of which seabreezer has had more boards? I always thought that SA had the most boards of anyone I have ever known but I am starting to think that SB might be a close rival for the title !
Another quality post Surfanimal I know bamboo and technology help with the strength of a board but I still can't get my head around a full mal that's 2.5 inches thick. Even the feel of the rail seems odd to me if it's under 2.75'' and I prefer closer to 3 in a longboard. But then again, i ain't no expert. I come here to get the good mail.
Love many of the boards you and your friends have shown us.
Edit: I suppose I could start a "How thick" thread, but that might be asking for trouble.
Wavelength, regarding thickness, Longboards have so much area that eventually the area gets them going, versus volume.
But 2"7/8 will naturally provide more volume than 2"1/2... (Assume same template and rocker, etc). A little extra volume will make it easier to paddle... Obviously.
Take the 9'0 comp board that SA is getting... 2"1/2 will suit 65kg to 85kg, and 3" thick would be better suited to 80kg to 100kg... In my opinion!
Do not forget the extra float of the EPS foam though Simondo. Some say its 20% - I personally think its closer to 10 - 15% from what I have ridden. I am picking up a new EPS tom so when I get a chance I will do a test between a couple of my other boards that are of similar volume and report back.
So at the moment SA owns less boards than SB but maybe just maybe overtime you have owned more I am thinking
Sorry TOM I shall do my best to stop this behaviour tom but the problem is that I have always used the abbreviation tom long before TOM came to the greenroom. What would TOM suggest I use instead of tom ?
Thanks guys.
Whilst 2 1/2 is a tad thin to most (and longboarding generally) and I would ordinarily prefer 3 in a poly board, I do agree that being epoxy with the bamboo wrap actually making it slightly thicker than the 2 1/2 stated, I'd think it will be the equivalent a full 2 7/8 thick.
I've also lost 17kg in the past year and am now sitting at 86 1/2 kg. A few years back I had an 8'2 x 2 7/8 Outer Island poly super mal and it ripped and I was around 90kg.
.....so I'm keen to have this as a beach break throw around and a good Cronulla Point board on solid days.
I'll let you know how it goes but I'm stoked to be getting the 9'0....and maybe the 8'0 too.
Hey mate, how's things ?
Glad you've still got the red devil - that was a beautiful board !
I'm sure the 9'1 is still in sweet condition but the claim of 3 sessions was exhausted within 24 hours of me owning it let alone 7 years later.
The 8'0 does look neat but you've got the real deal when he was in his prime in your shed IMHO.
l'll Good buddy just trying a get a few surf in these days with two small kids! When you move to the Northern Beaches send me a message. Amongst my large and growing quiver I also have a near new 8'1x22x23/4 Diverse Dynocore with a Cork top. Only used it once but wow what an easy board to paddle & catch waves also its nice ad floaty with the EPS core.
That's a nice one Justin,
is it a GM?
Still have my GM. Ride it when its big. So hasn't had an outing for a long time.
I would have grabbed that Outer Island 8'er but I couldn't help myself with a groovy 6'10" Wegener single fin I spotted a couple of days ago.
Plus I'm about to buy a used VW LT35 van (board carrying paradise) and still hustling up the $'s for it.
I took photos of some of the boards to help fund it but I don't know if I can part with any of them.
Well except for the McCoy which is going to a new home tomorrow.
Selling that was bad enough.
Hey Pete
Yep it's a mal not a GM but super nice. I really like the Dynocore technology, this board is a very similar shape to that carbon DVS 8ft I had but paddles much better. Shame you are selling the Zot what was wrong with it? Thoughts on that single fin zap on eBay at the moment? So you got that orange & white Wegener that I had my eyes on!! Let me know how it goes!
I loved the zot.
Great bottom turn to vertical reo board.
But if you need some cash and you have a McCoy in the shortboard quiver they have legendary re-sale value.
I liked the zot infinitely more than the zap.
Way more user friendly.
Yep, the Weg is headed my way. Lots of volume.
I'll keep you posted.