this is just practice for us ... test cricket ...yawn...zzzz.... one dayer is the real test of skill
So is MJ bowling well? Are we batting like legends? Are these flat pitches the problem again? Seems we were a tad unlucky on that first morning but other than that a balanced match to date. Once we get past BM though our batting looks weak. As long as we get 450 plus should be good for a draw by the look of it.
sad news about the kiwis getting done by the poms hey
How's your MJ for man of the series prediction looking about now? Has he got anyone out lately?
He is in almost as poor form as your mate Sam if you ask his ex team mates - who did not even want to say goodbye to him. Wow. And rugby union players are gentleman - so he must have been I very poor form.
geez ted it must have taken some work to dig yourself out of that hole you made then the caps lost.
but your back
League - we are just in training mode if you check out our squad - already champs so time to blood some players so we can beat ya 4 times in a row
We do not like to sit on our laurels - we are rebuilders. Learning from the ABs it seems.
Maybe the 2 captains should just have a beer after play this evening and just agree to go all out for 90 overs each the next two days and the best team wins. Would be way more interesting.
Cobra type in "Shaun Johnson highlights" on Utube, no one in the NRL comes close, no even JT , Andrew Johns & Fittler even admitted this, just sayn ....!
Impressive effort for RT. Now up to 4th. Its an incredible knock when you think about how many games have been played in Oz over the years - and this one is not even in the first innings of the match.
Ross is now number 3 on all time NZ list and 2nd equal on the overseas list ! What a performance this has been. Come on Boult - hang n there just a little longer than you have ever done before ! You once got a 52 !
There is still a few more for him to climb on this esteemed list as well
Thats the 600 up !!! No cheers from the Aussies TB - its all gone quiet Stark has been replaced now - Boult will be happy with that.