Personally I found a huge difference between 9'6" and 10' in terms of glide. For me you want length, width, weight and flat rocker with softer rails and single fin is a MUST...
In terms of the clearwater boards, you want the Hot Log rather than the Whalebone, Whalebone is more performance. The Creative-Army 10'1" Sweet Love is even better for glide and these boards are amazing but personally I find the CW are better bang for buck
Just for fun, coz my local part of the country is still plagued by devil wind till tomorrow
Rocker whalebone
McHenry's Hotlog actually has the same dims, maybe a little more kick in the tail. Whalebone would have more glide if thats the case.
Relax @ Mick I was just pimping for the team however a flatter rocker like the WB wider @ 23 / 24 would work in McHenrys soft cock waves, he should've able to snake and drop in
Totally agree Andy...surprisingly heaps more glide in a 10' compared to a 9'6
Was able to test this not last Friday but Friday before with a friend. He has the 10' Modern Retro & his son has the 9'6
Those surf guides can give subtle style tips that help. Taj's got me lifting my rear arm on backhand waves. Allows more rotation and body torque.
Others are also discussing this very subject.
They appear to have some slightly different views, but on balance, their overall assessment does not seen too far removed from our discussions .
Lower rocker will be better in weaker surf...
But keep in mind, South Australia has some great waves... The further you get out of Adelaide, the better the waves! ;)
Yep. I'm with Mac and Simondo re lower rocker for weaker waves.
But for the beachbreak waves I ride, I like the rocker on my 8' McTavish. Three phases of lurv.
It's been a very interesting read
Mac's comment about of Mchenerys soft cock waves
how many times. Do you surf LM over head Mac?