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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Roy's Gun Project

Created by RoyStuart > 9 months ago, 30 Dec 2014
532 posts
1 Jan 2015 7:08AM
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Simondo said..
You're right, it is a pin tail!

These shapes ride about a foot shorter than their length so this one is equivalent to something in the 8 foot range.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
1 Jan 2015 10:43AM
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there I was first up thinking what nice shape. a everyday shape.

how could I be so stupid

WA, 1404 posts
1 Jan 2015 12:09PM
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It just goes to show Roy is on a reverse thought process to everyone else. Literally. Props for trying something different Roy. Interested to see / hear how it goes but can't see it working in big waves. Wide point needs to be closer to the nose.

lost at sea
WA, 358 posts
1 Jan 2015 12:38PM
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Put some single flyers on the back end and a bonzer fin type of arrangement and I reckon she'd go sick mate , always a fan of something different !!!

9106 posts
1 Jan 2015 5:31PM
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Roy would it be fair to call that shape a pig pin tail.

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 4:36AM
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Cobra said..
Roy would it be fair to call that shape a pig pin tail.

Technically no since the widepoint isn't behind centre but I agree that it has that look about it

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 4:42AM
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Ctngoodvibes said..
It just goes to show Roy is on a reverse thought process to everyone else. Literally. Props for trying something different Roy. Interested to see / hear how it goes but can't see it working in big waves. Wide point needs to be closer to the nose.

Plenty of big wave guns have the WP at centre, as this board does.

I've been doing these shapes since 1998, which is why I've called the board 'old faithful'. .. and they go better as wave size increases.

This one is on the small side though, although it does pack a lot of volume.

Actually the planshape is reminiscent of 1930's boards although that's not how we arrived at it.

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 4:45AM
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tortise said..
Put some single flyers on the back end and a bonzer fin type of arrangement and I reckon she'd go sick mate , always a fan of something different !!!


Straight single for this one, the tail is narrow already so no need for a flyer I think. I have a bunch of bonzer fins so could give them a whirl we'll see.

465 posts
2 Jan 2015 5:30AM
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looks like a smaller version of the one in this clip

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 5:42AM
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Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

NSW, 1317 posts
2 Jan 2015 9:42AM
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Interested to know what your thinking is in relation to fin placement on a board with that tail plan Roy?
Setting it up as a single but would it go as a quad or a thruster?

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 6:59AM
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RoyStuart said..
Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

Roy , poor form mate.
You brand this guy with brainless kook after what I thought was a good review.
If you don't like what some say about your designs don't sell yourself on forums.
But I thought that was self explanatory.

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:30AM
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Cobra said..

RoyStuart said..
Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

Roy , poor form mate.
You brand this guy with brainless kook after what I thought was a good review.
If you don't like what some say about your designs don't sell yourself on forums.
But I thought that was self explanatory.

I reserve the right of reply. It's not the case that being on forums means that one has to accept everything which is written. Where did that nonsense come from?

If you'd seen the written report he said some pretty foul things e.g. the board would go as well if cut in half.

The kook comment is due to the fact that he falls off on most of his waves, yet felt qualified to make negative comments even though his failure demostrated that he hadn't dialled the board in. That's kookery 101 in my book.

The brainless comment is because of his repeated staement that the board has too much rocker, when in fact it can be demonstrated by measurement that the rocker is in the medium curvature range when compared with other boards. I explained this to him but got only evasive replies. The root cause of this rocker dispute is the idiotic use of nose and tail measurements to determine rocker, this is ok when comparing boards of the same length but is completely meaningless when comparing boards of different length. It's basic geometry which most of the shapers of the world haven't understood yet.

Lastly I could have said 'untrustworthy snake' since the man had the board put under lock and key for the entire season and thereby destroyed a community based event which had been getting a lot of interest as well as good ride reports. North Shore surf photographer Scott H posted that the word on the NS 'coconut wireless' was that the board is 'hot' and that many surfers were lining up to ride it. that's when Randy stepped in with promises which he didn't keep and stuffed the whole project.

There were death threats emanating from the NS mafia which RR is in the thick of... the threats were made to the Haleiwa based editor of a surf mag who had the board locked up... this came to me from more than one very reliable source including the editor himself, and was borne out by subsequent events.He was told that he would be eliminated if the board were let out of the lock up.

A surfing friend in Hawaii was also attacked and threatened with death if he entered the water simply because he publicly criticised the behaviour of the 'Hawaiian mafia' in relation to my board ... this went on for 3 years.

We finally managed to get the board out by promising that it would immediately leave the Islands... this was 8 months later.

One only has to see Rarick's support for the gang beating which Wayne Bartholomew received to see what sort of person he really is... I was warned not to trust him by someone who had dealings with him but let him do it anyway... sucked in no doubt by his smooth tongue and insincere 'Aloha is my creed' mantra.

Anyway that board received many excellent ride reports over a 5 year tour... was eventually snapped at big Ocean Beach San Fransisco and has been rebuilt by Brad Tucker of Wood surfboard Supplies in California.

I call it how i see it regardless of the social vibe or social consequences. It's called telling the truth and it's the only form to use in my book... you use your own moral compass and i'll use mine.

532 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:35AM
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Prawnhead said..
Interested to know what your thinking is in relation to fin placement on a board with that tail plan Roy?
Setting it up as a single but would it go as a quad or a thruster?

The board wil have a single fin box but based on past boards if using a Spitfire fin the leading edge will be about 10" to 12" from the tail.

it could be set up as a multi fin with zero or low cant and toe in, the side fins would either have to be close together or further up the board than is usual.

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 8:17AM
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RoyStuart said..
Cobra said..

RoyStuart said..
Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

Roy , poor form mate.
You brand this guy with brainless kook after what I thought was a good review.
If you don't like what some say about your designs don't sell yourself on forums.
But I thought that was self explanatory.

I reserve the right of reply. It's not the case that being on forums means that one has to accept everything which is written. Where did that nonsense come from?

If you'd seen the written report he said some pretty foul things e.g. the board would go as well if cut in half.

The kook comment is due to the fact that he falls off on most of his waves, yet felt qualified to make negative comments even though his failure demostrated that he hadn't dialled the board in. That's kookery 101 in my book.

The brainless comment is because of his repeated staement that the board has too much rocker, when in fact it can be demonstrated by measurement that the rocker is in the medium curvature range when compared with other boards. I explained this to him but got only evasive replies. The root cause of this rocker dispute is the idiotic use of nose and tail measurements to determine rocker, this is ok when comparing boards of the same length but is completely meaningless when comparing boards of different length. It's basic geometry which most of the shapers of the world haven't understood yet.

Lastly I could have said 'untrustworthy snake' since the man had the board put under lock and key for the entire season and thereby destroyed a community based event which had been getting a lot of interest as well as good ride reports. North Shore surf photographer Scott H posted that the word on the NS 'coconut wireless' was that the board is 'hot' and that many surfers were lining up to ride it. that's when Randy stepped in with promises which he didn't keep and stuffed the whole project.

There were death threats emanating from the NS mafia which RR is in the thick of... the threats were made to the Haleiwa based editor of a surf mag who had the board locked up... this came to me from more than one very reliable source including the editor himself, and was borne out by subsequent events.He was told that he would be eliminated if the board were let out of the lock up.

A surfing friend in Hawaii was also attacked and threatened with death if he entered the water simply because he publicly criticised the behaviour of the 'Hawaiian mafia' in relation to my board ... this went on for 3 years.

We finally managed to get the board out by promising that it would immediately leave the Islands... this was 8 months later.

One only has to see Rarick's support for the gang beating which Wayne Bartholomew received to see what sort of person he really is... I was warned not to trust him by someone who had dealings with him but let him do it anyway... sucked in no doubt by his smooth tongue and insincere 'Aloha is my creed' mantra.

Anyway that board received many excellent ride reports over a 5 year tour... was eventually snapped at big Ocean Beach San Fransisco and has been rebuilt by Brad Tucker of Wood surfboard Supplies in California.

I call it how i see it regardless of the social vibe or social consequences. It's called telling the truth and it's the only form to use in my book... you use your own moral compass and i'll use mine.

Roy put as much spin on it as you like, I see ,,NO text here or written review bagging that board,,,you say,,,call it how I see it regardless of social vibe,,but that clearly isn't the case in this post.
In this post,, I don't see RR bagging you or your board.
Now you have made it clear this might of been the case before on social media,,,why not explained this,,,not everyone in here reads everything about the world of roy
Funny, your comments about rabbit, I remember rabbit interviewed about that, he taunted hawians about being beaten in their own backyards.
Just saying.

BTW Roy I'm not bagging you or your product and enjoy your input into the longroom


NSW, 1301 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:19AM
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Just wondering why the NS mafia would get into a tither over a surfboard.

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 8:28AM
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wavemaniac said..

looks like a smaller version of the one in this clip

welcome to the longroom mate.

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 8:29AM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Just wondering why the NS mafia would get into a tither over a surfboard.

It was hollow Roy got it back a bit heavier

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:30AM
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I had not seen any other comments from RR on that board except for the youtube clip - which was fairly positive in my eyes (as Cobra has pointed out as well). I can now understand a bit more of why you are pissed at RR but if all I had seen was that youtube clip I would have thought it was ok. To me he did not seem to play round with his foot positioning - he seems to just drop in on whoever he wants and pull in. How many board reviews have you seen where the bloke gets several head dips straight away - that alone is a great advertisement for your board.

Re rocker - I hear ya.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
2 Jan 2015 12:12PM
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Ricardo1709 said..
Just wondering why the NS mafia would get into a tither over a surfboard.

that's nothing.

you should see how worked up the greenroom mafia get worked up about mid longs/lengths.

those guys are brutal, especially the one they call ' the cobra'

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 10:35AM
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laceys lane said..

Ricardo1709 said..
Just wondering why the NS mafia would get into a tither over a surfboard.

that's nothing.

you should see how worked up the greenroom mafia get worked up about mid longs/lengths.

those guys are brutal, especially the one they call ' the cobra'

one set of concrete boots are on the way to your place

2350 posts
2 Jan 2015 11:47AM
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RoyStuart said...
Cobra said..

RoyStuart said..
Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

Roy , poor form mate.
You brand this guy with brainless kook after what I thought was a good review.
If you don't like what some say about your designs don't sell yourself on forums.
But I thought that was self explanatory.

I reserve the right of reply. It's not the case that being on forums means that one has to accept everything which is written. Where did that nonsense come from?

If you'd seen the written report he said some pretty foul things e.g. the board would go as well if cut in half.

The kook comment is due to the fact that he falls off on most of his waves, yet felt qualified to make negative comments even though his failure demostrated that he hadn't dialled the board in. That's kookery 101 in my book.

The brainless comment is because of his repeated staement that the board has too much rocker, when in fact it can be demonstrated by measurement that the rocker is in the medium curvature range when compared with other boards. I explained this to him but got only evasive replies. The root cause of this rocker dispute is the idiotic use of nose and tail measurements to determine rocker, this is ok when comparing boards of the same length but is completely meaningless when comparing boards of different length. It's basic geometry which most of the shapers of the world haven't understood yet.

Lastly I could have said 'untrustworthy snake' since the man had the board put under lock and key for the entire season and thereby destroyed a community based event which had been getting a lot of interest as well as good ride reports. North Shore surf photographer Scott H posted that the word on the NS 'coconut wireless' was that the board is 'hot' and that many surfers were lining up to ride it. that's when Randy stepped in with promises which he didn't keep and stuffed the whole project.

There were death threats emanating from the NS mafia which RR is in the thick of... the threats were made to the Haleiwa based editor of a surf mag who had the board locked up... this came to me from more than one very reliable source including the editor himself, and was borne out by subsequent events.He was told that he would be eliminated if the board were let out of the lock up.

A surfing friend in Hawaii was also attacked and threatened with death if he entered the water simply because he publicly criticised the behaviour of the 'Hawaiian mafia' in relation to my board ... this went on for 3 years.

We finally managed to get the board out by promising that it would immediately leave the Islands... this was 8 months later.

One only has to see Rarick's support for the gang beating which Wayne Bartholomew received to see what sort of person he really is... I was warned not to trust him by someone who had dealings with him but let him do it anyway... sucked in no doubt by his smooth tongue and insincere 'Aloha is my creed' mantra.

Anyway that board received many excellent ride reports over a 5 year tour... was eventually snapped at big Ocean Beach San Fransisco and has been rebuilt by Brad Tucker of Wood surfboard Supplies in California.

I call it how i see it regardless of the social vibe or social consequences. It's called telling the truth and it's the only form to use in my book... you use your own moral compass and i'll use mine.

Fark Roy did you need to punch out an essay to explain yourself. The Canterbury Tales has less words.
We need a waffle meter in the green room FFS.
50 words or less please.
Attention span not great.

NSW, 1488 posts
2 Jan 2015 2:58PM
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Kelly is taking a different track on the NO NOSE theory ....No Rocker required.

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 12:27PM
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NewScotty said..

RoyStuart said...

Cobra said..

RoyStuart said..
Nice one, post a video of a brainless kook.

Roy , poor form mate.
You brand this guy with brainless kook after what I thought was a good review.
If you don't like what some say about your designs don't sell yourself on forums.
But I thought that was self explanatory.

I reserve the right of reply. It's not the case that being on forums means that one has to accept everything which is written. Where did that nonsense come from?

If you'd seen the written report he said some pretty foul things e.g. the board would go as well if cut in half.

The kook comment is due to the fact that he falls off on most of his waves, yet felt qualified to make negative comments even though his failure demostrated that he hadn't dialled the board in. That's kookery 101 in my book.

The brainless comment is because of his repeated staement that the board has too much rocker, when in fact it can be demonstrated by measurement that the rocker is in the medium curvature range when compared with other boards. I explained this to him but got only evasive replies. The root cause of this rocker dispute is the idiotic use of nose and tail measurements to determine rocker, this is ok when comparing boards of the same length but is completely meaningless when comparing boards of different length. It's basic geometry which most of the shapers of the world haven't understood yet.

Lastly I could have said 'untrustworthy snake' since the man had the board put under lock and key for the entire season and thereby destroyed a community based event which had been getting a lot of interest as well as good ride reports. North Shore surf photographer Scott H posted that the word on the NS 'coconut wireless' was that the board is 'hot' and that many surfers were lining up to ride it. that's when Randy stepped in with promises which he didn't keep and stuffed the whole project.

There were death threats emanating from the NS mafia which RR is in the thick of... the threats were made to the Haleiwa based editor of a surf mag who had the board locked up... this came to me from more than one very reliable source including the editor himself, and was borne out by subsequent events.He was told that he would be eliminated if the board were let out of the lock up.

A surfing friend in Hawaii was also attacked and threatened with death if he entered the water simply because he publicly criticised the behaviour of the 'Hawaiian mafia' in relation to my board ... this went on for 3 years.

We finally managed to get the board out by promising that it would immediately leave the Islands... this was 8 months later.

One only has to see Rarick's support for the gang beating which Wayne Bartholomew received to see what sort of person he really is... I was warned not to trust him by someone who had dealings with him but let him do it anyway... sucked in no doubt by his smooth tongue and insincere 'Aloha is my creed' mantra.

Anyway that board received many excellent ride reports over a 5 year tour... was eventually snapped at big Ocean Beach San Fransisco and has been rebuilt by Brad Tucker of Wood surfboard Supplies in California.

I call it how i see it regardless of the social vibe or social consequences. It's called telling the truth and it's the only form to use in my book... you use your own moral compass and i'll use mine.

Fark Roy did you need to punch out an essay to explain yourself. The Canterbury Tales has less words.
We need a waffle meter in the green room FFS.
50 words or less please.
Attention span not great.

thats what happens when Asea and Pup are running the show.

13831 posts
2 Jan 2015 12:31PM
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Cobra said..

NewScotty said..

RoyStuart said...

Cobra said..

RoyStuart said..

Fark Roy did you need to punch out an essay to explain yourself. The Canterbury Tales has less words.
We need a waffle meter in the green room FFS.
50 words or less please.
Attention span not great.

thats what happens when Asea and Pup are running the show.

............ and a damned fine show it is too

NSW, 1301 posts
2 Jan 2015 5:42PM
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Cobra said..

laceys lane said..

Ricardo1709 said..
Just wondering why the NS mafia would get into a tither over a surfboard.

that's nothing.

you should see how worked up the greenroom mafia get worked up about mid longs/lengths.

those guys are brutal, especially the one they call ' the cobra'

one set of concrete boots are on the way to your place

****,could be trouble with what i have in store for this board

9106 posts
2 Jan 2015 3:26PM
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^^^^whats the plan

NSW, 1301 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:06PM
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Cobra said..
^^^^whats the plan

Ahhh strip the glass off and re-shape it into a m mmm mid length.Im going to call it the "extended nipple Mk1" 7'4x20x2 1/2.Its going to take my surfing to another level,just not sure if it will be up or down

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
2 Jan 2015 7:21PM
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Maybe you should also spend some time on your grass - just saying

13831 posts
2 Jan 2015 4:25PM
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What grass Ted


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Roy's Gun Project" started by RoyStuart