Forums > Surfing Longboarding

man shed time

Created by jasdeking > 9 months ago, 2 Oct 2013
QLD, 1820 posts
2 Oct 2013 7:09PM
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time to get this baby wet has cured for 3 weeks yup!

10980 posts
2 Oct 2013 5:18PM
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. #jealous...

awesome looking board... Did you have any luck moving your other ones on..

Actually that reminds me. did old mate keep annoying you about it not being what he wanted?

QLD, 1820 posts
2 Oct 2013 7:29PM
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SP said..

. #jealous...

awesome looking board... Did you have any luck moving your other ones on..

Actually that reminds me. did old mate keep annoying you about it not being what he wanted?

yeh but they will break eventually ... boardaholics

WA, 24860 posts
2 Oct 2013 5:33PM
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boards beer and wax you've got it all Jas'

WA, 9675 posts
3 Oct 2013 4:55AM
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Good stuff jas yeeew. Why let the board cure for 3 weeks? Seems like an excessive amount of time

QLD, 1820 posts
3 Oct 2013 7:19AM
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Well 2 would have been norm but this one was made fresh and I was told to and I have learnt when the shaper tells you what to do you just do it

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2013 6:33AM
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Three weeks Jas'did you pick it up dripping wetI normally go a week after pick up as it was glassed a week prior.
What's the price tag,where and who makes them

QLD, 5396 posts
3 Oct 2013 10:34AM
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jasdeking said..

time to get this baby wet has cured for 3 weeks yup!

i love that board,thats my next custom sorry for copycatting.
and clean up that shed
haha coming from me who just cleaned the shed two days ago

WA, 505 posts
3 Oct 2013 9:35AM
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weiry said..

jasdeking said..

time to get this baby wet has cured for 3 weeks yup!

i love that board,thats my next custom sorry for copycatting.
and clean up that shed
haha coming from me who just cleaned the shed two days ago

Damn that's a good looking board, hope my new CW comes out looking as sweet ... on yeah, sort ya **** out, ya sheds a mess, what have you been doing for 3 weeks

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2013 10:29AM
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Changed camp sites dotcom

Talking about cleaning the shed I did mine last week,gave a whole heap of stuff to the church,to make room for the devil 666

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
3 Oct 2013 12:50PM
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So how does the new board go then?

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2013 10:57AM
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Ted the Kiwi said..

So how does the new board go then?

Its in the spray booth as we speak

oh the 666 love it mate

QLD, 5544 posts
3 Oct 2013 1:16PM
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always thought you were a crosss dresser

WA, 24860 posts
3 Oct 2013 11:39AM
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asea said..

always thought you were a crosss dresser

no worries at least I can surf

QLD, 1820 posts
3 Oct 2013 2:17PM
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when i posted the pic i thought.. bet they give me **** about the shed ... hahha at least you lot are predictable.

yeh **** everywhere

this board has alot less foam in it than the old that took some feeling....but it paddles better like a dream ... can lay way further fwd..catches the waves nice and turns unreal...

only had some tiny stuff to try it out in but i can see me progressing on this and one day call myself a surfer

Mac he shapes them down your way and yoshi does the glassing.. it was almost wet when i picked it up yeh... Josh was heading to california and wanted me to get the board b4 he left so we decided just to wait for it to cure well and truly. You know i recall him saying he was discussing this shape with Bob? specially the nose.

k back to the shed

the rest of you? whats in your damn shed house maids? show

QLD, 1820 posts
3 Oct 2013 7:06PM
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some more pics ... i know i share to much but im a grom what can i say.. no wave action in the pics but there wasnt alot yall

1195 posts
3 Oct 2013 5:11PM
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Great pics Jason - thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder that there is fun to be had out there while slack buggers like me wait for the swell to arrive, wind to change, tide to come in or go out .... etc etc.
Oh and just wondering... do you lock your shed?

QLD, 1820 posts
3 Oct 2013 7:33PM
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wavelength said..

Great pics Jason - thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder that there is fun to be had out there while slack buggers like me wait for the swell to arrive, wind to change, tide to come in or go out .... etc etc.
Oh and just wondering... do you lock your shed?

err yeh think... ?? but house is all yours no boards in there

WA, 9675 posts
3 Oct 2013 5:37PM
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That board still looks just as good with wax on it. I like better than your wife's

QLD, 5544 posts
4 Oct 2013 6:50AM
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nice looking boards there and Happy Valley like that place

13831 posts
4 Oct 2013 6:47AM
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Jase mate ..... this is wicked work just how good do they look man ohhhhhh yeahhhh baby lovin' that stuff

WA, 24860 posts
4 Oct 2013 6:53AM
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thePup said..

Jase mate ..... this is wicked work just how good do they look man ohhhhhh yeahhhh baby lovin' that stuff

Made on the GC pup that's why

QLD, 1820 posts
4 Oct 2013 9:47AM
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62mac said..

thePup said..

Jase mate ..... this is wicked work just how good do they look man ohhhhhh yeahhhh baby lovin' that stuff

Made on the GC pup that's why

pup there you are ?? yeh they are amazing

WA, 505 posts
4 Oct 2013 8:22AM
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62mac said..

Changed camp sites dotcom

Had a board made on the GC for me a couple of weeks ago, wanted to use the local guys as the board is going to stay there so went through all the **** you go through getting one made. Found it difficult from Perth to QLD to convey what I wanted (which was pretty basic really) ... anyway, didn't hear from the guy for a few days and was a tad worried as I previously sent numerous emails about shape, artwork etc and for pics. to be sent back so I could confirm etc.

Well, he sent me back an email saying it was all done and alarm bells started ringing as all I had seen was a shaped blank so I asked for pics and ..... you can probably guess the rest ....

So yeah, it aint a Mct, and decided to go to Steve Del Rosso as he is a local (from WA) and the reviews on here have been really good, we'll see but speaking to Steve was great he helped me out heaps.
Pics to come I guess

WA, 24860 posts
4 Oct 2013 8:30AM
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Steve is a great guy dotcom,three who I rate highly are Stu (Smith Stuart Surfboards),Steve and the Mct gang.Looking forward to some pictures and give us a rundown on the board.

QLD, 1820 posts
4 Oct 2013 10:46AM
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what did it for me was knowing the guy and him knowing me/us ... josh knows what i should be on ... not what would just look good under my arm..which you hear alot of. And me knowing him ... you couldnt find a more straight up answer type of guy and he is 1st class when it comes to his work.... and surfing they tell me

10980 posts
5 Oct 2013 8:58AM
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jasdeking said..

some more pics ... i know i share to much but im a grom what can i say.. no wave action in the pics but there wasnt alot yall


They are 2 of the nicest looking surfboards I have seen next to each other for a long time.. Great looking boards..

QLD, 3809 posts
5 Oct 2013 5:52PM
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^^^^^^ +1

QLD, 1820 posts
5 Oct 2013 9:37PM
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dotcomdotau said..

weiry said..

jasdeking said..

time to get this baby wet has cured for 3 weeks yup!

i love that board,thats my next custom sorry for copycatting.
and clean up that shed
haha coming from me who just cleaned the shed two days ago

Damn that's a good looking board, hope my new CW comes out looking as sweet ... on yeah, sort ya **** out, ya sheds a mess, what have you been doing for 3 weeks

s not the shed thats my bedroom

thanks for the sweet vibes guys makes it feel good


Forums > Surfing Longboarding

"man shed time" started by jasdeking