hahaha ..... ah the North Perth knobhole in the picket fence precinct wouldn't you skip off to Byron & swoop on Bob for a ridgy didge McT .... not one where the coin was partly going overseas
Fark this could get fugly
I agree good value weiry I remember buying 1 once not seeing the tiny gsi label till I had 1 surf on it geeze I was pissed off $120 cheaper than the real deal forget it so believe it or not I made the final at this comp on it and I asked the q to the Mct rider at the time and he said same shape the glassing might not be the same etc.Buy it
Funny i had my eye on this
Wrong side of the island for The Pup, but here's a Fireball for only $200...
(Poor bugger is trying to salvage something after it came off the roof - at some speed by the looks of it.) http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/maroochydore/surfing/mctavish-fireball-9-6-damaged/1039101360
Sadly its gone..I made an offer today but he had a guy coming tonight already
Oh well it wasn't meant to be
Keep an eye out though if anything pops up over hear. I'm looking for something for summer other then the Sweet Potato..