Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Should I Be a Pig?

Created by thedrip > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2015
WA, 2353 posts
21 Mar 2015 11:00PM
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So getting my first longboard. Second handy. I have a choice between two logs:

a) 10'x3 1/4"x23 1/2", rolled bottom, 50/50 rails, square tail, upright glassed in fin, not much rake - real traditional stuff;
b) 9'4"x3"x23 bit of vee through the bottom half, bit of concave up the nose, far more refined rails with a more defined edge up towards the tail, pin tail with a more curvy, raked fin.

I really want it for barely breaking waves in Geographe Bay in winter. I like the look of the smaller board far more - I surfed a rolled bottom original bonzer once and hated it so I am a bit shy of it. Inherently just want to chug along and I have no pretence at high performance surfing although I would like to be able to do a cutback.

My question: should I be a volume pig and get the ten footer, or go for the smaller board knowing it is still a big log of a thing but I may have a lower learning curve?

4627 posts
22 Mar 2015 1:16AM
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Depends on what you weigh but I'd go the Ten . For what you want if for it's gotta be the ten unless your a flee.

QLD, 21884 posts
22 Mar 2015 5:58AM
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If its you first LB the first one could be a big step from your shortboards the second mite be an easier transition for you.

NSW, 1488 posts
22 Mar 2015 9:10AM
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Go the 10' will adapt..and it will catch the waves your wanting....especially if your over say 85 kgs..if lighter go the smaller one

8266 posts
22 Mar 2015 7:23AM
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For those waves I'd say go the 9'4

How much are the boards?

WA, 2353 posts
22 Mar 2015 8:32AM
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MickPC said...
For those waves I'd say go the 9'4

How much are the boards?

Thanks for the advice everyone.

Both around $650.

I weigh about 90kgs. 6'2".

The 9'4" is in better nick too. Old but only had one ding.

QLD, 3808 posts
22 Mar 2015 4:28PM
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Don't know the location but I do know I love my 10'ers and will never be without one. My favourite it a high volume board but will catch almost anything if I do my part.

QLD, 21884 posts
22 Mar 2015 4:39PM
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vanders1 said..
Don't know the location but I do know I love my 10'ers and will never be without one. My favourite it a high volume board but will Cath almost anything if I do my part.

I love the way you love that board Vanders and your right you CATH anything you want

QLD, 3808 posts
22 Mar 2015 4:41PM
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Macaha said...
vanders1 said..
Don't know the location but I do know I love my 10'ers and will never be without one. My favourite it a high volume board but will Cath almost anything if I do my part.

I love the way you love that board Vanders and your right you CATH anything you want

Thanks mate, I stand corrected, fixed it.

QLD, 21884 posts
22 Mar 2015 4:49PM
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QLD, 21884 posts
22 Mar 2015 8:16PM
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go on be a and get both

WA, 2353 posts
22 Mar 2015 7:27PM
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Macaha said...
go on be a and get both

It's not that unfeasible. I purchased the 9'4" after talking to the shaper - he did the board 20 years ago - about the two different designs and deciding a Queen Mary log was not what I wanted for my first longboard. I like turning and the extra rocker would obviously help. He also suggested that compared to everything else I have the 9'4" would be a paddling machine anyway.

While walking out the front with it, discussion turned to She Who Must Be Obeyed moaning about the 35 or so boatds in the shed even though I had recently sold a kiteboard. Anyway, long story short, he was chasing a kite and harness. I had a kite and harness. It was a match made in heaven as our eyes met across a 9 foot surfboard. Negotiations. Haggling. Board, bag and leggie? $200.


So I will be picking up the 8 foot singly later this week. In a month, if the ten footer is still there, I might be able to get away with it.


8266 posts
22 Mar 2015 7:31PM
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LOL nice

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Mar 2015 12:05AM
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The 10 I made has a rolled bottom. You will blow lots of waves initially as its a completely diff way of surfing compared to a shortie but once you adjust they are epic. Loads of volume n weight n you will have so much fun on those 1-2ft days on long waves. Not beachies unless soft

VIC, 3829 posts
23 Mar 2015 8:17AM
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Buy both..plead ignorance

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Mar 2015 10:26AM
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Tux said..
Buy both..plead ignorance

If you have any trouble pulling this off with the Missus speak to Tux for some advice - somehow he is allowed in excess of 10 boards no questions asked

QLD, 21884 posts
26 Mar 2015 12:15PM
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NSW, 7269 posts
26 Mar 2015 2:15PM
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Macaha said..

Is that yours Mac ? looks nice.

WA, 2353 posts
26 Mar 2015 1:18PM
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smh said..

Macaha said..

Is that yours Mac ? looks nice.

Lol. I beg to differ. I know a bloke, a shifty, dodgy character, who was getting dropped in on by a local he knew. Three times it occurred and on the third time his board was dinged. He got out of the water understandably irate. In the car park, at Bears for those who know, he saw the blokes it with another board in the tray and relieved said offender of his spare board. He painted it black and three weeks later bumped into the bloke he stolen from who commented on his "new" boards unusual appearance and how well it seemed to be going. My friend unshamedly, and with a big smile on his face, agreed it went well and offered him a shot on it.

Is that really your board, Macaha?

WA, 2353 posts
26 Mar 2015 1:57PM
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WA, 2353 posts
26 Mar 2015 1:59PM
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WA, 2353 posts
26 Mar 2015 2:01PM
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These were taken after my second ever surf on a board over 8'. It seems to go alright. I still haven't done a proper cutback but it has gone well in knee to double overhead waves so I am happy with that.

NSW, 7269 posts
26 Mar 2015 6:13PM
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thedrip said..
These were taken after my second ever surf on a board over 8'. It seems to go alright. I still haven't done a proper cutback but it has gone well in knee to double overhead waves so I am happy with that.

Looks good. That pic on your avatar looks very familiar. It's not in WA is it ?

QLD, 21884 posts
26 Mar 2015 5:24PM
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Well done thedrip sounds like a match made in heaven,oh and its not my board.

10979 posts
26 Mar 2015 3:33PM
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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Should I Be a Pig?" started by thedrip