The local Oz band scene has been epic & the mid 70's to mid 80's is such a nostalgic time...not so much coz I was there watching the bands live, but growing up as a grom with the music playing regularly on the radio, tv, peoples tapes/ was awesome, no rap, no techno, not to say that the rare rap or occasional techno music doesn't totally suck azz...there was the counter edge of slow drama music, but I'd rather listen to total eclipse of the heart over any rap song I have ever heard lol
But anyway, cheers Al, back at ya bro & you know what I don't think I've seen that just keep walking inx video before, another great song from them that doesn't get enough airplay & I was a big Midnight Oil fan in the early 80's thrashing their albums regularly...legend band
Yeah Mick,loved the Oils to mate,seen them that many times at different venues as like all of the other bands back then,ah the good old days mate,go see a band Friday night and go down the coast surfing all weekend!.
Yeah me to I reckon,I do like older bands and have got there CDs,Rolling Stones,Led Zep,etc,but good old Aussie bands where hard to beat.I never really got into much Punk stuff but I liked some of it!..
On fire boys Love the old stuff remember seeing heap of those bands live for a buck before they soldout