Looking at a new board. Toyed with idea of getting a twinny like a DHD Twinny or Channel Islands Fish. They look fast and flat, nice. Especially in small waves. Saw a bloke on a CI Fish absolutely ripping the other day in 2ft surf. The speed he was generating was amazing.
However something tells me these may be nostalgia trips and really, you can't beat a "regular" shaped thruster or quad, just add a bit more width and thickness for small waves. High level surfers can make anything rip. I'm worried I'd get one and after one wave go "this thing sucks", got to nurse it all over the place and if it's it's 4-6ft may be a shambles.
Currently riding an Aloha Bean as a quad. I can surf but not at competitive level.
I've just got a Lost Psycho Killer, great little board for up to head high. I use it as a quad & a twin
Great fun but I'm full time off them now. If you call 4-6' like I do, then that's not great for a fish and yep, you'll wish you had a proper board. Alternatively if you can afford a quiver (who can't) then a fish goes well for small waves but be careful, they can harm your surfing.
OK, I'll bite
I reckon any new board from even a semi-reputable one is worth getting. I'm mad you say. Hear me out...
There is nothing like the smell of a new board. Choosing then putting the fins in is exciting. Don't start me on the leggie.
Deck grip or old school. Old school for me.
So the board is ready. First light you're at the local, pulling the new stick out of the bag.
The run to the shore and paddle out.
Even before you've caught a wave, you're feeling 10 feet tall.
First paddle, catch the wave, fall off. Doesn't matter. You're getting used to it.
But you've got the new board feel. You'll head down in anything and be pleasantly surprised by how many waves you've caught, when ordinarily you would still be in bed.
Any new board will boost your surfing.
So nenuenu just get one that you think looks the goods.
And get out there. But not too close to me. I don't want you snaking my tiny waves.....
I have three twin fins.
A good twin can go surprisingly big. Sucky take offs are not their thing, but any twinny worth it's salt should be a lot of fun in 4-6. Huge gouges are their thing rather than vertical snaps when it's getting chunkier. Bury that back foot and they will hold. I have never found them slippery and slidey when I am pushing hard. It's more when I am being lightfooted.
My twins are old school in design though, and not those HP short boards with two fins that peeps try to pass off as twinnies. If you want a twinny, get one with the design stuff that make them work. If you want a HP outline and foil and bottom and rails, then don't put two fins in it - that would be foolish.
They go unreal in barrels too.
some great twinnie surfing in larger waves around the 7 minute mark of this movie,
great flick all up
I've had a Rusty Heckler modern fish type board for about 2 years and have a lot of fun on it when the waves are fattish or lack punch. I don't really like riding longboards or mals so this is my option.
It goes fast, turns well and can ride it from ankle to overhead. rusty.com.au/products/heckler
I've got the Lost puddle fish in Carbon Wrap, which is my go to board from waist to chest high waves, I've surfed it around head high and its still goes ok but I prefer to ride my normal HP shortboard from chest high up. What I like about the puddle fish is that it gives you the extra speed in weaker waves and flies over flat section but it still holds when you put it on rail unlike some other fish type boards that I tried in the past. I find that it makes surfing small weaker waves that you wouldn't usually surf so much more fun and you can get out there more.
Check out some of the reviews by Noel Salas, Surf n Show Reviews on YouTube
Fishes and Twinnies are a hoax
In the consistent, quality beach breaks that Perth has to offer you want to be on any board that the WCT guys are riding
Highly rocketed, squash tail which is as light as a feather would be a good start
Thanks in advance
Hi mates, I've surfed and shaped Twin fin since the beginning in early 70' and as I can't prone anymore a shorty, I'm designing building myself Twinnies for my son. Here the ultimate of those before going to be cut on CNC.
It's a mix of modern influenced by the GoFish and from the last of those made just before the thruster took on at early 80'. Note the flipped tip of the tail