Forums > Surfing Shortboards

Exercises for surf fitness without gym facilities

Created by Pedster > 9 months ago, 26 Mar 2020
50 posts
26 Mar 2020 3:54PM
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Was just wondering if anyone has any training ideas to keep surf fit during the gym shutdown. I work Fifo so obviously paddling/ swimming not viable but want to keep in reasonable fitness while away.

Buster fin
WA, 2573 posts
26 Mar 2020 8:37PM
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Balance board- meh. Skateboard- mmmmmaybe.
Bands from doorways- ummmm

Nup. Nothing comes close.

Hunter S
WA, 516 posts
27 Mar 2020 8:30PM
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Google "the surf strength coach" Chris Mills. He's got a stack of free videos and one specifically aimed at stuff to do to keep surf fit during corona.

WA, 169 posts
30 Mar 2020 9:04AM
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Hydro Mind is another one. I thought I was getting ripped off at first but this guy is good. Constant flow of information some good some not my thing but over time you work out what is right for you. Basic package is 80 bucks which if ur not working at the moment is expensive

8266 posts
30 Mar 2020 1:07PM
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I just do good old fashioned situps, pushups & squats. But there is a ton of surf yoga vids on YT. I like to get my exercises done in a few minutes, but I might do them twice a day if I'm not doing much else in the way of physical activity. Like mid morning & mid afternoon.

381 posts
31 Mar 2020 7:29AM
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Well after being crook for a year, i decided that Im gonna use the lockdown to get back into shape. Setup the road bike on wind trainer, swiss ball, old heavy pinch bar for a bit of weights etc, Being a surfer Im doing this barefooted & yep..cleaned up the little toe on corner of brick work, toe was sticking out nearly sideways. result broken toe. FMD gimmie a greak huie will ya!

QLD, 21884 posts
31 Mar 2020 12:47PM
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unclethirsty said..
Well after being crook for a year, i decided that Im gonna use the lockdown to get back into shape. Setup the road bike on wind trainer, swiss ball, old heavy pinch bar for a bit of weights etc, Being a surfer Im doing this barefooted & yep..cleaned up the little toe on corner of brick work, toe was sticking out nearly sideways. result broken toe. FMD gimmie a greak huie will ya!

Taped up so your good to go mate

WA, 902 posts
31 Mar 2020 6:01PM
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Coronas will fix it mate. Slice of lime perhaps.

Not much else you can do for a broken toe.

WA, 902 posts
31 Mar 2020 6:03PM
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That hydro mind guy has some good content and keeps it coming.

Miss the footy already. I was just getting use to no crowds by the eagles game then boom. Bloody virus.

752 posts
4 Apr 2020 6:53AM
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beastsurf said..
That hydro mind guy has some good content and keeps it coming.

Miss the footy already. I was just getting use to no crowds by the eagles game then boom. Bloody virus.

What's the Hydro mind guy get people to do
He pops up on my feed all the time

752 posts
4 Apr 2020 6:54AM
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beastsurf said..
That hydro mind guy has some good content and keeps it coming.

Miss the footy already. I was just getting use to no crowds by the eagles game then boom. Bloody virus.

He seems a bit full on
Like Chris Mills

WA, 671 posts
4 Apr 2020 10:37AM
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unclethirsty said..
Well after being crook for a year, i decided that Im gonna use the lockdown to get back into shape. Setup the road bike on wind trainer, swiss ball, old heavy pinch bar for a bit of weights etc, Being a surfer Im doing this barefooted & yep..cleaned up the little toe on corner of brick work, toe was sticking out nearly sideways. result broken toe. FMD gimmie a greak huie will ya!

Whats going on with that second toe?

381 posts
4 Apr 2020 1:01PM
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Ugly toe syndrome Foggy..also been bashed around boards for 55 yrs. doesnt get much better as you go up the leg.

WA, 671 posts
4 Apr 2020 2:44PM
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Know how you feel ,had a big toe reconstructed years ago long recovery time from that one.


Forums > Surfing Shortboards

"Exercises for surf fitness without gym facilities" started by Pedster