Forums > Surfing Longboarding

Water from the moon.

Created by vanders1 > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2014
QLD, 3809 posts
4 Mar 2014 9:05AM
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Not specifically longboarding but worth a watch I reckon.

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Mar 2014 3:28PM
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Too long to watch it all on a school day but had a quick flick through it. Looks like a load of fun. Seeing those blokes with their legs hurting so much reminds me of long snowboard runs where you just need to have a rest and cruse for a bit until you get your blood flowing again

NSW, 894 posts
4 Mar 2014 4:52PM
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^^^^ but just think if the ASP got into it they could open up a whole new group of sponsors. The Combantrin festival of river surfing

NSW, 2110 posts
4 Mar 2014 5:49PM
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That was great mate if there is ever a little quake off Tweed i will be waitng at the mouth of the river its 26 K,s up river to my place

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
4 Mar 2014 9:21PM
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boofy said..

That was great mate if there is ever a little quake off Tweed i will be waitng at the mouth of the river its 26 K,s up river to my place

there are some things you wish for and I can recommend that that should not be one of them

NSW, 2110 posts
4 Mar 2014 9:47PM
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Yes your right mate I have my escape route planned straight up Mt Warning

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
4 Mar 2014 8:53PM
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my dw ing buddy shieldsy had a few words in there.

i must ask him about it all.

pretty unassuming shieldsy- you have to ask to get any info out of him


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"Water from the moon." started by vanders1