Forums > Surfing Shortboards

A bit of swell at 13th today

Created by chicken396 > 9 months ago, 31 Oct 2014
VIC, 59 posts
31 Oct 2014 5:18PM
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There was a bit of swell down the west coast today. A few pics of beacon on the runout tide. plenty of barrels if you wanted one.

WA, 543 posts
31 Oct 2014 2:35PM
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Great photo's chook..

VIC, 59 posts
31 Oct 2014 6:41PM
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Thanks Julian there were waves up and down the beach so didn't know which way to point the camera.

WA, 270 posts
31 Oct 2014 3:51PM
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ever tried out for a surf photogh? some sik photos amongst them.

WA, 9675 posts
31 Oct 2014 4:03PM
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Love staring at great pic. You provided plenty for me to.stare at

Tell the truth on where they were taken,we all know vicco doesn't barrel

VIC, 59 posts
31 Oct 2014 7:19PM
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True story boys barrels a plenty today, I will post some others later if i get time. Thanks for the positive feedback on the photos.

VIC, 59 posts
31 Oct 2014 7:21PM
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True story boys barrels a plenty today, I will post some others later if i get time. Thanks for the positive feedback on the photos. The photos r of beacon at 13th beach

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
31 Oct 2014 8:04PM
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chicken396 said..
plenty of barrels if you wanted one.

Based on those pics - that is an understatement ! Nice work. Glad you got some good ones.

bleached blond
WA, 7 posts
5 Nov 2014 7:27PM
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nice pics

QLD, 515 posts
6 Nov 2014 8:52PM
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chicken396 said..
There was a bit of swell down the west coast today. A few pics of beacon on the runout tide. plenty of barrels if you wanted one.

Nice Shots there Chooka.

Looks like the place was nearly deserted. What's up with that?

Can't believe that there was no one on that peak down at Golf links.
Man if I still lived there I would have been all over that like a fat kid on fairy-floss.

I actually failed year 10 for having to many good days like that in 92.

VIC, 59 posts
7 Nov 2014 10:01PM
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Your right mate there were a few empty ones, but rest assured the crowds are crazy most of the time. Ahhh the 80s and the 90s a few less Crew the good old days.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"A bit of swell at 13th today" started by chicken396