black plague' or something.

isn't a mini mal 8'?.

is it a oversized short board fun shape?

does it matter- i can tell you it surfs a treat and surfs nothing like a mal other than you can kinda nose trim it

didn't know the crew in here were so prejudice

ps i can see this board as a 6' er

just how short can a mini mal go

Lacey for the record,it has a little retro and fun board wrapped into one.
Put a mctavish sticker on it and I'll like it more

Oh I do like it mate

QLD, 5544 posts
16 May 2014 5:41PM
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Macaha said...
Hmmm well thats the polishing bay Pup,not sure if I can get you a VIP tour next time your over

Don't worry Pup i'll get you in there champion


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Not 4 those 2 med length hater's weiry & macaha" started by laceys lane