interesting work Fishy .... is that a blank plug/cover in the centre brother ???? versatile setup by the looks of her cheers mate
Here's Muzz's version if you can be arsed to read the full write up:
^ That last one Cobra is a classic (pffft like using three fins is ever gonna take off).
As a teen, on the search for my first ever decent surfboard surfboard I came across this old fat fish with a single winged keel. Twas white with the southern cross painted on it (just in case anyone has it).
I procrastinated about that board for weeks knowing it was something that didn't follow the norm, and for $100 it was a good buy.... but...... everyone in the lineup was using thrusters, and if you didn't have a thruster, well you just didn't paddle out.
But by the time I came to my senses, someone else made the decision for me and it was gone next time I passed the shop. Now I reckon if I picked it up I would have surfed it once or twice and then put it away as an experimental design classic. Would be hanging on the shed wall now..... if hadn't %&@ed around in making a decision.
Next door right this minute !!!
Thought I'd better show my Quad Mod....fairly basic really, using the McKee system.
What a difference a Quad makes