Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The Rush of the Continuous Rhythm

Created by Ted the Kiwi > 9 months ago, 22 Oct 2014
Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
23 Oct 2014 12:02AM
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Enjoy. Nice smooth style.

8266 posts
22 Oct 2014 11:06PM
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The tailshape & big fins make sense to me. Shaped for driving odd the bottom & loose/snappy off the top. The swallow nose shaped boards are interesting, I wonder what that's for. I'm guessing it allows for water to flow through into concaves or something They look like they have huge amounts of volume, I'd like to see him duckdiving one lol...interesting vid

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Oct 2014 6:04AM
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Very nice tube riding- boards or rider or both

10980 posts
23 Oct 2014 5:37PM
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laceys lane said..
Very nice tube riding- boards or rider or both

I watched that earlier in the week, just watched it again...

Still think its farkin awesome surfing....but

Imo good surfer, good shaper, surfing on what suits him, In good waves.

But I wonder if its like the Derek hynd finless thing? One person absoloutley Rips on them and us mere mortals would be completly stuffed?

VIC, 5904 posts
23 Oct 2014 9:42PM
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That young bloke could make any surfboard flow/rip ...... The swallow nose ...... Wank off IMHO ............

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
23 Oct 2014 8:47PM
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call me a wanker, and a lot do, actually everyone does, but what struck me is how perfect that board rode those barrels. smoothest thing I've seen.

probably got a little bit of starboard shaping in there haha snigger

NSW, 639 posts
23 Oct 2014 10:59PM
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It's so refreshing to see someone thinking outside the square....he has obviously thought about what he wants to do and designed the board around that... what it looks like in the end is niether here nor there....long straight rail line on his bottom turn to draw out the turn with one big fin on the rail for drive...short radius plan on the backhand side to break the ark and snap off the top with the aid of what looks like half a quad setup....and its doing all of that very smooth and at mach speed....combine that with G'land and wow....loved it...thanks for posting Ted

WA, 9675 posts
24 Oct 2014 8:16PM
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Great insight there Mr.Goddard.
Watched this a few times on fbook, and love more and more. Some incredible surfing,and I will.always love someone more when they back themselves....and he did it in something more than two foot waves

NSW, 160 posts
25 Oct 2014 9:12AM
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SandS said..

...... The swallow nose ...... Wank off IMHO ............

How else would you combine two different rail lengths and rockers?

SA, 1739 posts
25 Oct 2014 9:26AM
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Dude absolutely rips, wicked stylee!

WA, 9675 posts
25 Oct 2014 8:25AM
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Geez you deleted that post before I could reply to it lacey... Turning into mac more everyday head up a arse,I don't think so

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Oct 2014 2:16PM
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I thought you would like that one

VIC, 5904 posts
25 Oct 2014 10:19PM
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damo666 said..

SandS said..

...... The swallow nose ...... Wank off IMHO ............

How else would you combine two different rail lengths and rockers?

what you describe is a twist , no need to cut the foam out of the middle in a swallow "nose" shape to achieve that .

VIC, 8020 posts
26 Oct 2014 7:07PM
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Great video!


NSW, 1301 posts
27 Oct 2014 1:45PM
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yeah i think board would go just the same with less dangerous rounded nose.first 4" doesn't get in the water 90% of the time when you're up n riding,many shapers agree the sharper noses are pure aesthetics to sell boards as they look sleeker.great clip and if you've seen him surfing 4ft .slabs of closed cell foam with no fins you'd realise he can and does rip on anything


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The Rush of the Continuous Rhythm" started by Ted the Kiwi