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Forums > Surfing Longboarding

a cool trip north

Created by Cobra > 9 months ago, 25 Nov 2015
9106 posts
26 Nov 2015 6:22AM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said...

chrispy said..
I didn't watch the movie because Lacey said it was ****.....

So stop putting **** video up cobra

Chrispy you should watch it,they are talented cool young fellas,Lacey is just jealous

What you guys need is a separate thread.

Warning. Hipsters, art and other wankie stuff.

there is a thread

its about laceys next surfboard buy
5 pages of procrastination and general babble you'd enjoy that

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Nov 2015 8:33AM
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Hipsters and cobra think no one else has even been on a surf road trip.

F ing pioneers my ass.

Cobra took the trip too far and went past the waves to a place of fa waves.

Blokes got to live his life through hipster art films now and faded memories .

Ps your time is now everyone

QLD, 21949 posts
26 Nov 2015 8:38AM
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Lacey stay out of the classic motorbike thread you will only make it negative

NSW, 814 posts
26 Nov 2015 9:41AM
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firstpoint said..
just a grumpy old longboarder,sick of hipsters,surf contests,tourists,backpackers,i surf at firstlight and piss off before they get out of bed,cant even go to DI on weekends just too overcrowded,BUT we still get waves to ourselves,just gotta know where to look

Must be hard living in Paradise!!
But I know the feeling 4 caravan parks within 2km of our place.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Nov 2015 9:00AM
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Macaha said...
Lacey stay out of the classic motorbike thread you will only make it negative

Get out there and get high on lifes bong.

Now excuse me I got to have my morning nanny nap

9106 posts
26 Nov 2015 7:04AM
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laceys lane said..

Ps your time us now everyone

save this dribble for another 5 page thread.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Nov 2015 9:39AM
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Cobra said...
laceys lane said..

Ps your time us now everyone

save this dribble for another 5 page thread.

Your right.

How come your so cool

QLD, 613 posts
26 Nov 2015 12:28PM
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yeah,darcys on the age pension now,still surfs and just cruizin

QLD, 5544 posts
26 Nov 2015 12:38PM
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firstpoint said..
yeah,darcys on the age pension now,still surfs and just cruizin

Yes spoke to him today cheers

WA, 2503 posts
26 Nov 2015 8:51PM
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Cobra said..

smicko said..
I lasted less than three minutes of that tripe. The amount of time all that pfaff takes could be made up of surfing, fishing, bushwalking, playing pool at the pub, rooting backpackers..... Honestly the youth of today are too tied up in looking the part that they miss out on real life.

hahaha you only got 3 min you missed the playing pool pub fight and rooting.

you can have your hopetown all to yourself

Esperance is the same cobra, cold and farky as shuck, even in summer when it's 40+ the water is fffffffffffffreeezing. Awesome place our south coast though, so beautiful and pristine. I tend to fish more than I surf down there, when I do get down there it's always around Chrissy and that's about when Mr White is passing by to visit his resident cousins. It really is that sketchy, it's like the stories you hear about Cactus where you can see them swimming around from the dunes and cliffs.

Come in Feb to April instead when the West Coast is on, the mid west can be amazing around then.

WA, 441 posts
27 Nov 2015 7:37AM
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Esperence water is cyrstal clear allows you to see everything....

My 12 year old got chased out of the water at lucky bay esperence last summer, pretty scary to watch a black shape cruise within 5m of your kids while you are standing on the beach. Dont think it was hungry it was just cruising.

We had about 20 kids in the water 5mins before it cruised past, we had just called them in to lunch but my one stayed out to the last, all kids back in water 45min latter so didnt scare em off, must admit i felt a bit nervous send them back out...


9106 posts
27 Nov 2015 8:49AM
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you sent them back out

WA, 883 posts
27 Nov 2015 10:44AM
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shunter said...
Esperence water is cyrstal clear allows you to see everything....

My 12 year old got chased out of the water at lucky bay esperence last summer, pretty scary to watch a black shape cruise within 5m of your kids while you are standing on the beach. Dont think it was hungry it was just cruising.

We had about 20 kids in the water 5mins before it cruised past, we had just called them in to lunch but my one stayed out to the last, all kids back in water 45min latter so didnt scare em off, must admit i felt a bit nervous send them back out...


This was lucky bay ??

9106 posts
27 Nov 2015 1:00PM
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whats in the water over in WA,,,, you're ****n hard little buggers.

sorry boys if i saw big shadows cruisin up and down the coast. id be watching or fishing.

not really ****in myself. i just think I'm not that lucky.

13831 posts
27 Nov 2015 3:57PM
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One of the crew over here had mister whitey go directly under him a couple of years ago ..... it was so shallow the bitch had to scrape herself over reef to get there - so close he saw the pink tag trailing off like an antenna

13831 posts
27 Nov 2015 4:04PM
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don't worry I'm hopping on one leg & holding my ear for luck snakey

QLD, 21949 posts
28 Nov 2015 5:03PM
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Road trips don't always go to plan,this Matt and a couple of mates headed south some 2.5 hours south and found nothing so ended up surf good fun waves 10 mins from home

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Nov 2015 6:32PM
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Macaha said...
Road trips don't always go to plan,this Matt and a couple of mates headed south some 2.5 hours south and found nothing so ended up surf good fun waves 10 mins from home

Sounds about right for a road trip around here

9106 posts
28 Nov 2015 6:26PM
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laceys lane said..

Macaha said...
Road trips don't always go to plan,this Matt and a couple of mates headed south some 2.5 hours south and found nothing so ended up surf good fun waves 10 mins from home

Sounds about right for a road trip around here

chrispys had few boat trips that work.
they say he owns a DEUS boat.

WA, 9675 posts
28 Nov 2015 6:29PM
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Cobra said..

laceys lane said..

Macaha said...
Road trips don't always go to plan,this Matt and a couple of mates headed south some 2.5 hours south and found nothing so ended up surf good fun waves 10 mins from home

Sounds about right for a road trip around here

chrispys had few boat trips that work.
they say he owns a DEUS boat.

yep,the boat would have been good this arvo...Douche lol,not me....i wish i owned it though

13831 posts
29 Nov 2015 8:03PM
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We'll have to take a drive up north to see Cobraman when I get settled mate .... put that one into the bucket list

QLD, 5544 posts
30 Nov 2015 7:29AM
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thePup said..
We'll have to take a drive up north to see Cobraman when I get settled mate .... put that one into the bucket list

Lock the dog up Cobra

13831 posts
30 Nov 2015 6:19AM
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asea said..

thePup said..
We'll have to take a drive up north to see Cobraman when I get settled mate .... put that one into the bucket list

Lock the dog up Cobra

Oh ye of little faith


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"a cool trip north" started by Cobra