So I've been scouring the internet and nobody seems to do this. I found a cheap epoxy 7'2" Torq funboard and swapped out an old longboard for it. It's got a thruster setup which I gave a red hot go and HATED it. Had some (possibly too much) red wine, pulled out a twin + trailer set of Futures, threw them on and woke in the morning to see the Frankenstein-round-pin-twinny-thing. Took it to Lorne point and it went like the Clappers! Super early paddle in, swooping bottom turn and speed to burn through the sections. Is this a fluke? I'm not seeing any mini mals or round pin funboards with twins and I'm wondering why. The fins are even long enough to even get cheater 5s. Seems perfect so I'm wondering if anyone else is doing this. Thoughts?
So glad to see I'm not going crazy and it's a happening thing. I'm drooling over that second photo. Haven't been this stoked to get back in the water since my last new board- 20 years ago! Even though it's not a true twinny, I highly recommend the feeling. Cheers!
I got a Beau Young Carbon Jet 6'10", it came with the 2+1 as standard. Got the young fella to change throw in a set of 4" fins as a sweetener so I could ride quad.
Having never ridden a quad I was more keen on the 2+1 but it was sluggish and hard to call catch a decent wave. Decided to swap out to the quad and BAM a different machine.
The difference was night and day. Drooling to get a set of Soar twins to fit and try with a small stabiliser like the setup on Webber Diamonds.
I can't believe I've been surfing for over 30 years and wroth twins off when I was young based on one bad design and ride.
I feel like a grommet all over again. Bring on the Soars.
BTW anyone know what those blue fins are? They look absolutely stunning.
One of the best ways to keep surfing fun is experimentation, doing the same thing day on day, even when its amazing will eventually lose its gloss so good on you for the experiment and super stoked for the affect its had on your experience.
I have 7'3" mid I shaped for myself, it's shaped to ride as a single when the waves are breaking a bit slower but when its round and fast It's set up to run as a twin so it hugely improves the range of the board, she's really 2 boards in one.
The twins give better instant acceleration and hold really nice with the rounded pin in hollower waves than the single, fast fun and loose. But for me if its lined up for turns, the flex fin single still feels sweeter for big arcing turns.
Twin fin rounded pins are pretty popular atm, Simon Jones from Morning of the Earth boards is a big proponent of these and is largely responsible for the resurgence through his clips with Torren Martyn, one of the most stylish surfers getting around that went pretty viral. Anyways, Keyo, Vouch, Josh Keogh, SDR, Mackie, Van Straalin, Firewire etc etc are all making some pretty amazing mid twin pins ...
Here's a link to mine, its a wide point fwd egg and she goes pretty much amazing for a first board, very hard to get off her even with a Lovelace in the quiver.
I've also tried mine just with the micro bites, basically finless but with the tiny side to give her a bit of holdin the face and turning... its pretty liberating, faster again and loose as f%$#*k but alos, pretty outta control.
Pretty sure those fins are the ModII Large flex tip twin's, these are decent budget fins that are solid glass and hand foiled... great way to experiment with fins without breaking the budget but definitely not on the level of True Ames, Alkali or Glide fins for quality. fins.
Yep. Andy spotted em. Those blue twins are futures bases only.
I ride all sorts of weird fin combos which has taught me what works and what doesn't in different boards.
In the carbon jet a set of the Modii twins in the black fibreglass (see pics above) would go well. Not expensive to buy and a nice template which is close (Not exactly the same) to a CI AMT twin which is an excellent twin fin but also 2 x the price.
Thanks guys, great recommendations. Only problem with the Sanctum is that they only do futurers base on those and the CJet is running FCS1 dual tabs.
I really love these quads, well the thought of them. Webber uses these on his Diamond in a 1+2 setup. One trailer and the twins up front.
Having run a bastardised quad set up on the CJet and loving it I'm keen to try these from Soar, but coin is short so thinking of foiling some myself out of old cheap windsurfer fins that you can pick up for a couple of bucks.
These would be the ducks nuts I recon, Dead simple to switch up between a pure twin, a quad, or even the 1+2 setup for different conditions
And if you are dead keen to just run the keels up front for some very loose action.
More options and combos than available waves and days.
And just quickly one of the clinchers in going the CJet over a custom apart from obvious cost difference, was the versatility of fin options you can run.
Whilst shape, features, rocker and volume are very mindful considerations, fins apparently can contribute to over 50 percent on the boards performance.
You can take something that performs and handles like a slug and completely transform it into a dream ride with the right fins.
When I got the CJet it came with plasti fantasti 2+1. If you check the vids if Beau Young riding it his has some upgraded real fibreglass in it and you can see how well it runs.
The plastics supplied are done for cost, but I think they don't do the board justice.
I'm using G5 plastics up front and 4" in the back for the quad and it flies. I can only imagine how much better again it would run with some nice glass underside.
They would be much more lively and responsive than the plastics.
Have you scoured Gumtree? I look across Australia as the postage is cheap cheap.
SO if you find some interstate and its what you want then get them posted for you for about 10 bucks.
Yes budgets can come into play however I do see guys paying 399 for a board and fitting them with fin sets up to 200 bucks?
Go figure!
Based on the more fin boxes the better theory this board could be the best board ever made. . Hopefully it was made in China too..
The Soars are a whole different feel and I will say on one of the very good beachbreak days I was surfing my tajen with the Soar twins and red nubster trailer I swapped boards with a mate. He got a couple of waves and on giving me the board back said he thought the board would go better as a thruster. He is more of a conventional surfer with the lines he chooses on a wave compared to me.
Having said that the planshape is a copy of a hypto which he has owned but that was a while ago and the board doesn't mind being surfed with your feet forward more than a typical wide point behind centre thruster.
The soars are like having a nice flex single fin like a Greenough 4a on the rail of your board.
If you want a set of twins that will still go well in more powerful waves but release off the top and have great drive due to a wide base I would first buy a set of Channel islands AMT twins over the Modiis. The PC core is stiff enough to handle some juice.
I wouldn't buy the black plastic edition of the AMTs.
The AMT pc cores are a favourite fin of mine and go great with small trailers in the quad plugs on wide tailed boards.
The Modii twins are a thin fin. That's something you don't see on a website and so find out when they turn up in your mailbox. Lots of flex so good in smaller waves but that will lose some control when you surf them in more powerful waves.
Buy a set of AMTs from a website that does afterpay or zip pay. Then you can pay them off over a couple of months. When you sign up with Surfstitch you usually get an introductory voucher to save $s and they have sales on fins from time to time.
Cuttlefish you are a legend.
I'm still leaning towards the Soars, it's that intangible thing in the look of something that you just know will work for you.
Mostly surfing groveling beach breaks between 2 to 4 ft, very peaky so you don't get a long ride but you do get plenty of practice duck diving and working on your pop up. Sometimes heading down south to much more power, so I am thinking the Soars with a small stabiliser or quad setup in the mush and then a larger stabiliser in the back in the more powerful stuff. Heck I might even use them in a 2+1 setup with a 6.5" single in the back.
Anyway for over 80% of my surfing I want something that will glide nice, grip well and release off the top, but at the same time hold a hard bottom turn. So far the quads are doing this but I have had few chances to push their limits, and never having ridden quads before they do feel a whole lot different.
This should work. Fin plugs not optimal for a twin but I can usually work around that to some extent with stance adjustments.
AMT twins and trailer.