Forums > Surfing Longboarding


Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 9 Mar 2016
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:17AM
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Mac posted a link of interest

Its something that interests a lot of people - the behaviour of people in the surf. Yet most choose not to comment. Yet in other instances you complain about crowds etc

Why? I know a lot of you looked at it - I watched the number of viewers. Also I know lots of you live in high volume surf zones.

Great discussion point. Opportunity missed? The longer everyone lets people behave like dickheads in the surf - no matter who they are - the worse it makes it for everyone else. Its like you are happy in this situation of being a second rate citizen - why? If everyone is happy to stand by and encourage people to drop in the worse it will make it - for everyone. Your wave count will continue to go down as other more aggressive people take over. This will continue to fuel peoples belief that dropping in is ok - as no one complains.

The number of deaths on the roads are low relative to the number of people using them - because there are rules that people need to follow and most choose to - so we can all get along and travel safely on the roads. Those idiots that do not eventually get caught and leave the road network for a period of time. Why should surfing in a public space be any different? Imagine if there was no consistent rule on what side of the road you need to travel on..................

The rules of surfing are clearly defined and have been for a very long time. Stand up to these faaaarrrrkheads and draw a line in the sand. Its not that difficult. It does not matter who they are. Don't be afraid to call someone out for behaving like a prick in the lineup. The ocean is going to only get more crowded going forward (joy) - you have a chance to make a difference.If not the problem will esculate beyond belief. I have never been in a line-up over the last 25 years where someone has called someone out for being a dickhead and they have continued to behave in such a way without others stepping in to support them. Do you let your boss treat you like a piece of crap? Do you treat your wife / partner like a piece of crap? So why let others do that to you?

Personally crowds do not impact me too much anymore. I have made changes to where I live to compensate. I do not surf as much as I would like to - but when I do its in quality waves and normally not too many people. If you know where to go that is. Every other day we get people turning up with no idea about etiquette - they learn very quickly what it means - if they don't they have soon left - its clearly defined what acceptable behaviour looks like and what does not. Most though respect the general rules. Its not that hard. Seriously its not. But you need to make a stand. Call someone out and if you get no support - I will buy you a beer.

Offer restricted to long time greenroom people only - I hate being taken advantage of

QLD, 21900 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:49AM
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Yeah I think Matt regrets those words he said during that interview about its ok its Mick's wave.

On the Pussie front,we get the SB pussies drifting down the line up into LM and Rainbow,its like
John West and the ones he rejects.

10979 posts
9 Mar 2016 5:52AM
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He's a pro is the biggest cock stroke of all time.

Who gives a ****, doesn't make him anymore important then the electrician down the road who surfs when he can and supports his family by flogging himself everyday..

He doesn't have the luxury of being sponsored to surf and get to surf lots of good waves he has to make do with what is there in the hour after work or on the weekend between taking his kids to whatever they have on, Most pros wouldn't know what that was like, I'd say most pros are like most pro sportsmen, very self centered and a fair chunk of ego..

For a pro to burn the average local bloke just screams I am an egotistical **** stick..

As Ted said call them on it, who cares if they surf better then you, don't talk about it..

Just go for the throat on their character.....

Being able to stand on a bit of foam and fiberglass doesn't make you a good person..

WA, 1403 posts
9 Mar 2016 6:44AM
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Ted the peak where you are is one of the most crowded waves I have ever seen and that was 15 years ago! Tight take off too. I assume you are doing the long walk everyday to escape that or is the peak not so packed these day?

13831 posts
9 Mar 2016 8:13AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Mac posted a link of interest

........ More than fiddy words ........

Offer restricted to long time greenroom people only - I hate being taken advantage of

I'll shout you the beer Ted .... fark I will even make you some sausage ..... then I will tell you a little story - some retards never learn

158 posts
9 Mar 2016 9:05AM
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SP said..
He's a pro is the biggest cock stroke of all time.

Who gives a ****, doesn't make him anymore important then the electrician down the road who surfs when he can and supports his family by flogging himself everyday..

He doesn't have the luxury of being sponsored to surf and get to surf lots of good waves he has to make do with what is there in the hour after work or on the weekend between taking his kids to whatever they have on, Most pros wouldn't know what that was like, I'd say most pros are like most pro sportsmen, very self centered and a fair chunk of ego..

For a pro to burn the average local bloke just screams I am an egotistical **** stick..

As Ted said call them on it, who cares if they surf better then you, don't talk about it..

Just go for the throat on their character.....

Being able to stand on a bit of foam and fiberglass doesn't make you a good person..

I definitely do not agree with this statement SP "I'd say most pros are like most pro sportsmen, very self centered and a fair chunk of ego.."

Surfing by nature is a self centred pursuit. The amount of time and energy one spends on the pursuit of chasing the feeling of sliding on water, often to the neglect of other aspects in ones life, is egotistical and selfishly driven..

I am not saying burning a punter on his arvo surf is ok - but to generalise all athletes as self centred and ego driven is incorrect.... Human beings can be selfish, but this is not confined to sportspeople only.

NSW, 7269 posts
9 Mar 2016 12:41PM
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SP said..
He's a pro is the biggest cock stroke of all time.

Who gives a ****, doesn't make him anymore important then the electrician down the road who surfs when he can and supports his family by flogging himself everyday..

He doesn't have the luxury of being sponsored to surf and get to surf lots of good waves he has to make do with what is there in the hour after work or on the weekend between taking his kids to whatever they have on, Most pros wouldn't know what that was like, I'd say most pros are like most pro sportsmen, very self centered and a fair chunk of ego..

For a pro to burn the average local bloke just screams I am an egotistical **** stick..

As Ted said call them on it, who cares if they surf better then you, don't talk about it..

Just go for the throat on their character.....

Being able to stand on a bit of foam and fiberglass doesn't make you a good person..

Good call mate

10979 posts
9 Mar 2016 9:58AM
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Leashless I think you misunderstood me a bit and are coming from a different POV to me mate.

I didn't say it was confined to sports people only , many successful people are self centered, egotistical and in many cases borderline Narcissists.
It has actually been studied many times and backed up so i wasn't just pulling the comment out of thin air.
It is actually a personality trait that can help them get to the top. A bit of Ego isn't a bad thing.

And i definitely didn't say all sportspeople.

And Your experience must be different to mine, my surfing has never been a selfish pursuit, i would never choose surfing over being a good person, my family etc etc. It just isn't that important to me, i grew up at the beach and have spent most of my life on the sand so missing a few waves or whatever just doesn't bother me.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Mar 2016 1:55PM
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Macaha said..
Yeah I think Matt regrets those words he said during that interview about its ok its Mick's wave.

On the Pussie front,we get the SB pussies drifting down the line up into LM and Rainbow,its like
John West and the ones he rejects.

so, if I read this correctly you spend most of your time surfing rejects and a happy to do so

QLD, 21900 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:17PM
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Yes sir happy

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:31PM
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Macaha said..
Yes sir happy

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:44PM
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SP said..

I didn't say it was confined to the greenroom people only , many successful 'storeman' are self centered, egotistical and in many cases borderline Narcissists.

It is actually a personality trait that can help them get to be the prez. A lot of art ego on long boards isn't a bad thing.

And i definitely didn't say all greenroom people - just one of them

I think he's talking about you mac.

don't take that

QLD, 5511 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:20PM
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This man is the Prez he's no pussie just a longboarding stylist from the Goldy.

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:26PM
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Couldn't resist this someone asking for an opinion. I've got heaps.

Ted, I agree, if you feel strongly enough you should call someone out if they are doing the wrong thing. The problem is that it generally goes straight past their limited intellect.

I was paddling out at Tea Tree Bay some months ago when a guy blatantly dropped in on another surfer. I called out " hey mate, there is someone inside you". I got the evil eye and a snear. Shortly after this chap asked me what my problem was, I said " I thought I would let you know there was a guy inside in case you hadn't seen him".
His reply " Get Farked grandad".

I wondered how he new I was a grandfather. Anyway, it is unfortunate that there is an element in surfing that has an "it's all about me" attitude. This can be seen throughout our society unfortunately. It is also sad that a lot of people that are regarded by the masses as elite top level sportsmen have the same attitude. Not all but some.

I do not believe that we can educate our way to all surfers having the right approach, we are dealing with people, and currently our society is displaying a very selfish and self centred approach to lots of things.

This attitude has been around to some degree for ever. I am over 60 and have surfed since I was 14, it is worse now but has always been there. I grew up in Cronulla in the late 60's and early 70's and it existed then. Though to a much lesser degree.

I don't know if there is a solution, calling someone is good, letting them know they are in the wrong us good, showing consideration is good, obeying the unwritten rules is essential
An alternative is to be very selective about the times and places that you surf so as to avoid the masses. I find myself taking time off through the week to avoid crowds, or surfing on the rise or fall of a swell, or taking regular short trips to less crowded places.

The best you can do is to be the best you can be.


QLD, 2286 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:28PM
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asea said..

This man is the Prez he's no pussie just a longboarding stylist from the Goldy.

Looks like he put in a bit of weight whilst recovering fro his back injury.


QLD, 5511 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:44PM
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I was sort of guilty the other day sitting patiently waiting for a wave to come my way and it did but this fit young guy no leggie was paddling back out after his 5 waves to 1of mine decided to take it. I saw a red flag and said fk u buddy and took it as it was my turn,any way he didn't say boo which was nice of him.

8266 posts
9 Mar 2016 1:46PM
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I totally agree if your surfing sucky waves like Snapper or Indo. And a guy with MF's skills should not have to resort to constant burnage. He's obviously far from the only one though...but a stand out surfer always gets noticed for it more than the average punter.

But on the other hand...there a fat waves like my local that are perfect for sharing & I call people in to share with me all the time. I really enjoy it. Yesterday I told a mate to "gogogo". He took off & was up on the nose in front of me on his modern retro, trimming along the top. Then I passed him & changed tak to slow down for him to cross over. But unfortunately the wave hit a flat spot & he lost momentum. But it was heaps of fun & we were laughing all the way.

When you've got 6 to 10 local guys sitting on the peak & only 2 or 3 waves in a set every 15 to 20 mins on an average up to head high on the sets kinda day. It just makes sense to share a few when your all riding long boards & not figure 8'ing all over the face of the wave. It can be a lot of fun

2350 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:11PM
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Very disappointing thread considering its title

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:21PM
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NewScotty said..
Very disappointing thread considering its title

yeah, I was thinking teds stepped up and taken cobra's place

QLD, 1332 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:23PM
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During the Winston swell I didn't even bother surfing the Friday and Saturday at my local point because it was so crowded and the amount of drop ins were ridiculous. Up to then I'd simply gotten sick and tired of the number of times people had paddled into a wave that I was paddling for without looking on their inside and dropping in or simply shoulder hopping and then saying "I didn't see you" or "I didn't think you'd make it".
Pffft...yeah I'm going to make it.
I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle any more. It was also pointless to try to educate anyone because when its so crowded all etiquette has been completely discarded by everyone else so its not worth the arguing.
Sunday I finally went bugger it and instead of surfing one of my shorter boards I took out my 8' modern blackhawk and even though the waves were back to 4-5' by then I just sat out the back and waited for the better set waves.
Had the most fun I'd had in ages because suddenly I wasn't taking off in amongst the crowd and bottom turning into the pack I just had to deal with all the wombats who would either just sit there or those who chose to chicken paddle for the shoulder.
Got one that broke far enough out that I could bottom turn and blast right by all of them before they were even paddling up the face or bailing their boards in front of me.
Anyway I literally kicked myself because I could have been doing the same thing on the previous 2 days but I was stuck on riding my shorter boards mentality which would have put me right in amongst it all so I didn't even bother to surf.
Now this doesn't do much good at a break like Snapper but for other breaks sometimes it pays to go out with a board that sits you out from the pack and while not being greedy about it, lets you pick and choose some good ones and you go home buzzing not frustrated and pissed off.
My next step in strategy is I've just bought a jet ski to access more isolated waves (oh and tow the kids around in the river on a tube).

QLD, 21900 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:35PM
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laceys lane said..

NewScotty said..
Very disappointing thread considering its title

yeah, I was thinking teds stepped up and taken cobra's place

Anybody heard from Cobra and why or what made him walk??

QLD, 613 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:45PM
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et,the greedy farkers are even at it during the festival of greed,the 0'70s was a ****fight,no manners from the pro that won the event,surfing against his noosa mates,he even had a deliberate dropin from another guy just to pay him back,070 for fark sake ,it will be the same throughout the event from trophy hunters,im glad the surf is farked,they will all piss off on the weekend and many wont return.word has it that some overseas crew want their money back.

10979 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:49PM
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Macaha said...
laceys lane said..

NewScotty said..
Very disappointing thread considering its title

yeah, I was thinking teds stepped up and taken cobra's place

Anybody heard from Cobra and why or what made him walk??

Thought he was back hacking log ins for a second there

484 posts
9 Mar 2016 2:56PM
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Cuttlefish said..
During the Winston swell I didn't even bother surfing the Friday and Saturday at my local point because it was so crowded and the amount of drop ins were ridiculous. Up to then I'd simply gotten sick and tired of the number of times people had paddled into a wave that I was paddling for without looking on their inside and dropping in or simply shoulder hopping and then saying "I didn't see you" or "I didn't think you'd make it".
Pffft...yeah I'm going to make it.
I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle any more. It was also pointless to try to educate anyone because when its so crowded all etiquette has been completely discarded by everyone else so its not worth the arguing.
Sunday I finally went bugger it and instead of surfing one of my shorter boards I took out my 8' modern blackhawk and even though the waves were back to 4-5' by then I just sat out the back and waited for the better set waves.
Had the most fun I'd had in ages because suddenly I wasn't taking off in amongst the crowd and bottom turning into the pack I just had to deal with all the wombats who would either just sit there or those who chose to chicken paddle for the shoulder.
Got one that broke far enough out that I could bottom turn and blast right by all of them before they were even paddling up the face or bailing their boards in front of me.
Anyway I literally kicked myself because I could have been doing the same thing on the previous 2 days but I was stuck on riding my shorter boards mentality which would have put me right in amongst it all so I didn't even bother to surf.
Now this doesn't do much good at a break like Snapper but for other breaks sometimes it pays to go out with a board that sits you out from the pack and while not being greedy about it, lets you pick and choose some good ones and you go home buzzing not frustrated and pissed off.
My next step in strategy is I've just bought a jet ski to access more isolated waves (oh and tow the kids around in the river on a tube).

That's the only way to fly at the corner, Cuttlefish. Seeing as how this is a thread about pussies i guess i can ask: is that new Greedy Beaver on Gumtree one of your boards? What happened there, just changed your mind? Fair enough if that's the case... I guess your famous quiver has most things covered already ...

WA, 3028 posts
9 Mar 2016 3:03PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said..
Yeah I think Matt regrets those words he said during that interview about its ok its Mick's wave.

On the Pussie front,we get the SB pussies drifting down the line up into LM and Rainbow,its like
John West and the ones he rejects.

so, if I read this correctly you spend most of your time surfing rejects and a happy to do so

QLD, 1332 posts
9 Mar 2016 5:25PM
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Yep...The greedy beaver took ages to arrive. In the mean time I ordered the McNeill cv2 and picked up the DVS weiner used.
Too many boards in that catergory. So when the greedy beaver finally turned up its straight on gumtree.

QLD, 515 posts
9 Mar 2016 5:36PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
Mac posted a link of interest

Its something that interests a lot of people - the behaviour of people in the surf. Yet most choose not to comment. Yet in other instances you complain about crowds etc

Great discussion point. Opportunity missed? The longer everyone lets people behave like dickheads in the surf - no matter who they are - the worse it makes it for everyone else. Its like you are happy in this situation of being a second rate citizen - why? If everyone is happy to stand by and encourage people to drop in the worse it will make it - for everyone. Your wave count will continue to go down as other more aggressive people take over. This will continue to fuel peoples belief that dropping in is ok - as no one complains.

The rules of surfing are clearly defined and have been for a very long time. Stand up to these faaaarrrrkheads and draw a line in the sand. Its not that difficult. It does not matter who they are. Don't be afraid to call someone out for behaving like a prick in the lineup. The ocean is going to only get more crowded going forward (joy) - you have a chance to make a difference.If not the problem will esculate beyond belief. I have never been in a line-up over the last 25 years where someone has called someone out for being a dickhead and they have continued to behave in such a way without others stepping in to support them. Do you let your boss treat you like a piece of crap? Do you treat your wife / partner like a piece of crap? So why let others do that to you?

Offer restricted to long time greenroom people only - I hate being taken advantage of

SP said..

He's a pro is the biggest cock stroke of all time.

Who gives a ****, doesn't make him anymore important then the electrician down the road who surfs when he can and supports his family by flogging himself everyday..

He doesn't have the luxury of being sponsored to surf and get to surf lots of good waves he has to make do with what is there in the hour after work or on the weekend between taking his kids to whatever they have on, Most pros wouldn't know what that was like, I'd say most pros are like most pro sportsmen, very self centered and a fair chunk of ego..

For a pro to burn the average local bloke just screams I am an egotistical **** stick..

As Ted said call them on it, who cares if they surf better then you, don't talk about it..

Just go for the throat on their character.....

Being able to stand on a bit of foam and fiberglass doesn't make you a good person..

Good topic Ted and I get what you are saying and I am all for it but at what cost??

Well Said SP

I have had the pleasure of being burnt by this D!ckhead a few years ago at D-Bah.
It was a 3 foot day not crowded ( 40 out ) and a little right hander pops up and I start to paddle for it, I put in 6 or 7 paddles, he spins around starts to paddle
I look him in the eye and call out YEPP!!! He still paddles, we both take off and he just fades me with a long bottom turn..... Arsehole!!!

But What am I going to do??? I mean I could have yelled at him, told him he is a prick and even easily punched the crap out of him ( as I a twice his size ). But then what? Do I have to punch my way all the way out of Cooly, as I am sure there would be a heap of Knobs that would want to show Mick how much they all love him and bend over for him in the carpark
Or He goes and has a cry to the cops, and I end up getting sued by him, and the judge comes down on me really bad because he's a pro surfer and I am just your everyday no-one punter???

In the end Who wins and what is the solution, May-be Mick's sponsors should send him back to Surf School to learn the basics , I mean I am sure that his sponsors don't want there "Goldern Boy" breaking the rules.... Or have they got there heads so far up there own you know what's, they just choose no to see

QLD, 1332 posts
9 Mar 2016 5:58PM
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It's a no win for you Locky.
You sort him out and you'd be the bad guy.
Had Julian Wilson burn me on a set wave I'd patiently waited ages for at First point during a solid swell a few years ago.
I wasn't going to drop in on anyone to get a wave. (duh).
It was right before the Snapper contest and I thought about taking action but where would it get me?
So its no use with a top level pro and I reckon they know that.

QLD, 2286 posts
9 Mar 2016 6:09PM
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Cuttlefish said..
It's a no win for you Locky.
You sort him out and you'd be the bad guy.
Had Julian Wilson burn me on a set wave I'd patiently waited ages for at First point during a solid swell a few years ago.
I wasn't going to drop in on anyone to get a wave. (duh).
It was right before the Snapper contest and I thought about taking action but where would it get me?
So its no use with a top level pro and I reckon they know that.

If you had let his mother know she would have sorted it.


Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
9 Mar 2016 7:26PM
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Yes its tough with the pros - my main reason for the thread was not to have a go at MF only - it was in the more general sense of the average surfer - like the ones cuttlefish were talking about. Collectively it is possible to change things depending where you are. Obviously at places like Snapper its probably gone far beyond being repairable. But at other places on the coast its still possible to influence a few. I find the Euro's over here need educating about communication in the line up as well -- if you are not going to go - signal early so someone else can get into the wave - nothing worse than a slow day with long lulls and people let waves go through because they chicken out at the last minute. Signal your intentions early - Yes I am going - or No you have it. Simple stuff really.

2350 posts
9 Mar 2016 4:34PM
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^^^^ unless there's a pecking order like at Pipe.


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Pussies" started by Ted the Kiwi