Thread i dont think has been done. What is your ultimate dream board.
Rules are:
cant exsist already (aka you cant pick a board that someone famous has or **** like that, or an old mal)
Can only be 1
must give heaps of detail, rocker, shape or model if it exsists, glassing options, colour, stringer combo, fin type, Glass in or box, hand shaped or machine shaped?, colour of fin etc etc, i will make a template (below) that you can copy and paste and fill in the blanks
Type of Shape or Model:
Machine shaped or hand shaped:
Shaper (if applicable):
Description of rocker:
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc):
Stringer setup:
Type of wood for stringer?:
Spray or tint:
glassing weight?:
Deck patches/tail patches etc:
Fin box or glass in?:
Side biters?:
Type of fin:?
Polished or unpolished?:
Colour of fin?:
Wet rub or polish of board?:
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert)
Once Board is complete
Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage?
Must describe swell size and wind etc J
Just got off the phone about the progress off mine.
I surfed a nice single 7"11 not long ago in some nice thumping beachies. This board went well. Went that well i went and saw Mr Steve del Rosso the next day.
He was like no.problem this is what I questioned what I liked about it so much. So the quad and thruster was out the door. I wanted a board that would paddle in early,be stable and keep a high line without having to pump.speed through barrells or around sections in my bottom.turn. In bigger suckier surf I'm not capable of all this pro.high performance stuff....yet I love the way curren lynch and co.smash through it. I.sort.of understood where the grom mans way of thinking came.
So the board was decided.
7'5 single,no.side bites. I feel.a.bit shy in saying I have no.idea about the underside,nor the deck,or even how it's going to.end up. I guess after a few boards ya just let them run. Look.Steve did tell me,but i was doing a mac at that stage and was just thinking about art. Oh it a pro.finish and not glossed,I don't ever want to.own a gloss board again unless it is on my wall. in tomorrow and will.give further details. It is sitting in the rack.and.will be glassed.on Monday.
This board will do my initial.ask,but could and will answer so.many more options thrown at it. Strangely enough I'm loving this single.fin life.
rounded nose
wide arse
low rocker
nice and thick
new and outrages artwork
its never been done before
im going to call it
my specs
Length: 10'2"
Width: 24"
Thickness: 3"1/4
rocker classic nose rider little bit of kick in the tail
rails 60/40
Stringer setup: triple
Type of wood for stringer?: won't matter
Spray or tint: tint with dip tip.
Colour: red
Deck patches/tail patches etc: volan deck
weight heavy
Fin box or glass in?: Box, and tight....i love a tight box
Type of fin:? 10"
Polished or unpolished?: Polished
Colour of fin?: cloth wrapped
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert) just that hole in the box whatever you call that
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? its a secret but it is a point
<div> on waist hi days.
<div>email my with quotes
Not a one board quiver man these days. But since this is the LB room I'll try & describe a LB that might work for me. Truth is I'm still new to LB's & only on my second, so don't really know whats right for me.
Type of Shape or Model: Allrounder
Machine shaped or hand shaped: First one Hand, then machine cloned if its an awesome board
Shaper (if applicable): Not really too fussed, a lot of great shapers out there
Length: Maybe a 9'6 for something different (only had 9'1 & 9'3)
Width: 23'
Thickness: 2 3/4
Description of rocker: medium light with a bit of kick in the tail
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): concave in the nose to single through the middle & double out through the fins
Stringer setup: single
Type of wood for stringer?: shaper recommended
Spray or tint: tint
Colour: yellow
Deck patches/tail patches etc: none
Fin box or glass in?: box
Side biters?: yes
Type of fin:? 6' & 5.5' sets with the occasional 9' dolphin
Polished or unpolished?: unpolished
Colour of fin?: I like the bamboo ones & carbon layered for controlled flex stuff
Wet rub or polish of board?: wet
Leash plug or Bridge or None: plug
Once Board is complete
Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage?
Must describe swell size and wind etc J
A wave like Rincon, only in tropical conditions. About head to double over head. No wind, super glassy. Cruisy crumbly takeoff, hitting an inside ledge, throwing out a lenghy barrel, a couple of off the top & cut back sections before another racey barrel on the inside finishing on the beach. Then walking back up the beach, grabbing a drink of water & paddling back out around the short sucky bowly left A framing off the right
Not a one board quiver man these days. But since this is the LB room I'll try & describe a LB that might work for me. Truth is I'm still new to LB's & only on my second, so don't really know whats right for me.
Type of Shape or Model: Allrounder
Machine shaped or hand shaped: First one Hand, then machine cloned if its an awesome board
Shaper (if applicable): Not really too fussed, a lot of great shapers out there
Length: Maybe a 9'6 for something different (only had 9'1 & 9'3)
Width: 23'
Thickness: 2 3/4
Description of rocker: medium light with a bit of kick in the tail
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): concave in the nose to single through the middle & double out through the fins
Stringer setup: single
Type of wood for stringer?: shaper recommended
Spray or tint: tint
Colour: yellow
Deck patches/tail patches etc: none
Fin box or glass in?: box
Side biters?: yes
Type of fin:? 6' & 5.5' sets with the occasional 9' dolphin
Polished or unpolished?: unpolished
Colour of fin?: I like the bamboo ones & carbon layered for controlled flex stuff
Wet rub or polish of board?: wet
Leash plug or Bridge or None: plug
Once Board is complete
Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage?
Must describe swell size and wind etc J
A wave like Rincon, only in tropical conditions. About head to double over head. No wind, super glassy. Cruisy crumbly takeoff, hitting an inside ledge, throwing out a lenghy barrel, a couple of off the top & cut back sections before another racey barrel on the inside finishing on the beach. Then walking back up the beach, grabbing a drink of water & paddling back out around the short sucky bowly left A framing off the right
That last description where ya gone surf....well, I got excited
Type of Shape or Model: 1958/59 Velzy pig shape
Machine shaped or hand shaped: Hand shaped
Shaper (if applicable): by Dale Velzy himeself
Length: 11ft
Width: these things were fairly narrow so prob 23
Thickness: 3 1/2
Description of rocker: flat as a tack
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): i believe they are just all roll from tail to the tip
Stringer setup: i would want 1 inch balsa stringer with a 1/2 inch red maple wood either side of the balsa stringer
Type of wood for stringer?: balsa and maple wood
Spray or tint: tint
Colour: straight volan glass
Deck patches/tail patches etc: 3 x 8 ounces on the deck and 2 x 8 ounces on the bottom
Fin box or glass in?: glass in D fin made out of Maple wood also
Side biters?: ha
Type of fin:? D fin made out of Maple wood also
Polished or unpolished?: polished
Colour of fin?: wooden
Wet rub or polish of board?: polish
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert) : nothing :)
Once Board is complete
the pass on a solid ground swell 5ft and no one out, and no wind pure glass. Waves rolling in from way out back and going all the way pass the cafe:)
what the shape looks like
Type of Shape or Model: Dick Brewer Elephant Gun
Machine shaped or hand shaped: Hand shaped
Shaper (if applicable): True Brew
Length: 10'6
Width: 20
Thickness: 3
Description of rocker: Low entry rocker for fast padding into whatever the **** Dick recommends to get me safely to the shoulder
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): Double into a slight vee
Stringer setup: Triple
Type of wood for stringer?: 3 x 1 inch redwoodwith nose a and tail blocks
Spray or tint: Tint
Colour: Beer halo gold
Glassing weight?: 6x6x6
Deck patches/tail patches etc: Nope
Fin box or glass in?: Glass in
Side biters?: No thanks
Type of fin:? Big and single
Polished or unpolished?: Polished
Colour of fin?: Same as th board
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert): Brideg
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? Must describe swell size and wind etc : 8-10 foot offshore bombie that I have had my eyes on...peels both ways approx 400m paddle needs a light offshore and a big set
Type of Shape or Model: Dick Brewer Elephant Gun
Machine shaped or hand shaped: Hand shaped
Shaper (if applicable): True Brew
Length: 10'6
Width: 20
Thickness: 3
Description of rocker: Low entry rocker for fast padding into whatever the **** Dick recommends to get me safely to the shoulder
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): Double into a slight vee
Stringer setup: Triple
Type of wood for stringer?: 3 x 1 inch redwoodwith nose a and tail blocks
Spray or tint: Tint
Colour: Beer halo gold
Glassing weight?: 6x6x6
Deck patches/tail patches etc: Nope
Fin box or glass in?: Glass in
Side biters?: No thanks
Type of fin:? Big and single
Polished or unpolished?: Polished
Colour of fin?: Same as th board
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert): Brideg
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? Must describe swell size and wind etc : 8-10 foot offshore bombie that I have had my eyes on...peels both ways approx 400m paddle needs a light offshore and a big set
nice fkn choice !
Great thread Big Spazz - I have blood flow
Type of Shape or Model: Gerry Lopez mini pipeline gun from the 70’s (well mini for those guys)
Machine shaped or hand shaped: Hand shaped – but would be happy if it came off a machine just to get my hands on one.
Shaper (if applicable): Gerry – there is only one
Length: 7’6”
Width: 21
Thickness: 3
Description of rocker: Low entry rocker
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): Not sure if I would want to go the double concave or the old school vee – would probably chat to the master and let him decide
Stringer setup: Single – thick minimum 1 inch Type of wood for stringer?: redwood
Spray or tint: Tint Colour: Deep but shinny Red with the big white lightening bolt on it
Glassing weight?: Volan Deck patches/tail patches etc: Yep in mid part of board only
Fin box or glass in?: BOX
Side biters?: No thanks
Type of fin:? Big and single
Polished or unpolished?: Polished
Polished Colour of fin?: Similar to the board
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert): Bridge
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? Must describe swell size and wind etc : 4-6Ft J-Bay with a light offshore. It has to be an early autumn swell so the water is not too cold! This place is most on my bucket list but still seemingly a long way away. It’s the place I imagine trying to do speed runs on the GL like Terry Fitz did in the old days. Hammering it down the line, pulling into the occasional hollow section and pulling off the occasional big swooping cutback. But mostly I just want to wind it up to full speed down the line. Failing not being able to get across to J-Bay my second choice would be Indicators at Raglan in similar conditions. But I really want to wind this board up on my forehand to max speed. Now if I could just find a decent conference over that way it might just be on
nice fkn choice !
Indeed - I have seen a board very similar to this - although it seemed like it was about 4 inches thick from memory - it was designed for Sunset.
I'll have one to Ted
Type of Shape or Model: Longboard all rounder I guess you call it.
Machine shaped or hand shaped: hand, then I don't have to think about the below just find a good shaper and let them loose.
Shaper (if applicable): Tak...
Length: 8'10-9'0
9'1 is just a stupid length.
Width: 22
Thickness: 2 5/8
Description of rocker: flat nose rocker, little but of late kick and shaped a bit pointy.
And Little bit of tail kick so it turns.
Tail would be approx 13' wide and nose would be 20+
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): Concave in the nose then the rest is the shapers job.
Stringer setup: nice solid timber or foam insert.
Type of wood for stringer?
Spray or tint: 5 shades of blue tint
Colour: blue
glassing weight?: mid
Deck patches/tail patches etc: tail patch
Fin box or glass in?: box, with sides
Side biters?: fcs 5s
Type of fin:? 6 inch. Wide base, very upright
Or a nice raked 9' single
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert)
Rope through the fin box.
Rails - would be rolled up front an have some edge in the back.
Once Board is complete
Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage?
Haha. What did MP say I could say but won't
But head high point waves would do.
Shaper (if applicable): Tak...
Nice sounding board SP - not enough volume for me but the real shame is that it can never be made now
Length: 8'10-9'0
9'1 is just a stupid length.
I believe they go for 9'1" to avoid issues with length in comps - do you measure the length of the board or the length down the board - the 9'1" just ensures its over 9. Well that is my understanding of why most are 9'1" instead of 9'0' Not a comp surfer myself so I really do not even care about this debate
Spray or tint: 5 shades of blue tint
How does this work - I am intrigued. Is it 5 shades in a row, going down or across or out?
Or is it one of those 5 shades that involves multiple lots of everything - the pre-married types I am talking about
Great thread
Still waiting for yours Or maybe you have 3 or 4 of them already
Great thread
Still waiting for yours Or maybe you have 3 or 4 of them already
Sorry guys, whilst this a great thread and I applaud The Big Spazzter for kicking it off, I would just walk into one of three manufacturers, talk to the dude in charge and tell him about me and where I surf and ask for an Off The Shelfer.
i know this doesn't sound too cool but neither am I .
Which manufacturer you may ask:-
No pimping from me, one is in Byron, one is neqr Noosa and one is in WA.
i think with that scope I could get a cracker of a board that would actually do more than I could handle.
Like I said, good thread Mr Big Spazz.
I really like the colour of that board Big Spazz - its a ripper.
Great thread
Still waiting for yours Or maybe you have 3 or 4 of them already
Mate I've been hammered this week, tomorrow will be the third 40 footer unload this week,all the replies have been outstanding I've got nothing atm but I've got no idea to be honest its such a big ask.Dream board and only one,I may well have or had that board I know theres been a couple I regret parting with and I'm always on the search for that dream board because I love all boards shape and size there all art.
Great thread
Chrispy, sounds awesome!
Spazz, my thoughts on a board for me...;
Ask Bob for a Noosa 66, and discuss whether to add a slight bit of hardness to the rails, to merge it towards a Redline.
9'6 or 9'8 x 23 x 3, or 3 and a bit...
Light Blue Tints, 1 inch Cedar Stringer, no pin-lines. Deep Blue Fin. Bridge, or deck hole through from "the box". Ideally, I would go Glass On Fin, and Bridge. Small/Medium Bat Logo on deck, similar to the pictured in the other thread...
First Surf - probably clean smallish Bells, up to about head high. Hopefully mid-week, with minimal crowds!
Type of Shape or Model: nose rider
Machine shaped or hand shaped:hand job !
Shaper (if applicable): wayne lynch
Length: 10'6"
Thickness: 4.75
Description of rocker: not much !!!
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): dished nose ,into flat ish into double v at the pin tail
Stringer setup: triple
Type of wood for stringer?: LVL 6.5 mm
Spray or tint: black wood veneer
Colour: as above
glassing weight?: lightish
Deck patches/tail patches etc: yes
Fin box or glass in?: boxes x3
Side biters?: yes
Type of fin:? huge hatchet
Polished or unpolished?: un...
Colour of fin?: blackwood
Wet rub or polish of board?: wet and dry
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert) plugs x 2
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? remote west coast point breaking into elevator rip channel
Must describe swell size and wind etc J 4 foot 5 knot off shore !!!
Geez, I can't be arsed going through all those checklist details.
Dick Van Straalen full carbon fibre/eps all rounder/reef runner hybrid with 2+1, concave deck and chine rails.
Paddles like a shark, connects sections and has speed to burn. A board that when the points are in full cry has shortboarders hooting your rides.
Going slow because that's all your throw back board can do, prancing back and forth and nose riding can go and get f#&ked!
Insert maniacal laughter here....!
Same here CF
9'2" Noosa 66..For an ideal point break
8' Goddard quad..For something a bit faster
7' Miller..For beachies.
Ideal breaks..Jefferys Bay
Great thread Big Spazz - I have blood flow
Type of Shape or Model: Gerry Lopez mini pipeline gun from the 70’s (well mini for those guys)
Machine shaped or hand shaped: Hand shaped – but would be happy if it came off a machine just to get my hands on one.
Shaper (if applicable): Gerry – there is only one
Length: 7’6”
Width: 21
Thickness: 3
Description of rocker: Low entry rocker
Characteristics of board (concave,Vee,rolled etc): Not sure if I would want to go the double concave or the old school vee – would probably chat to the master and let him decide
Stringer setup: Single – thick minimum 1 inch Type of wood for stringer?: redwood
Spray or tint: Tint Colour: Deep but shinny Red with the big white lightening bolt on it
Glassing weight?: Volan Deck patches/tail patches etc: Yep in mid part of board only
Fin box or glass in?: BOX
Side biters?: No thanks
Type of fin:? Big and single
Polished or unpolished?: Polished
Polished Colour of fin?: Similar to the board
Leash plug or Bridge or None (hipster alert): Bridge
Once Board is complete Where would you like to surf it for its maiden voyage? Must describe swell size and wind etc : 4-6Ft J-Bay with a light offshore. It has to be an early autumn swell so the water is not too cold! This place is most on my bucket list but still seemingly a long way away. It’s the place I imagine trying to do speed runs on the GL like Terry Fitz did in the old days. Hammering it down the line, pulling into the occasional hollow section and pulling off the occasional big swooping cutback. But mostly I just want to wind it up to full speed down the line. Failing not being able to get across to J-Bay my second choice would be Indicators at Raglan in similar conditions. But I really want to wind this board up on my forehand to max speed. Now if I could just find a decent conference over that way it might just be on
Thats a nice sounding weapon...can I bring my Elephant Gun and come too?
Concept - obct
Designers/Builders/Shapers/Glassers – A team from NASA
Length – 10’6” Width – 24”
Features :
Double Decker tail section, lower, a Pintail, upper, a 10” squaretail
To aid paddling and early wave entry, between the 2 tails there will be nuclear powered jet propulsion thrusters with directional control via a remote steering device (more details as we move up the board).
Fin We don’t need no stink’n fin
Steering device Around 20 inches forward of the tail, a modified colonoscopy tool with be mounted that can sense delicate changed on the pressures exerted by the anal sphincter.
Programming logic will follow along the lines of:
1 x sphincter contraction equals - Left Turn
2 x sphincter contractions equals - Right Turn
Nil sphincter pressure equals - Watch out, I’m about to take a crap
Around 42 inches forward of the tail will be a moulded depression to match precisely location of the my crutch, to allow room for a chubby if a young lady in a bikini paddles in front of me with a half wedgy, depression size, extra small.
Next there will be the embedded nuclear reactor and forward of that, a small desalination plant if I get thirsty.
The deck will have a full-length handrail on one side to assist with X stepping and a cup holder and comfy chair mounted at the front for those extra long nose rides.
Finally, my personalised decal will be at the very front of the board, just under the nose.