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laceys lane said... jbshack said... McHenry said... jbshack said... I used to Roller blade with the pusher. You need a good quality unit though because yes, i did manage to take a decent stack in it once. My daughter kept cheering the entire time. As for me, if i would of had a mobile phone i may have rang for an ambo i was that hurt

Sorry JB but thats what you get when you rollerblade.
Yeah i deserve that, but it was 12 years ago..Oh and i used to knock out about 4 km so was good fitness..
It was the last time i ever rollerbladed
I would rather be seen with a mctavish under my arm then Rollerblade. Where was your pride man

Then again I hung out with a McTavish surfer just yesterday- ohh the shame
I know, but if you can't laugh at yourself than what have you got

I kept them to remind me not to do stupid things anymore. When i went down i had to sacrifice my self and hands/knuckles. Not let go of the pram, to protect my daughter. I'd say the skate board model, although maybe you wouldn't go as fast, if you hit a snag and went forward, the kid is going to get seriously hurt..