Hipsters and cobra think no one else has even been on a surf road trip.
F ing pioneers my ass.
Cobra took the trip too far and went past the waves to a place of fa waves.
Blokes got to live his life through hipster art films now and faded memories .
Ps your time is now everyone
Esperence water is cyrstal clear allows you to see everything....
My 12 year old got chased out of the water at lucky bay esperence last summer, pretty scary to watch a black shape cruise within 5m of your kids while you are standing on the beach. Dont think it was hungry it was just cruising.
We had about 20 kids in the water 5mins before it cruised past, we had just called them in to lunch but my one stayed out to the last, all kids back in water 45min latter so didnt scare em off, must admit i felt a bit nervous send them back out...
whats in the water over in WA,,,, you're ****n hard little buggers.
sorry boys if i saw big shadows cruisin up and down the coast. id be watching or fishing.
not really ****in myself. i just think I'm not that lucky.
One of the crew over here had mister whitey go directly under him a couple of years ago ..... it was so shallow the bitch had to scrape herself over reef to get there - so close he saw the pink tag trailing off like an antenna
Road trips don't always go to plan,this Matt and a couple of mates headed south some 2.5 hours south and found nothing so ended up surf good fun waves 10 mins from home
We'll have to take a drive up north to see Cobraman when I get settled mate .... put that one into the bucket list