Forums > Surfing Longboarding

The good evening thread

Created by laceys lane > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2012
10980 posts
3 Sep 2014 5:49PM
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Yeah Hollywood has never really got surfing..

I can't believe they left out Dorian's screen debut In gods hands..

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 Sep 2014 7:58PM
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or my all time fav Jimmy Slade

2350 posts
3 Sep 2014 6:02PM
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They left out the best Hollywood surfing movie of all time.

The punch room for those farkin adds at the start.
That's a tough 14 secs

2350 posts
3 Sep 2014 6:13PM
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This is worth another look.
Defies belief.

9106 posts
3 Sep 2014 6:34PM
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9106 posts
3 Sep 2014 8:04PM
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10980 posts
4 Sep 2014 8:31PM
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Sep 3, 2014Vans embarks on an incredible journey of global surf exploration and progressive surfing in Get-N Classic, Vol. 3, starring a multi-talented cast of the world?s best surfers ever assembled under one banner. Filmed on location in Hawaii, California, Scotland, Peru, Australia, Mexico, Indonesia and the Caribbean, Get-N Classic, Vol. 3 reveals history in the making, featuring breathtaking destinations and phenomenal once in a lifetime waves. With a variety of talent exemplified by multiple generations of surfers including Nathan Fletcher, Joel Tudor, Dane Reynolds, the Gudauskas? brothers, Nathan Florence, Leila Hurst and more, the third installment of Vans? Get-N Classic series provides a unique documentarian perspective of the Vans Surf team and their exclusive surf discoveries from around the world.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
6 Sep 2014 9:21AM
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9106 posts
6 Sep 2014 7:58PM
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10980 posts
6 Sep 2014 8:03PM
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Ted the Kiwi said...

Saw this on tv last night...Too f in funny...

9106 posts
7 Sep 2014 7:33PM
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10980 posts
11 Sep 2014 8:44PM
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This was in the paper today...

I spat coffee when I read it...

Bandit strikes twice

THE first time Kevin James Cox robbed a Maitland service station it was because the attendant was being a "cheeky c--t" when he had sold him cigarettes earlier in the day.

He returned to the United service station five days later to rob the "f--king Indian" again because his victim had the audacity to report his first axe-wielding hold-up to police.

"It wasn't the point of the money, bro," Cox was to later tell police during a recorded interview.

"Like, it was just f--kin' that stupid f--kin' Indian c--t bein' smart.

"And I told him, I said, when he, when as I was walkin' out, all right, I was tellin' him, I said, "if you call the coppers I'll come back".

"And I drove past later he called the coppers, there was coppers there, so I was f--kin' dirty on him . . ."

Cox, 19, of Wickham, pleaded guilty in Newcastle Local Court yesterday to the two armed robberies on June 27 and July 2 this year.

See your ad here
In an interview tendered as part of evidence, Cox told detectives he was cranky with the victim after buying cigarettes and had vowed to return to teach him a lesson.

"Well, first, I had, I just, like, went and I was gunna use a chainsaw but it, the chainy wouldn't start so I had to go back and I f--kin' got an axe," Cox told police.

He returned with a tomahawk and threatened the attendant before leaving with some cash, turning to threaten the victim if he told police before escaping.

When Cox realised police had been called, he decided to return five days later with another tomahawk and threaten the same attendant.

Cox told police that cash was never a motive - and he decided to show his face despite having a balaclava on the second occasion so his victim knew it was him again.

" . . . I wanted him to know he was a f--kin' dog, you know," Cox said.

"That's what happens. Like, I was holdin' a grudge on him.

"And it's not like I just wanted to do robberies.

" . . . It's like, like, if I was gunna do a armed robbery, it's just stupid to do a servo.

"Like, I'll, I'll f--kin' go do a pub, get a safe. Like a TAB or sports bar or something, you know what I mean.

"Why would I go do a, a servo for $300 or something cash. It's, I'm not gunna go there and just threaten him for that.

"I'll go there, take his cash and threaten him with an axe so he gets the point.

"But obviously he didn't."

Cox was remanded in custody to appear in Newcastle District Court later this month for sentencing

2350 posts
11 Sep 2014 9:36PM
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I think he had an axe to grind..boom..boom

13831 posts
11 Sep 2014 10:09PM
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bahahahahahahahahaha geez who bred that farker

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
12 Sep 2014 6:30AM
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Thats almost funny if it wasn't so serious. Make sure you post up his sentencing SP

9106 posts
14 Sep 2014 7:23PM
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interesting things

bali warning

9106 posts
14 Sep 2014 7:26PM
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greg Norman close to cutting his hand off

QLD, 21950 posts
14 Sep 2014 9:33PM
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Pffff to Kuta much better place the stay and play.

9106 posts
15 Sep 2014 10:04AM
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9106 posts
15 Sep 2014 3:52PM
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Select to expand quote
Macaha said..
Pffff to Kuta much better place the stay and play.

can have fun at kuta mac ..but must be on your toes

10980 posts
15 Sep 2014 5:22PM
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Evening all.

I hate mondays. This this helped get me through

Tudor on a big ol yellow single fin..

QLD, 21950 posts
15 Sep 2014 7:55PM
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Freak yeh

WA, 9675 posts
15 Sep 2014 6:13PM
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Very cool clip.SP

QLD, 21950 posts
15 Sep 2014 8:15PM
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Good to see a couple of long boarders in here keep up the good work SP and Chrispy.Those other blokes are just confused shortboaders or 666 dudes

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
16 Sep 2014 7:29AM
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What were they thinking?

8266 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:04AM
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^ Not sure, but I totally approve...

8266 posts
18 Sep 2014 1:08AM
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13831 posts
18 Sep 2014 8:59AM
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The Wedge ??????? Geez how that Longy didn't conk him in the back of his scone at 2.10 is beyond me bizarre

9106 posts
25 Sep 2014 6:28PM
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I'm going to hijack this thread with some longboard video…i know report me

check the groms form yeeeeeew.

QLD, 21950 posts
25 Sep 2014 8:35PM
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Good find snake man


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"The good evening thread" started by laceys lane