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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Tassie at last

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 26 Apr 2016
TAS, 1925 posts
4 May 2016 3:31PM
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Tux said..

Ted the Kiwi said..
Yeah that is what I am thinking re boards only have the one with me as all the others are in Indo these days. Need to add to the quiver. Had one ordered but its too similar to what I have already - so thinking of getting Tux to make me something for when its a bit bigger / windy / cold !

I will be based in the NW for now but will be keen to travel for waves. Love exploring. With a bit of notice I should be able to get where I need to get

What about one of these with a 6 x 6 x 6 glass job...pretty much covers all bases except nose riding

Real nice cutout there Tux, look forward to seeing that one finished...

Yep Kev, bloooooody windy... hope you weren't on the boat last night, check these out

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 May 2016 5:19PM
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Heavy ! Heard about that on the radio today. Hope it calms down by Friday night

TAS, 2249 posts
4 May 2016 6:43PM
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Been a wild week weatherwise here Ted , winds up to 130km/ hr , snow to 800 meters , huge swell . Mate went out couple of days ago reckons the swell was pumping ended up with a broken finger and tore off a toe nail . Had fun though .Friday and Saturday are looking good here on the northwest before it gets a bit wild again . It's probably going to be a bit more windy then you are used to .Water temp still not that bad still in the 3/2 and booties .

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 May 2016 7:00PM
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Thanks TD - arriving Sat morning off the ferry - PM me a spot to check on the way through - I will work on the Minister of War to stop on the way through for a surf

NSW, 1317 posts
4 May 2016 8:26PM
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Tux said..

Ted the Kiwi said..
Yeah that is what I am thinking re boards only have the one with me as all the others are in Indo these days. Need to add to the quiver. Had one ordered but its too similar to what I have already - so thinking of getting Tux to make me something for when its a bit bigger / windy / cold !

I will be based in the NW for now but will be keen to travel for waves. Love exploring. With a bit of notice I should be able to get where I need to get

What about one of these with a 6 x 6 x 6 glass job...pretty much covers all bases except nose riding

yep i can see that being perfect for ted's patented "nosepick dropwallet railgrab manhack" !

TAS, 1925 posts
4 May 2016 8:30PM
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Bet you wish you were on board last night dude...

TAS, 2249 posts
4 May 2016 8:46PM
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Few more shots of the action you missed last weekTed . Sadly Saturday looks like a nice day but not much surf around ( good for me I will be stuck at a conference in Launceston ) Sunday - Devonport River which you will see on the western bank when you sail in , preservation Bay , Midpoint Sulfur Creek , possibly Penguin reef could be on , farther west maybe Stanley beside the nut , western end Crayfish creek beach . Gunna be a fair NE wind blowing .

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 May 2016 8:48PM
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Holly smoke !

9106 posts
4 May 2016 6:51PM
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AndyrooMac said..
Bet you wish you were on board last night dude...

thats gold

i bet teds star just got tight

13831 posts
4 May 2016 6:57PM
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Jesus Ted that looks bloody cold down there mate

9106 posts
6 May 2016 4:42AM
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ok ted we want pics of the boat trip over


484 posts
15 May 2016 2:51PM
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Another nice Sean Davey pic on FB today. South West National Park, Tassie.

NSW, 1125 posts
15 May 2016 6:13PM
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Struuuuuuth that looks cold!

2224 posts
15 May 2016 4:50PM
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I am living vicariosly through this thread....on with the wave hunting/destroying.
Proper adventure

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
15 May 2016 7:14PM
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Thats a pretty remote spot McGuane. Surf options looked disappointing up this end of the coast this weekend so I did a brownie points trip earner and we headed down to Launceston - then visited some friends at a winery in the Tamar Valley. Great weekend. Managed to find myself a nice warm new jacket and a few boxes of nice bottles of red. Tassie D invited us to stop by on the way through but we came through at unsociable hours so will have to be next time. We ate lots of yum food and saw some beautiful countryside, platypus and ekidna. Got to say I have been impressed by the northern end of Tassie so far. Nice part of the world - just very very windy. Next weekend will be a surf mission somewhere. Will be hitting up Andyroo, Steve, TD and TC for suggested locations .

TAS, 1099 posts
15 May 2016 10:03PM
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Mate come visit the East Coast when I am down next! Should be in one or two weeks. Or come hit Hobart for a few beers and some closeouts I am sure roomac will be keen

TAS, 1925 posts
19 May 2016 8:03AM
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FFWD to 2:30... this wave looks pretty much unreal... couldn't tell you where it is though

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 May 2016 8:09AM
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Yes I think I know where that one is - I can see it from my lounge ! Well not today as its raining sideways with gusts hitting 50 plus knots right now. Horrid day. Its not working today.....I think its going to need one hell of a swell to break and be from the optimum direction. The neighbour / local policeman always looks keen. I have seen a few hints of its potential since we arrived. Should have brought a longboard down.

SA, 1739 posts
19 May 2016 8:48AM
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Get that log of yours shipped down.

TAS, 2249 posts
19 May 2016 9:19AM
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My guess would be that is at Godfreys beach , west side of the nut .Typical of the northwest gets a nice wave but not that consistent . Will try and find out for certain on the weekend . Are a few nice spots around Stanley especially on a northeast groundie and that crowd in the film is a big crowd for the area .

Big swell out today but she's pretty wild , snowing horizontally at our front door atm .

TAS, 2249 posts
19 May 2016 11:10AM
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a quick pic of a spot they call the pipe on the way past - wave breaks over a shallow reef- double overhead coming through , 2 out , 1 on a boogie board and one on a shortboard , hoping the wind drops and it hangs on for this afternoon

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 May 2016 12:44PM
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check yr PM coming to join ya!

TAS, 1099 posts
19 May 2016 12:59PM
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Ted the Kiwi said..
check yr PM coming to join ya!

Told you north coast was the go mate

TAS, 1099 posts
19 May 2016 1:00PM
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That wave in the video is probably Mt Cameron over the west. That's my guess any way

TAS, 1925 posts
19 May 2016 2:23PM
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Tassiedevel said..

a quick pic of a spot they call the pipe on the way past - wave breaks over a shallow reef- double overhead coming through , 2 out , 1 on a boogie board and one on a shortboard , hoping the wind drops and it hangs on for this afternoon

That looks super nice dude, where is that? Or is it a secret spot?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
19 May 2016 2:30PM
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I will PM you

TAS, 1925 posts
19 May 2016 4:05PM
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Here's another spot from your neck of the woods, looks a fun logging wave

TAS, 1925 posts
19 May 2016 5:30PM
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Or take a short flight to King island!!! These look amazing

TAS, 2249 posts
19 May 2016 6:47PM
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Another shot of pipe latter this afternoon as the swell dropped . Pipe Andy is the main break of the boogy boarders in the north of Tassie ( some at Devonport way might argue ) It's where the NWBR run the annual comp King of pipe . It's a real shallow beak - never seen a long boarder out there . Only ever seen 2 SUPs out there . It's on the eatern side of the point between Preservation Bay and Sulphur creek - works on a big westerly swell .like most breaks in the northwest is pretty fickle

8266 posts
19 May 2016 4:53PM
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Tassiedevel said..

a quick pic of a spot they call the pipe on the way past - wave breaks over a shallow reef- double overhead coming through , 2 out , 1 on a boogie board and one on a shortboard , hoping the wind drops and it hangs on for this afternoon


Hope you scored it Ted


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Tassie at last" started by Ted the Kiwi